modding Created 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:30:31 UTC by deluxDk deluxDk

Created 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:30:31 UTC by deluxDk deluxDk

Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:30:31 UTC Post #123609
I was reading that modding tutorial.
But i cant find hl.dll and client.dll!

well i can find em but they ar not wher they ar supose 2 be (in the valve/cl_dlls.../dlls)

is the tutorial rong (I doubt it) >? :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:35:33 UTC Post #123613
is the tutorial rong (I doubt it) >? :confused:
Of course not,keep searching! :glad:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:36:51 UTC Post #123615
Ohhh...then you must be using steam! I can't help you cause I'm using WON! :biggrin:
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:37:38 UTC Post #123616
use the search program provided by windows (if you use it) type it in their. The computer should find the files your looking for
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:41:38 UTC Post #123618
ye the (u must be using steam) anwsered it :) they tend 2 hide em files alle kind of crazy plazes :o curse u steam!

that leads me 2 my next Q...
caurse when i was not able 2 find the files the right plazes i installet my olde hl1 from the cd :D

But i cant open my maps in it :(
What kinda a old hammer is neede ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:47:39 UTC Post #123620
if you un-installed HL1 and re-installed it then the maps in the valve/maps directory wil have been deleted along with everything else. So if you try to access them through the console that wont work. If you open up hammer and try to open your files hammer wont be able to find them for obvious reasons.

If its just that you can open your maps. But cant play it on half life it may be that your re-installed HL1 is in different directorys to that of which your hammer editor was set too (like ofr example. Un-installed it from drive C, to drive D. But didnt reconfigure hammer for the files in drive D)
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:52:12 UTC Post #123621
No it's not that i have deleated the olde files :)

I think that its caurse the half-life i have on my steam is a newer version than the one on my Ooooolde half-life cd.

the 3.5 hammer cant map for that olde shiaat? or im a rong?
Or maby the fgd. tingy is difrent from the olde one..hmm
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 05:58:43 UTC Post #123622
3.5 Should be able to map for both older and newer version of half life. As long as you have the fgd files for that version
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:07:31 UTC Post #123623
thx :) ill try 2 make it worke :)

(and stop spamming my Omg i need help)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:16:29 UTC Post #123624
(and stop spamming my Omg i need help)
:quizzical: ? :quizzical:
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:24:28 UTC Post #123625
(and stop spamming my Omg i need help)

I have used the forum alot the last days feels like im spamming :P

hate 2 be a noob but i cant find the fgd in my hl instalation...
Maby they aint ther? If so, wher do i find the olde fgd's
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:34:19 UTC Post #123628
the fgd file comes with the hammer editor you downloaded, check your hammer directory. usually the latest hammers will have the latest fgds.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:38:32 UTC Post #123629
yes i have an up2date fgd.. but i would like 2 have one that is just as olde as that hl-1 i have on my cd and not the one that comes whit steam..
Is it posible 2 find that?

Or is it not the new fgd that is the reson i cant open my maps in the olde hl-1?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:41:04 UTC Post #123631 could search for old hammers. But you probably wont find it. The only way you could do it is but updating your half life so it suits your fgd. Go over to somewhere like fileplanet and download the latest version patch for HL1
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 06:59:20 UTC Post #123632
:P silly me the maps run fine in the olde hl-1
It's just me who have crewed somting up trying 2 make a mod :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 07:03:34 UTC Post #123635
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 07:36:52 UTC Post #123637
But i cant make the mod worke :( even tho i folowed every step!!
I can see the mod name in the "thirt party game" list in the "play games" list in steam, I can also load it.
But it craches when i try 2 play a new game or the traning.?!?
New folder "name of mod"
folder "cl_dlls"
Folder "dlls"
folder "maps"
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 08:12:59 UTC Post #123639
did you go through all the mod tutorials? Have you properly edited the files and checked for any errors that could've come out of something like a mis-spelt word?
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 08:37:50 UTC Post #123647
yeah i dit not notis any erros :(
Is ther som thing that i must but in my map's for them 2 worke in a mod,
if it a singleplayer_only ?
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-26 08:53:21 UTC Post #123650
you dont have to put anything in your maps to make them compatible with a newly made mod. And mods can be made for single player or multiplayer
38_98 38_98Lord
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