New item changes players speeds for movements Created 11 months ago2024-01-02 10:22:18 UTC by La Hire La Hire

Created 11 months ago2024-01-02 10:22:18 UTC by La Hire La Hire

Posted 11 months ago2024-01-02 10:22:18 UTC Post #348385
As a non-coder to my own suprise I was able to clone the longjum-item to get a new item for the player to pick up. The effects should be a changing of players speeds and heights but I dont know how to do that :-(
The relevant part of the class in items.cpp looks like this:

pPlayer->m_fMYITEM = true; // player now has the Item
MESSAGE_BEGIN(MSG_ONE, gmsgItemPickup, NULL, pPlayer->pev);
return true;

What do I need to enter for the ??? to change the cl_forwardspeed, flDuckTime etc please? I am unable to make the correct entries :-(
Posted 11 months ago2024-01-03 11:31:25 UTC Post #348392
Update: so I entered
pPlayer->pev->maxspeed = X;
and this works, but I need the ducktime, forwardspeed etc. and those dont work this way :-( Any idea what I have to do please?
Posted 11 months ago2024-01-07 10:37:38 UTC Post #348416
Nobody has an idea? :-( I saw there are some console-commands that would do the trick but it seems there is no way to make an entity (item) to trigger them. In Source there is the point_clientcommand but in Goldsource there is not. Is it possible to get this into my mod?
Posted 11 months ago2024-01-07 13:35:31 UTC Post #348419
Do ducking have it's own max speed?
Meerjel01 Meerjel01I want to be a Meerjel
Posted 11 months ago2024-01-07 21:05:05 UTC Post #348423
No, guess I have to trick in the mapping to have the user not duck. Still the forwardspeed and centering the view which are important for me can be set via console.
If I put the console-commands in an own config that is triggered with a button but dont bind the button, can it still be triggered by an Entity? It should only be set for one specific map and not manuall by the player.
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