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Wow you are right, I just overwrote the reload-sound with a "boom"-sound and it is played at the shooting-sequence as well. :glad:
Stupid of me not to try that before :|
Thanks for the reply!
Thanks for the reply, I was not home the last days.

So here are the both sounds I use (Mono, 11025 Hz, 6 or 18-bit with Audacity):

I overwrite them in the vavle/sounds folder, so not even using a special mode folder. But when I shoot the crossbow ingame, it plays my shoot- and at the same time my reload-sound:

Yes the sounds to be played are linked in the coding, but as I just replace them I expect it to work as well... so shooting plays the shooting sound and not both.
I was not able to fix the root cause but I solved it this way:
Edited the qc-File and entered a direct link to the sounds when they should be triggered:
$sequence fire1 "fire1" fps 60 { event 5004 0 "dartshoot/dartfire.wav" }
$sequence fire2 "fire2" fps 30 { event 5004 0 "dartshoot/dartfire.wav" }
$sequence fire3 "fire1" fps 60 { event 5004 0 "dartshoot/dartfire.wav" }
$sequence reload "reload" fps 30 { event 5004 0 "dartreload/dartreload.wav" }

In the Sound-Folder of the mod I set up two folders with only one wave-file each as in the qc.
Still I had to replace the orignial sound files in the sound/weapons-folder in my mod with 'silent files' (I took the "_comma" from the Barney folder) and the orignial naming. Otherwise it would play my sound and the sounds at the same time.

Still dont understand why this was not working in the first try with the same files.
I created some simple new weapon sound for the shooting and reloading of the crossbow in Goldsource HL1. I followed the instructions from the tutorials and exported in Audacity as Mono, Wav (Microsoft), 11025 Hz, unassigned 6-Bit or signed 16 Bit.
I moved it to the sound/weapons folder of my mod but when I shoot in game, it automatically loads the reload sound. I tried other settings in Audacity as well and checked a million times the file-names are correct but I dont find the error. When I put the original sound files in the mod-folder it works fine.
Any help please?
Posted 9 months ago2024-03-17 12:00:24 UTC
in Interrupt Monster's schedule by monsterstate_prone Post #348659
Ok I found the issue, was connected to another part pf the code and not the Reload itself. Also I used the bits_COND_SPECIAL function that is also used in the HGRUNT to connect to my weapon to trigger the prone.
Now it is fine.
Posted 9 months ago2024-03-09 22:55:34 UTC
in Interrupt Monster's schedule by monsterstate_prone Post #348640
I gave monster_barney a reload-task and this is working well. However if Barney is reloading and gets to the monsterstate_prone (normally it means to be grabbed by a Barnacle, I am using this bit for a new weapon to 'freeze' the monster_barney), the reloading sequence is still finished although it should be interrupted (like when the monster is killed in that moment).

It works when I enter the 'bits cond damage' so it is kind of the right way I think. However I dont want to interrupt the reloding when damaged, only if the 'barnacle grab' happens:

Schedule_t slBARNEYReload[] =



There seems to be no bits_COND regarding the monsterstate_prone, entering the schedule does not work. I tried to put the 'stopnanimations' at the barnacle-grab, but it did not help either.

Little help please? :-)
Posted 11 months ago2024-01-07 21:05:05 UTC
in New item changes players speeds for movements Post #348423
No, guess I have to trick in the mapping to have the user not duck. Still the forwardspeed and centering the view which are important for me can be set via console.
If I put the console-commands in an own config that is triggered with a button but dont bind the button, can it still be triggered by an Entity? It should only be set for one specific map and not manuall by the player.
Posted 11 months ago2024-01-07 10:37:38 UTC
in New item changes players speeds for movements Post #348416
Nobody has an idea? :-( I saw there are some console-commands that would do the trick but it seems there is no way to make an entity (item) to trigger them. In Source there is the point_clientcommand but in Goldsource there is not. Is it possible to get this into my mod?
The prisoner flag can not be removed after a while. You should try to have the zombie execute a scripted sequence with an idle-animation. Once it is triggered, the sequence will stop and the Zombie will behave normal.
Or you build a full transparent box around it as a func_door and remove it when the zombie should start attacking.
Posted 11 months ago2024-01-03 11:31:25 UTC
in New item changes players speeds for movements Post #348392
Update: so I entered
pPlayer->pev->maxspeed = X;
and this works, but I need the ducktime, forwardspeed etc. and those dont work this way :-( Any idea what I have to do please?
Posted 11 months ago2024-01-02 10:22:18 UTC
in New item changes players speeds for movements Post #348385
As a non-coder to my own suprise I was able to clone the longjum-item to get a new item for the player to pick up. The effects should be a changing of players speeds and heights but I dont know how to do that :-(
The relevant part of the class in items.cpp looks like this:

pPlayer->m_fMYITEM = true; // player now has the Item
MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgItemPickup, NULL, pPlayer->pev);
return true;

What do I need to enter for the ??? to change the cl_forwardspeed, flDuckTime etc please? I am unable to make the correct entries :-(
Maybe easier for beginning would be a func_door. Put the brush where it should be at the beginning (above the sicientist), make it a func_door with a name, downwoards-direction, a 100-damage when blocked, high movement-speed and set the flags to 'start open' and 'monster cant'. Depending on the size and position you need to try out which entry in LIP works best. Set another brush close to the player, make it a trigger_once and enter the name of the func_door as target. When the player passes through it, the func_door will move down and crash the scientist.
Posted 11 months ago2023-12-30 16:26:31 UTC
in Same Damage in Radius for grenade explosions Post #348376
I cloned the weapon_handgrenade for HL1 (Solokillers SDK) with all settings and want to have it only give 1 Damage in the whole radius of the explosion. The DMG-skill is to 1 and in the ggrenade.cpp I tried these two settings:

void CSTUNGrenade::Spawn()
pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
pev->classname = MAKE_STRING("grenade");

pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX;

SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), "models/grenade.mdl");
UTIL_SetSize(pev, Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0));
* pev->dmg = 100;*
m_fRegisteredSound = false;


CSTUNGrenade* CSTUNGrenade::ShootTimed(entvars_t* pevOwner, Vector vecStart, Vector vecVelocity, float time)
CSTUNGrenade* pSTUNGrenade = GetClassPtr((CSTUNGrenade*)NULL);
UTIL_SetOrigin(pSTUNGrenade->pev, vecStart);
pSTUNGrenade->pev->velocity = vecVelocity;
pSTUNGrenade->pev->angles = UTIL_VecToAngles(pSTUNGrenade->pev->velocity);
pSTUNGrenade->pev->owner = ENT(pevOwner);

pSTUNGrenade->SetTouch(&CSTUNGrenade::BounceTouch); // Bounce if touched

// Take one second off of the desired detonation time and set the think to PreDetonate. PreDetonate
// will insert a DANGER sound into the world sound list and delay detonation for one second so that
// the grenade explodes after the exact amount of time specified in the call to ShootTimed().

pSTUNGrenade->pev->dmgtime = gpGlobals->time + time;
pSTUNGrenade->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time + 0.1;
if (time < 0.1)
pSTUNGrenade->pev->nextthink = gpGlobals->time;
pSTUNGrenade->pev->velocity = Vector(0, 0, 0);

pSTUNGrenade->pev->sequence = RANDOM_LONG(3, 6);
pSTUNGrenade->pev->framerate = 1.0;

// Tumble through the air
// pGrenade->pev->avelocity.x = -400;

pSTUNGrenade->pev->gravity = 0.5;
pSTUNGrenade->pev->friction = 0.8;

SET_MODEL(ENT(pSTUNGrenade->pev), "models/w_grenade.mdl");
  • pSTUNGrenade->pev->dmg = 100;*
return pSTUNGrenade;

I tried different values but either the damage is high in the radius (like normal) or 0 in the radius but 1 at the center of explosion. Also the scale of the explosion (spr) is scaled bigger when the values are lower.

Is it possible to have the damage 1 in the whole radius no matter where and not automatically upscaling the spr?
Posted 1 year ago2023-01-03 20:29:30 UTC
in define new BITS_COND for monsters Post #347221
Thank you for your reply, I appreciate it.
Sorry I mixed definition and condition, I have no experience and do the 'learning by doing' approach ;-)
My idea was to set up the own definition and condition like 'Monster get hurt by slowfreeze-damage' to have it do a specific task. As I still cant find where the condition is set for Barney, I put an If-clause as a Workaround into the 'void TraceAttack' of the monster with the damagetype and so I am able to trigger the task I wanted :-)
Posted 1 year ago2022-12-29 18:36:57 UTC
in define new BITS_COND for monsters Post #347212
I want to set up an own condition, like for an NPC beeing damaged by a specific damage-type triggering a specific schedule. So I was trying to find the definitions of it, to add my own.

In the schedule.h I find for example
#define bits_COND_LIGHT_DAMAGE (1 << 8) // hurt a little
this condition is linked in several files like the scripted.cpp or monsterstate.cpp, however I can not find the definition for it. Like in this case, how much a 'light' damage is etc.

Where can I find and set up my own BITS_COND?

(Using Solokillers SDK).
If I remember correct there is a ‚fall‘ but no ‚land and dies‘-Animation for many npcs. So when the npc is done falling, you should have it execute a ‚die‘ Animation.
That should be a func_door_rotating with the origin-brush at the edge.
Posted 2 years ago2022-11-08 23:29:47 UTC
in Barney Reload stucks and does not fire Post #347063
Ok nevermind, I found the 'Extended Half Life' SDK and used it as reference, so after a re-design is working now:

void CBarney::HandleAnimEvent(MonsterEvent_t* pEvent)
switch (pEvent->event)

Task_t tlBarneyReload[] =
{TASK_STOP_MOVING, (float)0},
{TASK_FACE_ENEMY, (float)0},
Schedule_t slBarneyReload[] =

if (m_cAmmoLoaded <= 0)
m_cAmmoLoaded = 2;
return GetScheduleOfType(SCHED_RELOAD);
Posted 2 years ago2022-11-07 19:31:29 UTC
in Barney Reload stucks and does not fire Post #347055
Hello, I am a total noob in C++ and try to do some 'easy' coding for a HL1-mod.
Currently I want to have Barney reload after 2 shots and after some try and error and the tutorial of Shepard62700FR ( I got him to do that but, after the reload-sequence, the model points the gun at the next enemy and freezes, no more shots are beeing fired.

Could someone please have a look and point me in the right direction?

In talkmonster.h I declerated the variable from the basemonste.h:
int m_cAmmoLoaded;

And as the initial filling works (Barney fires 2 shots because is spawned with it) *I suspect the issue to be either here:
void CBarney::HandleAnimEvent(MonsterEvent_t* pEvent )
switch ( pEvent->event )
m_cAmmoLoaded = 2;

// barney's bodygroup switches here so he can pull gun from holster
m_fGunDrawn = true;
// change bodygroup to replace gun in holster
m_fGunDrawn = false;

or maybe here:

Schedule_t* CBarney::GetScheduleOfType(int Type)
Schedule_t *psched;
switch (Type)
return slBarneyReload;


class CBarney : public CTalkMonster
void Spawn() override;
void Precache() override;
void SetYawSpeed() override;
int ISoundMask() override;
void BarneyFirePistol();
void AlertSound() override;
int Classify() override;
void HandleAnimEvent(MonsterEvent_t* pEvent) override;

void CBarney::CheckAmmo()
if (m_cAmmoLoaded <= 0)

Task_t tlBarneyReload[] =
{TASK_STOP_MOVING, (float)0},
{TASK_FACE_ENEMY, (float)0},


Schedule_t slBarneyReload[] =



void CBarney::RunTask(Task_t* pTask)
switch (pTask->iTask)

if (pTask->iTask == TASK_RELOAD)
m_IdealActivity = ACT_RELOAD;

if (m_hEnemy != NULL && (m_hEnemy->IsPlayer()))
pev->framerate = 1.5;


void CBarney::BarneyFirePistol()
Vector vecShootOrigin;

vecShootOrigin = pev->origin + Vector(0, 0, 55);
Vector vecShootDir = ShootAtEnemy(vecShootOrigin);

Vector angDir = UTIL_VecToAngles(vecShootDir);
SetBlending(0, angDir.x);
pev->effects = EF_MUZZLEFLASH;

FireBullets(1, vecShootOrigin, vecShootDir, VECTOR_CONE_2DEGREES, 1024, BULLET_MONSTER_357);
int pitchShift = RANDOM_LONG(0, 20);

// Only shift about half the time
if (pitchShift > 10)
pitchShift = 0;
pitchShift -= 5;
EMIT_SOUND_DYN(ENT(pev), CHAN_WEAPON, "barney/ba_attack2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM, 0, 100 + pitchShift);

CSoundEnt::InsertSound(bits_SOUND_COMBAT, pev->origin, 384, 0.3);


Schedule_t* CBarney::GetSchedule()
if (HasConditions(bits_COND_NO_AMMO_LOADED))
return GetScheduleOfType(SCHED_RELOAD);

return CTalkMonster::GetSchedule();