Rotating Door problem Created 19 years ago2005-07-23 17:03:13 UTC by BlueShift BlueShift

Created 19 years ago2005-07-23 17:03:13 UTC by BlueShift BlueShift

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 17:03:13 UTC Post #123020
I have created a rotating door entity and set it up to open normally in the z-axis. I created the door brush as the fence texture so that it is semi-transparent (see through) in game. In game the door appears properly and will open properly from either direction. However, after the door has been opened once, I can only open it again by "using" when facing one direction. So the door opens normally from one side, but from the other side i must face away from the door to open it. It remains this way no matter what i place the settings at and i must always face east to open the door. How can I get the door to open by facing it from either side while still "using" it?

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 20:04:26 UTC Post #123032
you could try posting a problem map?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 20:27:08 UTC Post #123037
Had the same problem with my old Alpine map.

I will hunt around for the .rmf or decompile it to check out the entity properties, and hopefully, an answer.

3 things to try in the meantime:

-make sure you have the latest fgd installed
-make sure you have the latest compile tools installed 3.something
-delete the func door, and hit alt-p to check for problems, to make sure its 'ghost' isn't there buggering things
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-23 20:50:17 UTC Post #123038
K. I found the .rmf and checked out the entity properties and a couple of other things, but still can't find the problem. :zonked:

I know it's going to turn out to be something stooopid too.

Help! :aghast:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 00:08:11 UTC Post #123058
Coo, thanks a bunch for helping out. I have uploaded the problem map successfully and I am now in search of the latest fgd and compile tools. I'm using Zoners 2.5.3 custom build 1.7, which I am certain is quite dated. I could not find a copy of the 3.x for dl anywhere. I have seen a few new sites since than though, so I will double check there. I believe I have seen a dl for the latest hl fgd. Is there a version number so that I know I am getting the most recent? Please tell me if you know a place to get both of these. The ol google search wasnt finding them so easily :aggrieved:

Thanx again!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 00:12:44 UTC Post #123060
o btw. When I do check the map for problems it gives 3 messages, but these remain even after I have deleted the doors.
Solid Entity [func_door] is empty.
and 2x for Solid Entity [func_wall] is empty.

not sure if these mean anything. shrug
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 00:39:47 UTC Post #123070
alrighty. I got the new fgds and I finally found a copy of zhlt 3.2.1. Can I simply extract these directly over the old compile tools and just reconfigure hammer to look at the new files. Or will this cause some sort of crazy corruption, such as my house spontaneously busting into flames etc.?
Just like a second opinion b4 i pull the trigger ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 01:51:57 UTC Post #123078
Nope, won't make any difference to the map itself, just makes the compiled result better, and more quickly.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 02:03:20 UTC Post #123083
OK, then i can do that to improve performance but after i have extracted and set up hammer for the new fgd file the problem still persists. Hopefully, some more ideas will come in.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 05:38:34 UTC Post #123096
Try unticking "Use only" and see if you can open it both ways then.

As for the empty entity messages, select them and hit "Go to", then close the box and hit delete. Gone. Repeat.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 15:56:02 UTC Post #123239
Ok, I have installed the latest fgd files, updated my compile tools to ZHLT 3.2.1, and I have found the errors using alt-P and deleted all of them. I have tried all variations of "use only" or not "used", but the problem still exists. If the flags are not checked for use only i must create a trigger or something to open the door, wheras i want to "use" it. With "use only" checked i must still face away from the door to operate it while on one side. Note that the door is operating correctly in every other way but this.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 16:10:19 UTC Post #123244
This is a weird error I can't explain. Mine will open both ways with 'use only' unticked, buto only facing south any other way.

And like you said Blue, it's very strange that you can get the door to open the other way, only by walking up to it, turning around 180?, and then hitting the 'use' key.

If I figure out what the culprit is, I'll let you know in here.

Sorry I can't be more helpful!
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 16:29:27 UTC Post #123247
Hey, no problem rowley. I'm glad for the assistance but I'm curious how you are getting the door opened with "use only" unticked? With it ticked, I can freely use the doors while facing south or west but not north or east. Is that the same with your old map too? Was this a problem with only that one map or have other maps shared the problem?

I would of course be willing to learn other methods of "using" the door to open it... is it possible to create a func_button or something similiar that would be invisible and non solid. It could be placed in front of the door and act as a "use" trigger without being seen or blocking the player. Just a thought?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-24 16:47:41 UTC Post #123250
It's normally no problem at all, just for some reason on this map, I've--and you with yours--had the problem. Func_doors are most usually pretty simple.

Later, I might try cutting and pasting the whole thing into a new .rmf, or using hlfix, but I have no idea if either will work. :(
I can freely use the doors while facing south or west but not north or east.
Same problem exactly!!

Like I said before, this will turn out to be something really dumb that's right under our noses, or it's just a strange bug.

Let me know if ou figure it out, and I'll do the same ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 01:16:55 UTC Post #123296
I think it's more likely to be a strange bug, y'know.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 02:10:54 UTC Post #123309
aargh. Bugs seem to follow me wherever I go. Pity.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 02:24:41 UTC Post #123315
Yup, I just can't believe I never noticed it b4.

Blue: K. One easy solution, which we used when somebody wanted to use the 'use' key to open his double doors at the same time.

All you do is put an additional func_door over each func_door_rotating you want to use. Make it a little wider than the rotating one, because the user will be 'using' that one.

Texture it 'blue' and make it transparent--solid/255--, and have it moving straight up at a fast speed so you're not running into it--i used 3000.

Have your 'moving-straight-up door's 'use only' flag checked, and have it target the rotating door. Voila! Now the doors will open reliably, regardless of their orientation.

And one other thing, make the 'delay before close' for your invisible doors 1 second lessthan the rotating ones. This way if you want to backtrack quickly from a door you just came through, the invisible door won't 'block' you.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 04:26:29 UTC Post #123332
Aaaaah thats a clever idea! I just read a tut somewhere else on using a func_rot_button in this situation. Again, typically used to tie double doors together, but with the switch invisible and non blocking instead of a second door. I could try placing the switch in front of my single door, paint it aaa, non block tag it, and then have it trigger the door from both sides. No "using" on the door itself. If that doesnt work I will try your idea.

Thx again rowley... i might talk to you again soon about transparent water puddles ... but its close to 4 am.....STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-25 23:35:16 UTC Post #123572
Cool. You are most welcome :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 01:16:50 UTC Post #123584
You're right. The rotating button is much better because of the 'not solid' never have to worry about running into it!

Very nice! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 01:18:09 UTC Post #123585
I am delighted to say that the invisible func_rot_button has settled this lil problem nicely. If those "usable" doors every give ya trouble try them out! ;)

Thanks for the help all
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