Okay, what about this story -
This idea was thought out over a period of 5 minutes, so please make some changes if you don't like, then, I can put it all togeather and start mappin'
Chapter 1 - New arrivals
Gordon gets off the train, has no idea where he is, he does a little exploring around the trainstation platform and heads for the exit. The exit lands him on a narrow back street alley, where he finds a couple of CPs beating up some guys. He walks away and finds himself on a main road, as he stands there 2 Combine APCs come rushing past him. He crosses the road and finds a door unlocked, he goes inside and finds blood splattered against the wall. Gordon Looks around him and sees a set of stairs. He starts climbing them and when he reaches the top, he sees a group of citizens walking around, looking anxoius. Then suddenly, a womens voice sounded saying "Attention Citizens - Miscounts detected in your block, cooperation with you fellow Civil Protection team equauls full ration reward. (or what ever shes says)" Gordon hears a scream as 3 CPs climb the stairs, when their batons out. They start beeting everyone but Gordon runs away, and goes up another set of stairs. He now finds himself in a room full of crap, with cardboard boxes everywhere and rubbish/trash all over the floor. He finds a crowbar on the floor and picks it up, just as he picks it up, a CP comes up the stairs and Gordon Kills him with the crowbar. 2 more come up with their batons and Gordon kills them too. He smashes a pile of boxes and behind them he finds a door, he goes through it into and enters a lab of some sort...
Chapter 2 - old friends (no, I did not steel that title of you, The Hunter)
He finds Dr. Kliener coming out with alyx, they look really surprized to see him. Alyx introduces herself while Kleiner fiddles with his computer.
While Alyx and Kleiner are working, Gordon explores the area and finds his old H.E.V suit, and Kliener sees him putting it on. "I see your old H.E.V suit still fits you like a glove...or at least the glove parts do." says Kleiner.
Chapter 3 - OOOoOoo...A teleporter
Alyx shows Gordon a teleporter device, and asks him if he wants to have a go with it. But at the very moment Gordon steps in and Alyx activates the teleporter, CP burst into the room. Alyx leaves you and starts shooting the CPS, while you are being teleported! A combine man throws a grenade just as you teleport, and you get sent to some kind of Beach of some sort...
Chapter 4 - Get me outta here!
Gordon starts exploring and finds a airboat, he climbs in and starts driving.
As he is driving Cps start shooting him from wooden towers, bridges and higher ground. A helicopter swoops down and starts shooting Gordon, (this is the fun part) and he is racing for his life as he whirls up the beach, Just in the ditance, he sees a tunnel, that is the only cover he has got from that darn helicopter! He goes in...
Chapter 5 - Zombies...
The tunnel is wrecked, cars detroyed, and Zombies everywhere. Gordon kills a load of Zombies and abandones the air boat... He finds a door and enters it...
It's just a old shaddy room with lights flikering and in the darksness
Gordon finds a Pistal, which he takes and keeps safe...
End of the story for now. Please could someone add more to the story - after all, this is a community project!
Dr. Mappper