Forum posts

Posted 19 years ago2005-11-27 17:59:31 UTC
in life? Post #149469
Religion teaches against agression... against Violence...
Have you ever read sections of the karan?
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 13:36:39 UTC
in Now Playing Post #149028
System of a Down - Lonely Day

I'm a bit obsessed :-/
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 13:36:01 UTC
in life? Post #149027
What's wrong with condemning black people?
Gays are a group of either sick or mentally-challenged people, not a race.

lol m0p, that is pretty retarded... Did you know christianity teaches against world government? Its called the division mandate, or somthing to that effect...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 13:30:22 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #149026
The thing about cigaro is, its just a joke lol.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 04:03:22 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #148953
I'm to lazy...

Besides I have reformatted since then, so I lost all my scorboard screenies...

We did win one game by like 4 points, it was crazy...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-25 04:02:03 UTC
in life? Post #148951
I hate to say it.

I told ya so!
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 23:58:40 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148916

That song is so messed up...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 23:56:56 UTC
in life? Post #148913
Thats entirely different...

Besides, what about AIDS? And we are also taught that there is ALOT of homosexuals living in the world, but there really aren't that many...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 23:50:45 UTC
in life? Post #148910
Whats wrong with condemning homosexuality?

I mean come on, look at how the different sex's bodys are formed, they were obviously not meant to have homo-relations.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 23:48:09 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148908
I mean, some of the songs were good, but most of it sounded very close to what rap songs are about... And I hate rap....
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 23:10:12 UTC
in BrattyLord's: Alise Post #148904
That ship needs a tail fin or somthin'

I like the idea, but keep in mind the actual Xen aren't bad, just the ones under Combine control (Similar to the combine soldiers in HL2).

I was thinking of posting an idea similar to this.

After the Human's victory in saving thier world, they decide to repay the Xen for aiding them in thier rebellion, By helping them liberate thier world.

I was thinking of having dropships and stuff similar to the ship in that pic. And sweet looking Human Soldiers with armor and stuff that looked similar to combine uniform(it would be stolen technology) And the xen would have some cool armor stuff as well.

And the leader of the whole thing would be the Gman, with Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance as field generals, so to speak. Maybe alyx gets her own HEV suit :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 23:01:11 UTC
in Your Game Stats Post #148901
pfft... Nubs.

I played TPG DoD 1.3 last season, we placed like 3rd in our division, with a score of 7-3.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 22:59:21 UTC
in life? Post #148899
It also says you can own slaves, lets follow that too.
rofl wtf!!!!!!

References plz... And use full context seventh.

And war is often necessary get over it.

There are alot of bad things in the bible, but just because it dosen't condemn it dosen't mean it supports it... It is simply telling the story of what happened in one of humanity's darkest time periods.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 22:54:27 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148898
lol steal the stealing program...

I stole Nero 5.5!
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 15:58:34 UTC
in life? Post #148838
No, its just that it is impossible to have any sort of political discussion civily.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 15:53:24 UTC
in Now Playing Post #148833
System of a Down - Attack!
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 15:52:18 UTC
in life? Post #148832
I'm sorry but there are some things that make it impossible to not have some sort of higher being in the Universe.

I am strictly Protestant, I do not believe that good deeds get you to heaven(Islam, Roman Cathlolicism).

I also respect others right to believe what they want to believe, but that does not keep me from trying to presuade them.

This thread will be locked, I can fore see it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-24 15:47:16 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148831
Bleh, I wans't to impress with it... I deleted all but a few songs...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 23:45:30 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148731
heh, a member in my DoD clan is sending me the CD on AIM :D

Fight the power!
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-23 03:11:29 UTC
in any1 like to share ur opinion Post #148521
I'm sorry, but you are wrong. Please try again later.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-22 21:06:48 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148503
My parents insist that that kind of music sub conciously makes me want to kill everyone, I E. school shootings and stuff, which I would never do...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-22 20:59:28 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148500
Expensive? Its only 10 american dollars here....
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-22 12:26:41 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148338
phooey, my dad will not let me purchase it, because it has that stupid "Parental Advisory" sticker on it.

Why does all the good music have to have that on it :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-22 01:22:23 UTC
in any1 like to share ur opinion Post #148301
rofl my waffle.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 21:04:31 UTC
in any1 like to share ur opinion Post #148289
I played Halo 1 easily on PC, I was pretty good driving the whart hog.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 20:35:24 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148285
lol yes.

System r0x0rz my s0x0rz.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 20:34:49 UTC
in any1 like to share ur opinion Post #148284
Xbox 260 is the latest in ghetto consoles, it comes with a 20GB HDD!!!!!!!! OMFG!! THATS HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My 4 yr old system has 120GB....
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 20:33:51 UTC
in OMG TWHL HAS GONE MAD! Post #148283
I was B-to-the-a-izzack
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 19:11:23 UTC
in Setting up Hammer for Sven-Coop Post #148276
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 19:10:59 UTC
in Hypnotize. Post #148275
Is anyone going out to get the new SOAD CD tomorow?
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 11:33:54 UTC
in Setting up Hammer for Sven-Coop Post #148215
I tried that.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 01:27:15 UTC
in Wouldnt ns make an awsome movie, Post #148173
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 00:53:16 UTC
in Wouldnt ns make an awsome movie, Post #148171
They already have a movie of NS, Its called Aliens.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-21 00:46:36 UTC
in any1 like to share ur opinion Post #148169
For example, if F.E.A.R. would come for console.
The AI is so great, they always move in combat (soldiers),
You can hardly hit them on the PC, how are you supposed to do it on a console??
They always tone down the AI for consoles, seeing as how you cannot aim, I noticed after playing and beating all the difficulty levels of Brothers In Arms, on Xbox, that the guns are alot less accurate on the PC version, so the PC version is by far the more realistic, and therefore, better version of the game.

And have you ever noticed how in Halo 2, that there is an auto aim? Even in MP, you play with an auto aim to help you find your target.

Consoles are crap, they are anti-progressive and will always lag gamers behind technology.

CoD2 looks absoluety horrid, for both PC and console, it is just another cookie cutter WWII shooter, and I am sick of them, and the commercials don't even use actual gameplay footage, instead they use some random CGI engine to mislead the unwitting populace.

Guys, just say no to consoles.

That will be all.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 23:51:47 UTC
in Setting up Hammer for Sven-Coop Post #148160
But I am to lazy to do that...
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-20 23:07:47 UTC
in Setting up Hammer for Sven-Coop Post #148157
Hey, I'm back! Again! errrrr....

Anyways I have a problem, I cannot seem to get sven coop to start through Hammer after the compile, Instead it trys to launch Half-Life, and gives me a wierd error before the game even starts.

If anyone has a tutorial on setting up Hammer for Sven Coop, I'd be much obliged.


Posted 19 years ago2005-07-04 10:00:03 UTC
in I need Opposing Force! [closed] Post #118531
OMG. If you have a CS CD you should just be able to double click it in the play-games menu and dl it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-02 15:14:01 UTC
in WAre you still with us, Dr. Freeman? Post #118238
I joined a little over a year ago.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-01 21:06:51 UTC
in Your desk! Post #118155
Dell? D2? Whatever respect I once ahd for you is gone...

Hey mcmitcho, is that a keyboard under your desk?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-30 01:07:02 UTC
in Your overall favourite Half-Lifer Post #117846

Really, Barney is cool.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-29 20:22:11 UTC
in Your desk! Post #117823
OMG, old ammo boxes are the coolest place to stow your stuff.
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-29 18:59:54 UTC
in Your desk! Post #117809
So far, I still ahve the most monitors!

I'm thinking of adding an old ATI radeon 32MB PCI card and use a 15" CRT I have laying around for ages...
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-29 09:23:05 UTC
in Your desk! Post #117683
hmmm. perhaps a hole in the wall might help?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-29 01:13:48 UTC
in Your desk! Post #117631
But honnestly, how can you look at my desk and call me a comp geek? :P
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-29 01:07:24 UTC
in Your desk! Post #117630
lol, have fun at LAN party
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-29 00:48:57 UTC
in Your desk! Post #117627
Has bee awhile since we have had one, and I have a digi cam so i can post a good pic.
User posted image
And heres a pic of me since I never got to do it.
User posted image
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-29 00:45:42 UTC
in DoD:S Post #117626
Sorry, I'm just eager to finally play it...
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-27 13:59:46 UTC
in DoD:S Post #117511
lol, you guys are real critics... I mean come on, its footage of one of the most anticipated games of the year...
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-27 00:28:18 UTC
in DoD:S Post #117362
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-26 08:50:43 UTC
in UNCLE! UNCLE! Post #117215
haha thanks.