Forum posts

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 05:11:23 UTC
in Cool Websites Post #32926

Posted 20 years ago2004-06-13 05:08:03 UTC
in User names Post #32925
I got my name looking through a window. I wondered what name I could use, but I couldn't find nothing outside and then..............I got the most awsome idea!! Why look OUT the window for a cool name to use when you are looking trough it :P So.. my name is Proz0r which means window :badass: How 1337 can you get? :badass:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-31 14:43:54 UTC
in Entity and hull problem Post #29527
Thx but I tought since everyone puts up noob problems,
why don't I :D

I think this is the noobiest question of all :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 08:20:22 UTC
in Entity and hull problem Post #28738
Warning: No entull 1, no filling performed for this hull
Warning: No entities exist in hull 2, no filling performed for this hull
Warning: No entities exist in hull 3, no filling performed for this hull
Ehh? wha? :
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 06:59:59 UTC
in Freeze Post #28732
Using mapfile wad configuration
Wadinclude list :

4 brushes (totalling 24 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
(0.11 seconds)
(0.00 seconds)
(0.28 seconds)

Using Wadfile: sierrahalf-lifevalvehalflife.wad
  • Contains 16 used textures, 66.67 percent of map (3116 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: sierrahalf-lifevalveliquids.wad
  • Contains 1 used texture, 4.17 percent of map (32 textures in wad)
Using Wadfile: sierrahalf-lifevalvezm.wad
  • Contains 7 used textures, 29.17 percent of map (625 textures in wad)
added 8 additional animating textures.
Texture usage is at 0.60 mb (of 4.00 mb MAX)
1.11 seconds elapsed
Euhh, I don't know but could it be that you wadinclude zhlt.wad only in the map and not the other wadfiles who are used in making the textures?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-26 06:55:02 UTC
in mirroring effect Post #28730
Can't you script a doctor who is behind that mirror and give it a gordon skin? :
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-25 11:34:58 UTC
in mirroring effect Post #28629
map is remoted, I'm sorry 7th
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 11:22:58 UTC
in hlvis gets stuck Post #28494
HLVIS works slow aswell. Sometimes it takes 500 secs before its done patient. (Had to learn that to)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 11:14:54 UTC
in mirroring effect Post #28492
I want to know how you made that mirriring effect pepper. I just love the lobby map. :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 03:56:04 UTC
in I need an Appropriate song Post #28446
Or you can do it the right way :D
People are allowed to play 18 secs. of a song so...
18 secs. of 1 techno beat and 18 secs. of another.

(Techno is allways the same to me :D )
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-24 03:50:33 UTC
in Stupid outside world brushed!! Post #28445
I can't have a leak since I could compile the maps before and now, its F*cked Up. (And BTW yeah, I think it's called window :cool: )
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-23 08:41:05 UTC
in Stupid outside world brushed!! Post #28344
I don't get it :x Everytime I want to make a map or a little box for that mather, I get the OUTSIDE WORLD BRUSH. I reinstalled hammer, I put the box everywhere in the map and when I want to compile old maps (like aim_BesT_Temple) he says the same :x WTH is this??
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 09:34:04 UTC
in Favorite games (not including hl) Post #28204
I play and love cs the most, but I play the other games aswell. I have A big ammount of free time you know :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 09:32:40 UTC
in Video tutorials Post #28202
Same here :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-22 09:01:20 UTC
in Favorite games (not including hl) Post #28194

Unreal Tournament
Unreal Tournament 2003
Unreal Tournament 2004
RTCW Enemy Territory (MP)
Opposing Force
HL Game of the Year edition
Day Of Defeat
Natural Selection
Quake 2
Quake 3 Arena
Quake 3 Team Arena
Doom 1-2(-3)
Half-Life 1(-2)
Delta Force Black Hawk Down
Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour
SOF 1-2
Fifa '98 - '00 - '03 - '04


Mario 1 - 2 - 3
Home alone
---Super Nintendo (not N64)---

Super Mario Kart
Donkey kong 1 - 2 - 3
NBA Live 98
Pro Pinball

---Playstation (PSX)---

Tomb Raider 1 - 2 - 3
Tekken 2 - 3
Gran Turismo 1 - 2
S.C.A.R.S.(dumbass game)

:badass: That's a short version of my gamelist :badass:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 12:04:29 UTC
in has coplanar plane Post #28057
hlcsg v2.5.3 rel Custom Build 1.6 (May 19 2002)
Zoner's Half-Life Tools -- Custom Build
Based on code modifications by Sean 'Zoner' Cavanaugh
Based on Valve's version, modified with permission.
Submit detailed bug reports to (
--- BEGIN hlcsg ---
Command line: "C:Documents and SettingsGUYBureaubladgedownloadedzhltpackhlcsg.exe""C:joerics"
Entering C:joerics

Current hlcsg Settings
Name | Setting | Default
threads [ 1 ] [ Varies ]
verbose [ off ] [ off ]
log [ on ] [ on ]
developer [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
chart [ off ] [ off ]
estimate [ off ] [ off ]
max texture memory [ 4194304 ] [ 4194304 ]
priority [ Normal ] [ Normal ]

noclip [ off ] [ off ]
null texture stripping[ on ] [ on ]
clipnode economy mode [ on ] [ on ]
onlyents [ off ] [ off ]
wadtextures [ on ] [ on ]
skyclip [ on ] [ on ]
hullfile [ None ] [ None ]
min surface area [ 0.500 ] [ 0.500 ]
brush union threshold [ 0.000 ] [ 0.000 ]

Warning: no wadfiles are specified in configuration '' --
Using map wadfile configuration
Wadinclude list :

0 brushes (totalling 0 sides) discarded from clipping hulls
Error: Entity 0, Brush 204: outside world(+/-4096): (1186,1644,3964)-(3584,3794,4100)
Error: brush outside world
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

Error: Entity 0, Brush 205: outside world(+/-4096): (1136,1616,4034)-(3600,3808,4116)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 205: outside world(+/-4096): (1120,1600,4038)-(3616,3824,4112)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 205: outside world(+/-4096): (1136,1616,4052)-(3600,3808,4098)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 207: outside world(+/-4096): (1136,1616,3302)-(1176,3808,4106)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 207: outside world(+/-4096): (1120,1600,3306)-(1192,3824,4102)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 208: outside world(+/-4096): (3560,1616,3302)-(3600,3808,4106)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 208: outside world(+/-4096): (3544,1600,3306)-(3616,3824,4102)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 209: outside world(+/-4096): (1144,3767,3302)-(3592,3808,4106)
Error: Entity 0, Brush 209: outside world(+/-4096): (1128,3751,3306)-(3608,3824,4102)
Error: Entity 19, Brush 1, Side 1: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 19, Brush 1, Side 1: has a coplanar plane at (3165, 3310, 3664), texture {GELAENDER
Error: Entity 19, Brush 1, Side 2: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 19, Brush 1, Side 2: has a coplanar plane at (3165, 3310,
Error: Entity 28, Brush 3, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1785, 3270, 3664), texture {GELAENDER
Error: Entity 28, Brush 3, Side 3: has a coplanar plane at (1785, 3270, 3664), texture {GELAENDER
Error: Entity 28, Brush 4, Side 2: plane with no normal
Error: Entity 28, Brush 4: outside world(+/-4096): (10000,-10000,3664)(10000,10000,3712)
(1.42 seconds)

--- END hlcsg ---

HELP!!!! :zonked:

Abridged by Seventh
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 08:25:08 UTC
in testing my own maps Post #28018
Maybe I can help you, since the start of cs 1.6 you aren't able to have an "undedicated" server. Alltough people think that, it isn't true. Try to give your buddies your map with textures and everything else. Then start your own server and type in console !!sv_lan 0!! Then your game WILL be visible for other players and they will join you. (In case you didn't know ;) )
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-21 08:18:48 UTC
in Knifes for CS ? Post #28016
Check it's a Dutch site, but it explains alot for knife maps!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 10:18:26 UTC
in Sky Post #27660
mhm, sounds good... :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 10:16:51 UTC
in pawned by the crow....hammer Post #27659
I can't figure MilkShape3D out, is there a tutorial site or something like that? I've searched for google but nothing popped up.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 08:15:39 UTC
in Worst joke ever Post #27642
What is Green and tastes like banana?
Don't know?

It's monkeychow offcourse :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 08:02:40 UTC
in Sky Post #27639
Unbreakable, check the post from pepper with the name Moving clouds. It will help you trough the making of a nice moving sky. :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 06:53:55 UTC
in cold not find lights.wad Post #27634
Did U use both worldcraf 3.3 and Hammer 3.4? If that's the case, use a compiling program. I use Batch Compiler. Google it or something. I had the same error and with the compiling program it was fixed so try it and you'll see :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 06:51:39 UTC
in Buy zone help Post #27633
Anything for a lady :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-19 06:49:53 UTC
in compiling help Post #27631
Aren't that a little bit to much wad files?? Try to get only 8 in it. It can solve problems when you want to view your map.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 15:01:21 UTC
in pawned by the crow....hammer Post #27574
I ain't telling you that it's not different, It's just that I'm interrested in learning to work with all of these programs. And I got a little problem with my drivers :( I don't know witch one to choose :( I've got a GForce 4 MX 440 and a Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition running on a Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.00 GHz with 256 MB RAM memory. PLZ help me
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 14:47:52 UTC
in pawned by the crow....hammer Post #27568
I've got patience, else I wouldn't be mapping :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 14:44:24 UTC
in Tank Post #27565
If not, I'm making a tank to and if I have a good tank texture I'll give it to you ok? :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 14:43:39 UTC
in Tank Post #27564
Is the tank on as_tundra.wad not good enough?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 14:39:57 UTC
in Tank Post #27563
Then search better? :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 14:00:36 UTC
in Internet problem Post #27546
It's your Firewall Quaver. My friend had just the same problem today. I said him to turn off his firewall and see. When he did that the problem was solved. (Might be an update or something)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 13:41:05 UTC
in pawned by the crow....hammer Post #27544
My pc can't handle that program. My drivers are to old. I've got a GForce 4 Card so...anybody know were I can download the latest drivers?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 13:37:47 UTC
in Wally Post #27543
hehe :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 13:15:54 UTC
in The Irony Post #27537
Ok, ok Quaver. Your story is funny to ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 13:00:19 UTC
in Wally Post #27533
Offcourse it did :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 12:57:52 UTC
in The Irony Post #27531
Funny indeed :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 12:50:08 UTC
in Wally Post #27530
you're welcome :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 12:48:57 UTC
in Wally Post #27528
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-18 12:09:36 UTC
in You don't have permission Post #27523
Well, you see I got the error that there were brushes outside of the world. Pepper said that I could be a possible leak aswell. I replied on that saying that if there would be a leak in the map, wouldn't it show error: A Leak is a hole in the map... Got it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 13:48:40 UTC
in Lights are starting to piss me off... Post #27396
You should try to install or reinstall a a compiling program. I use Batch Compiler. Just google it and you'll find it. It has to be the VIS that isn't working correct.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 12:30:52 UTC
in The longest topic ever! Post #27385
Well, I'm in for it :D
:badass: SPAM :badass:
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-17 12:17:28 UTC
in You don't have permission Post #27384
If there's a leak in the map wouldn't it show A leak in the map is when your brush.... instead of outside world?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 15:50:50 UTC
in You don't have permission Post #27289
dat is dan niet erg als je outside world bouwt?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 15:50:43 UTC
in You don't have permission Post #27288
dat is dan niet erg als je outside world bouwt?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 11:38:13 UTC
in You don't have permission Post #27280
I've allso go the error that all of my brushes are outside of the world, but still I can play the map without an error when I compile it with WorldCraft 3.3 and with Batch Compiler tool, it fails.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 11:35:04 UTC
in You don't have permission Post #27279
I've done everything now, reboot, reinstall, antivirus turned off... what more can I do? Could it be because I began making the map in 3.3 and then continued in 3.4?
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 11:18:19 UTC
in You don't have permission Post #27276
Kan het niet zijn dat het komt omdat ik hammer 3.4 gebruik? Ik heb voor alle vorige maps 3.3 gebruikt maar als ik wilde compilen in 3.3 blockte hij de hele tijd door. Ik heb het al uninstalled en reinstalled maar nog geen oplossing jammer genoeg. Ook heb ik altijd dat alle brushes outside world staan, hoewel ik een sky er rond plaats. Help me!
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 10:43:36 UTC
in omg my map. Post #27264
hey, it's a Warcraft mod cs server...What do you expect? They put EVERY map on that :] (btw Warcraft mod sucks ass :cool: )
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 10:28:11 UTC
in You don't have permission Post #27260
I wanted to compile my map and check what error I got :S

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppsjoeri_minnekeer@hotmail.comhalf-life"

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "c:joerics mappingaim_best_temple"
  • Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "c:joerics mappingaim_best_temple"
  • Windows gave the error message:
"Toegang geweigerd."

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "c:joerics mappingaim_best_temple"
  • Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "c:joerics mappingaim_best_temple"
  • Windows gave the error message:
"Toegang geweigerd."

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "c:joerics mappingaim_best_temple"
  • Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "c:joerics mappingaim_best_temple"
  • Windows gave the error message:
"Toegang geweigerd."

** Executing...
** Command: Change Directory
** Parameters: "c:joerics mappingaim_best_temple"
  • Could not execute the command:
Change Directory "c:joerics mappingaim_best_temple"
  • Windows gave the error message:
"Toegang geweigerd."

** Executing...
** Command: Copy File
** Parameters: "c:joerics mappingaim_best_temple.bsp" "aim_best_temple.bsp"

The command failed. Windows reported the error:
"Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden."

"Toegang geweigerd." Means that you don't have permission to go there.

"Het systeem kan het opgegeven bestand niet vinden." Means that the system couldn't find the wanted file.
Posted 20 years ago2004-05-16 10:17:35 UTC
in pawned by the crow....hammer Post #27257
Quite nice tbh! You really did your best in making that hammer :] (Happy Hammer Slashing ;) )