The thing is:
It only does it with this map so I tried making a .map, I copied the writing from the .txt and made a new .vmf!
There is something in my map that the SDK doesn't like and thus closes!
I think and this is a big think! I believe it might be my env_hudhint because when I compiled it refused to do so so I removed it and it worked.
I thought it must not be compiling because I was mapping in HL2DM so I saved with the env_hudhint still in and closed it. I reopened it in Hammer (HL2) and it loads, but then it just closes like poof!
I decompiled the map bsp and it works fine except now all the faces are bloody busted so I can't use that!
Is it possible to delete the hudhint entity using notepad?
Please I worked really hard on this project and I don't want to lose it