I'll keep this in short bursts in a list or i'll get lost.
Key needed to open door. (message triggered 'you need a key')
message near key to point it out. (Its on a desk surrounded by trigger_multiple to keep message 'key' flashing up.)
pick up key (func_button), triggers message 'you got the key'
message targets multisource 'ms1' to unlock trigger_once to open door. plus kills the message 'you need a key'
return to desk and i get the message 'key' and i've run out of ways to try and kill it.
My new plan goes like this.
Pickup the key which triggers another multisource 'ms2'.
'ms2' makes a second trigger work which kills the message 'key' while at the same time triggering the second message 'you got the key'
2 trigger_once
2 trigger_multiple
2 Multisource
1 env_message needed to target 'ms1' (others are set within the triggers)
1 func_button
...and finally the reason for all this...
1 sodding func_door
I aint using no custom models for the key cos i can't be arsed to be honest. Just a block with a transparency texture with a key on.
Is this the easiest way to do this!?