Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 16:46:49 UTC
in Real World Half-Life 2 photos Post #97738
Actually, no, they didn't. Check the credits if you don't trust me.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 15:29:03 UTC
in *spoiler*Ravenholm*spoiler* Post #97724
Brainless killing can be very relaxing sometimes and it's good that VALVe included it at this point after the mad chase with the helicopter. The first boss creature was actually quite interesting, don't you agree? It wasn't too challenging at the end but at these areas where you have to leave your boat - argh, a nightmare!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 13:09:33 UTC
in Black Hole Post #97702
/me remembers of Spiderman 2

I don't see any implication of this discovery other than a weapon.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 12:58:00 UTC
in Real World Half-Life 2 photos Post #97700
There it is. There area also some random photos taken from the same place (a bridge over the canals)
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
PS: Some of the images might be blurry but it was so friggin windy today that I couldn't hold the camera still. Photobucket resizing might also have affected image quality.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 12:43:48 UTC
in Real World Half-Life 2 photos Post #97695
Time to unwrap the mystery! Post here any photos that appear to be Half-Life 2 references. And don't forget to mention the name of the real place and the HL2 chapter name. A comparison picture won't be bad too.

I'm going to post pictures of my home town and compare it to Water Hazard, but Photobucket is screwed at the momment, so maybe later...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 12:17:25 UTC
in Dr. Breen vs. Nihilanth Post #97689
Thruout the entire game I was thinking "Were the hell have I seen this guy before?" And after I saw the Matrix on HBO I remembered - The Architect!!! Breen is just like him, they are absolutly the same!

PS:Sorry bout the bad qty Breen image, but I wasn't willing to take pictures myself so I googled.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 12:09:32 UTC
in *spoiler*Ravenholm*spoiler* Post #97688
I was expecting a weaponstrip the entire game. Did you thought VALVe would miss the oportunity to make us angry?

Killing zonbies with a radiator was really fun indeed, I used it too. Hmm, have I already said that?

You don't need to save you ammo anywhere in the game. When you (possibly) run out in Ravenholm there comes Highway 17, where you have a recon buggy with installed ammo box. And in the city area you have weaponboxes all over the place. Only at Nova Prospekt things might get alittle tricky, but then you have endless raids from the Combine side.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 11:59:07 UTC
in Gunships Post #97686
Hmm, I can't even remember why I started this thread... But yes, you can have a good look at them at Highway 17, you can even ride them up the hill. You step on the rear part and blast the front with your gravity gun. You can steer it by rotating the head thingie. It can slide as fast as a running Combine Soldier. I have some pictures of it, but I'll upload them later.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 08:47:52 UTC
in Gunships Post #96586
I was wondering if any of you guys have seen a gunship from a very close distance, like, if it falls on the ground and you can take good look at it.

And what about fighting the gunships? I think it's quite challenging to fight two gunships at the same time (like in Nova Prospekt and especially at the end, but you can ignore them there).
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 19:44:28 UTC
in Dr. Breen vs. Nihilanth Post #96543
After your reply I read my post again and then a second time and I never saw a question asking you of your opinion about G-Man. Have you posted in th ewrong thread?

Anyway, G-Man isn't evil. spoilerAfter the end of HL2 you see he can not only teleport but also control time. He can accelerate it (has anyone even guessed how many years have passed between the Black Mesa incident and City 17's events? My best guess is atleast 7-8 years) he can also stop it (end game) and I'm pretty sure he'll also reverse the timeflow in furter sequels, say, to prevent an event that shouldn't have happened in the first place. Remember G-Man's last words? It was remotely like "It seems kinda blurry now, but it will all come clear in your future missions". I see G-Man as the owner of some Security Company. People hire him to do things like free an alien dimension or kill the local combine leader and he just looks for te appropriate guy to do the dirty job for him. But with such abilities like teleporting at request or stopping timeflow then he's something like a god or maybe an agent from the future, who came to fix things and so on.spoiler
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 19:21:53 UTC
in Dr. Breen vs. Nihilanth Post #96540
After the infamous "G-Man vs. Nihilanth" thread here comes the expected (I guess it is...) sequel!

New say, wich one of the big endgame bad guys did you liked more? Is it dr. Breen, with his white beard and persuading smile or good ol' Nihie, with his, erm, baby looks?

For me personaly, Breen rocks. He was administrator at Black Mesa and then he went up the career ladder, becoming something like governor of Earth. And he has great speaking style (almost as good as G-Man's vocabulary!).
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 19:16:46 UTC
in Gman or Nihilanth? Post #96539
It dies, really. HL2 gives so many answer that pretty much all the talking about G-Man goes wasted (duh). I think it's time for a new thread...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 18:56:40 UTC
in *spoiler*Ravenholm*spoiler* Post #96536
I meant leading a squad of 4 opposed to the 2 in HL1, but I couldn't find the proper word to describe it. It was much like Opposing Force.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-12 16:17:15 UTC
in *spoiler*Ravenholm*spoiler* Post #96518
Woa, I didn't expected such enthusiasm...

Really, it's the best chapter in HL2. Maybe just "Follow Freeman!" is a little bit better, because of the teamplay and stuff? Both city levels ("Anticitizen 1" & "Follow Freeman!") are really reminding me of the defense on Stalingrad.

Truely said, pretty much all levels are based on some other event or game:
"We don't go to Ravenholm" - Resident Evil
end of "Sandtraps" (where you aquire the Pheropod) - D-Day from the Second World War (all these machinegun nests and beach assoult and stuff...)
"Nova Prospekt" & "Entanglement" - Alcatraz prison (atleast in any movie where it can be seen)
end of "Nova Prospekt" (where your way gets cut off by the mechanical walls) - not sure where I've seen such huge machinery, but it reminds me of UFO:Aftermath in a way (just like the moving walls, the biomass crawls forward, overtaking new regions)
"Anticitizen 1" & "Follow Freeman" - already said it - Stalingrad's defense
"Dark Energy" & "Our Benefactors" - UFO series, the aliens coming from a portal and trying to enslave the human race. The scenery from the Citadel looks like the last mission from Aftermath
...and all these areas, where you have to avoid sniper fire - "Enemy At The Gates"

And if I tell ya that "Route Canal" and "Water Hazard" are based on my home city and surrounding areas you're not going to believe me...but wait to see the pictures!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-10 13:31:06 UTC
in *spoiler*Ravenholm*spoiler* Post #96168
I hope you have seen the warning so here I go.

What do you think of the "We don't go to Ravenholm" level? I think it's very well made, especially the moment where you come out on the main town street and you see the leaping zombies. It somehow reminds me of Resident Evil or even Silent Hill. The first time I played it I ran out of ammo on the very first map and then I used a radiator to kill the badies (duh!). So what's your opinion?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-03 18:59:09 UTC
in The Truth Post #94881
The first time I came here I didn't even knew this place was dedicated to Half-Life (duh, you say, what for an idiot would come to place, when he doesn't know what the place is?) - I thought the Collective just used it for hosting it's map vault. Then I found out of the forums and stuff.

Hey, and then when I started chatting it took Hugh about 3 weeks to find out I was Phuture Tech from the Collective forums... the poor guy almost had a heart attack :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-18 16:09:47 UTC
in a stupid thing you did on your comp Post #91532
Very very strange. I'm pretty sure attrib is a built-in function frown - :|.
Actually it isn't, as well as many other commands. Once I had to format and install a new OS on an old PC and the guy had XP (atleast he said so) but he screwed something and there weren't delltree, fomrat and many other functions. I had to go back home to get a proper start diskette.

Stupidest thing? Once I hit my monitor and it lost red color, thus displayng everything in green, like I was looking trough a night vision gogles.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 19:02:44 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #87379
And since you Spanish killed many millions of innocent people, and tortured and enslaved the rest, when you invaded the Americas for gold, I find it odd that you, with so much blood on your hands...
Yeah, really, when you think again the spanish shouldn't have invaded Amercia, neither any other country should had. That way no US was going to mess around with the world nowdays.
You should read your history about Hitler, I'm pretty sure you're a little off about him. And though its true that the US has forces in several countries, that's way different than occupying them
Some people like to go out and kick you in the but, and others become your friends, then they fuck you real bad. In the ass. So there's no diffirence in the actions of nazy Gemrany and "democratic" USA.
Well the two huge differences I see between the rulers you mentioned and the US are that America is a free democratic society, the others pretty much were ruled by dictators. And all the leaders you mentioned, gained power by invading and defeating many others with their military. The US has the influence it has in the world after invading pretty much no one.
Just let me ask you this question: Where's the damn diffirence? All these dictatorships failed, because there were unhappiness. The american actions toward fighting terrorism and liberating countries leaves nothing else but angry people. The outcome of this? A peacefull demonstration of antiglobalism? A civil disorder? A possible civil war, a revolution? Only time will tell.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 18:07:02 UTC
in The (another) truth about the aliens Post #87368
All these stories of alternate power sources and stuff are probably true, but then again the big oil companies are never going to let the wolrd economy escape out of their deadly hands all the way till the oil is exhausted (or untill the water level suddenly raises 7 meters and then the northern hemisphere freezez for about a couple of milion years).
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 06:10:04 UTC
in Well just look at that Post #87207
Way to not back down and be cowardly whining bitches like some others in the world! Let the pussies of the world sit back and point the finger at America while they do absolutely nothing to make the world better, while you step up and make sacrifices fighting the evil tyrany of brutal dictators.
Erm, not exactly the truth. Alexander The Great tried to change the world. Julius Caesar did. Napoleon Bonapard (since your french, please don't curse me, if I didn't spelled it right) tried, then Hitler, then Stalin and they all failed. And not just this, but they and their people were punished after that. The Greeks were invaded and enslaved by the Roman empire, then by the Ottomans and now they are pretty much nothing. Romans don't even exist anymore (german barbarians, then ottomans as well). As for France, well, atleast nothing changed. Germany was trying to achieve race purificatin and look at them now - more than 30% of the people are far from having german predecesors. The Soviet Union broke apart, and it caused half a century of depresion among the russian territories. After all these hisotrical events what makes you thinks that the US are going to have diffirent fate?

PS: I DO something to change my country for better. A good example of this is the nationalist organisation I recently started.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 04:53:36 UTC
in Bushism Post #87199
This is why Nazism has such a bad name...
That's one of the reasons that make nazism symbol of agression and discrimination nowdays. If you think a little about the ideology of the nazism it actually never had the chance to take over the world. Its main refrain is "Mine country is better than yours" and because of it there can't any true allies in a war or in anything. Only one country could exist but then there will be unhappy people. When there unhappy people there are civil disorders, resistance and eventually revolution.

Communism on the other hand was fully capable of achieving the goal to dominate all over the planet. There were three main reasons for it to fail: 1. The (faked, by my opinion) Apollo mission, succeeding in 1969 to set foot on the Moon; 2. The Cheernobyl meltdown, causing reasonable doubts about the level of Soviet technology; 3. The third reason is more comples. It's all about the Soviet leaders. If they weren't becomming so "weak-minded" after Khrushchev (pronounced [hru$ t$of']) most of Europe and Asia (about 60-70% of Europe and probably over 75% of Asia) was going to start their sentances with "comrade" and the official greeting was going to be "slava sovietskomu vojdu!" ([sla'va sovet'skomu voʒ'du] or 'glory to the soviet chief"). And another thing, the US weren't going to be such assholes. :D

PS: ₧ - have you noticed this symbol on your character map? If you don't have the right fonts to see it I'll tell what it is - it says 'Pts' :nuts: :nuts: :badass:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 03:19:39 UTC
in The (another) truth about the aliens Post #87183
Very optimistic predictions of the future. But it might not be so good, as the climate is getting dagerously close to the point of another ice age. The last iceberg that broke of from the north pole was so big that it made a small earthquake when it hit the shore.

/me remembers of "The Day After Tomorrow"
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 20:39:59 UTC
in The (another) truth about the aliens Post #86774
Hello!? Has anyone read the whole thing on plasma technologies? No? Let's make things easier for you - the militiary used various methods to project and move around plasma bulbs, that look just like UFO's. That's pretty usefull, especially when the enemy has got tons of STA batteries and you don't wnat them shooting at your planes, but at a dellusive target.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 18:15:27 UTC
in Bushism Post #86729
as for hitler, he had a few years of glory and then it was all taken from him and he was humiliated and took his life
Now here you are wrong. Few years, you say? Then how come every person from the north hemisphere knows his name and what he has done? I think this it's called fame, don't you agree?
If we waited, he could have struck first. Better safe than sorry dude.
Saddam? Strike the US? Don't you think you're exaggerating his true powers? Even if he had WMDs he wouldn't be able to do this, he didn't really had the resource required. And for that "better safe than sorry" thing, you've got nukes, and they are there to protect you, or you're gonna say that the Cold War was all a bad dream. Why don't you invade Lybia for that reason? They've got assasins, they kill their own people and not just this, but they mess with other countries. There's no democracy in Lybia (a very good example of this is the trial against the bulgarian medics) and the US doesn't fucking give a damn about it, because they won't get anything out of it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 17:35:59 UTC
in Changing avatar Post #86717
Oh, and for some reason I forgot to say what I came here for: To make you new avatar appear sometimes it requires you to delete the temporary image from you HDD (used to make sites load faster, and since the new avatar has the same path and name your system indicates it as being the same file).
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 17:33:25 UTC
in Changing avatar Post #86716
Erm, not in that meaning of the word. Party, like political organisaion, i.e. the socialist party, or as it was called during the Cold War "The Party", also like the nazi party.

PS: National-socialism (nazism) isn't that bad at all. Same goes for the communism. Their ideology is actually very utopic, especially the communist one. Calling these two bad is just like calling ice-cream bad, because someone used ice-cream to torture people. Truely said, I'm a nationalist myself, and there's nothing to say about it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 17:23:09 UTC
in The (another) truth about the aliens Post #86715
I was googling about particle cannon principles and this site appeared to be interesting. Check it out and then say what you think about this version.

Also try searching the web for HELEX (High Energy Laser Experimental) and LATEX (Laser Associated with an Experimental Turret) to see german and french SDI projects, used by the americans. You may find some interesting materials about it.

PS: SDI=>Strategic Defense Initiation. An anti-ICBM system, including missile complexes and orbital laser platforms.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-28 17:56:41 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #86405
It's not a webcam, he's probably speaking of digital camera, the ones that are just like optical ones, but with digital memory. And, yes, use the USB cable. But the problem might be he doesn't have one (the casing of mine says the cable and batteries are optional).
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-28 17:04:51 UTC
in Changing avatar Post #86381
Woa... I just asked how to change my avatar and it sparked such a political argue. Hey guys, nothing's gonna change, nomatter of the outcome of your verbal fights. If you really wanna change things go join a party. Or even better - start a new one!
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-22 18:49:53 UTC
in Changing avatar Post #85090
So, now I know the truth - this site doesn't like me! Or atleast it likes my current avatar SO much that it doesn't allow me to change it. What's wrong?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-22 18:48:20 UTC
in Signarture fun Post #85088
ZL: really bloody. Looks cool with 3D effects
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-21 17:23:23 UTC
in 3d studio max Post #84931
Oh, shit... Next time I'll think of what the abreviation actually means... But now we've got a direct link!
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-21 17:21:35 UTC
in Signarture fun Post #84930
WTF??!? Why the Hell I cant upload new avatar?

Anyway, here it is:


PS: For people, who don't get what the blood trail is: this "A" character in a circle (formed by the gear in the back) is the symbol for Anarchy.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-21 16:52:03 UTC
in 3d studio max Post #84926
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-21 16:49:24 UTC
in 3d studio max Post #84925
Hmm... wasn't there something called XSI EXP, that is free and made for HL2?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-21 16:47:34 UTC
in op4 sdk and others Post #84924
And, BTW, I think there is a modding team for HL1, who used the option from the License Agreement (if everything in your mod is made by you you can sell it) and wanted to make a standalone game. Things didn't really worked out too well and they had to pay VALVe? a license fee for the game engine.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-21 16:41:01 UTC
in op4 sdk and others Post #84921
I have Borland? shit and it's crap (hehe :) ). The version I've got (some builder) is completely for Windows? programming. It's got a cool and easy-to-use interface but it's useless for anything else (it took me months to compile a simple DDraw program(to know how to do it, that is)).

If you plan on using one of the Microsoft? compliers better check out the Microsoft? Press. You have the option to buy a programming book with several CD's and a complete unlimited version of one of their products.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-21 16:25:28 UTC
in 3d studio max Post #84918
Hey, 3DS Max is just about 6 euro here, complete with manual in .pdf format. And I never bothered installing G-Max, since it's got some registration and stuff and I'm such a lazy bastard...
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-15 09:39:41 UTC
in FAT16->NTFS Post #83946
I used ScanDisk with the torought option included. From Safe Mode under Windows 98 it takes VERY long time. My brother was spitting fire and brimstone, because he cant live without IRC...
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-15 09:35:29 UTC
in Avatar concept Post #83945
I'll just grab some rope for a guide and I'll do some deiting and montage with the Studio.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-15 09:30:49 UTC
in a challenge Post #83944
I haven't said anything against long posts, it's just that that it took me so long to write all these stuff and draw the scheme that my post got rejected! I guess it's because someone else posted in this time and all gets screwed. It sometimes happens when you click a thread without refreshing.

Has anyon tried my idea? I'm too lazy to install and reconfigure Hammer so I leave it up to you.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-14 19:03:53 UTC
in a challenge Post #83866
It's actually not that simple, since you need a track for every single step. I stumbled into this problem when I made a garage door for the help forums. Otherwise your escalator will be like all the steps overlaping each other. One way to avoid this will be make a multi_manager and make it start them all in sequence, but this way it has to be invisible at the beginning of the level until all the teps are started and moving.

Map based isn't the only way it could be done. You can make a looping model and still use func_convoyers. It will look like the ones from VIce City.

And here's a try for you:
Since the steps are all the same and they are escalating just one at a time the loop will be really short - just a single step. Here a schematics of what I have in mind:

These BMW-like circles are origin brushes. The black line is the solid ground. The red steps are passable func_trains. The black boxes on each end indicate where the floor is an ubder this spot the trains wont be visible anymore. The character market spots are trajectory points, NOT path_corners. I mean the trains don't go trough these points, they just follow their direction.

My idea is you have the func_convoyer moving the player up. The trains will be passable, so there sould be no problem in making them. They all go one step forward (just as the points indicate) and when they reach the end they are turned invisible and in turn another set of func_trains at staring position are made visible. While the second set moves up, the first one is back to it original place and their visibilty swaps again. It uses much less entities and is much less head spinning. I'm pretty sure it will work.

Anyone else to come with a better idea?

PS: ANd shit, it happened again! Crafing these long posts is a nasty business. I even see some of my words already posted. Anyway, my idea is new.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-14 18:00:26 UTC
in FAT16->NTFS Post #83835
Hmm... I think you have to format your HDD then hook it to another operational one and then run some diagnostic programs and after the whole surface of the drive is checked you put it in the right format. (it might take quite a while - my 80GB drive took about 18 hours to complete!)

I think it's also possible to be done fromcommand prompt using a start-up floppy, but I'm not quite sure.

Whatever you do, just don't attempt to re-format your drive before you consult some experts.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-14 17:52:16 UTC
in Congratulations to me! Post #83834
It's probably going to be didfficult as the guy marries in a week, and so he doesn't have a wife yet. Anyway just post a photo of her. You are not so wanted to be in the photo, since we're all male in here and I guess no one will be really interested in seeing you. (just kidding, really post any picture you can get).

Oh, and congrats. Don't get too drunk or you might forget the happy happening!
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-14 17:47:38 UTC
in Avatar concept Post #83833
No, I don't plan on beckoming a skinhead. Altough they'r equite popular in my region and such people got alot of privilages because of all these guys watching there backs.

I think I'll stick with my innitial idea and keep looking for a big chain. Maybe add some blood or something?
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-14 17:41:42 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #83830
Trippy? What do you mean, something like hallucinary? Cause that's the only remotely logical translation I've found. (And I already said it's edited, the original one has quite normal quality)

I don't see a problem in taking pictures of youself, especially with a digital camer, or atleast with an optical one, that has delayed shot. Thes epictures up there were all taken by me.

PS: Damn, I can't stop typing 'camre' and 'supre' and such for some reason! I have to go back and check every friggin' sentence for them!
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-14 14:13:43 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #83789
So, today before the militiary examination, I shaved myself and now Irepresent something like this:

An edited picture:

And this is one of the little buggers (my teeth, I mean...)

So, am I younger now?

PS: The images might appear a bit edgy, that's because I accidentaly left the camera in Vivid detail level.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-14 10:18:46 UTC
in Avatar concept Post #83730
I'll take a scary picture of myself and then do some editing with 3DS Max and stuff.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-13 19:28:36 UTC
in Avatar concept Post #83610
So, the time has come for me to change avatar.

Any ideas?

Here's my concept:

A photo of me in a dark environment, with a flashlight, lighting from below. In one hand holding a chain with an anrchy symbol on the end and other hand into a fist. A devilish smile should complete the look. Since I've got qiote obvious vampire teeth this should be scary, or atleast good-looking.

Any additions you can make to it?

PS: When I said vampire teeth I didn't meant some fake ones I've got in store. My real teeth are, well, vampire-like. :badass: :badass: :badass:
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-13 19:19:06 UTC
in Post a picture... OF YOURSELF! Post #83609
Errrm, I missed a large part of the conversation, but here I'll try to get back in.
PTS: You look much older than I imagined.
The day this picture was taken was 4 days before my 17th birthday (about a month ago). When I shave I look much younger, but this way I rarely run into problems with patrol cars after midnight (they get very suspicious about you, but then when they see you're probably an adult they simply pass by). By comparing the two pictures you might missjudge my brother as being younger than me, but that's not true. Two years ago he had long hair and a padlock shaped beard (all around the mouth, complete with moustache) and people said he's atleast 25, maybe 30 (he was 17 by the time). My conclusion is: facial hair is very usefull when you want to disguise your age. :bearded smiley: (seriously, you need one of those guys!)