Forum posts

Posted 4 months ago2023-12-25 01:37:03 UTC
in Ammo wont appear Post #348358
Well thank you, I appreciate the help and the visual examples!
Posted 4 months ago2023-12-24 22:46:08 UTC
in Ammo wont appear Post #348354
Thank you! Would it be impossible to place ammo on a shelf due to the fact it'd be very close to world geometry? Interestingly enough I just tried the "spawn on break" for the picture and it spawns the ammo and slowly sinks into the shelf never to be seen again.

Also lol I never even noticed the shelves were backwards, good catch
Like the other user said, Dimbeak's series is what got me into mapping. He shows how to set up J.A.C.K. and everything you need to get started.

Lymphoid's series is very new and he's responded to my comments fairly quickly so he can give you some help if you don't get something he's explaining.

Then there's this tutorial series by Chaos7040 that has a lot of helpful videos as well.

All of these have helped me learn the real rudimentary basics. I've found some good old fashioned trial and error to be really helpful too. The subreddit r/hammer can also help you out if you have questions.
Posted 4 months ago2023-12-24 22:07:37 UTC
in Ammo wont appear Post #348351
I'm still incredibly new to mapping so maybe I'm missing something obvious but when I place ammo on my map, it never appears if it isn't placed on the floor, and only 25-50% of what I do place on the floor actually appears. If I place it on a shelf, it will only appear on the floor. Does anyone know why I seem to be unable to place ammo around my map?

I've tried changing the shelf from func_detail to func_wall. I've tried grouping the ammo to the shelf I'm placing it on. I've tried elevating it from the surface so it isn't actually touching anything. I'm not sure why it's not appearing.
