Ok, after desperatly trying more last moment options, I have found out that, as far as I understand, Milkshape3D 1.85 decompiler tool is the culprit, so decompiling OG gold-source models with that tool will make anims. that move in 3d space get stuck in the origin, SO, in order to avoid that, I used CROWBAR, another Gold-Source/Source1 tool that can de/compile and more, to decompile og grunt model, tested the .smd and .qc files on Blender, and the .smd files keep their data for anims. as is!
Now I'm able to keep the og quality of the anims. in other models mod.
As side note, Milkshape3d Compiler works fine, but for some reason, Compiling with Crowbar messed up the model that I used, it have made the .mdl but one is a empty .mdl, I cant understand why...
Well, that is all, cool that this problem is solved and everyone can find out what to do. Have a nice day and thanks for reading!