Get a train on a spinning platform Created 19 years ago2005-08-13 05:18:26 UTC by Half-dude Half-dude

Created 19 years ago2005-08-13 05:18:26 UTC by Half-dude Half-dude

Posted 19 years ago2005-08-13 05:18:26 UTC Post #127366
Hey all, its me :nuts: Half-dude!

You all remimber that scene in the tram level of HL1 were the train goes down this spinning elevator while the announcement system talks about no smoking and stuff right? Well I ras wondering if you guys know any tutorials that explain how to do this. I've looked and found none. I've done this before with just putting a path_track right above the one before but with that you can hear the train sounds, rather then... ummm... not.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-13 05:37:55 UTC Post #127369
What do you mean by the train's sound? The train movment sound or the speaker's sound? : If it's the speaker then they just made it play every where! And if you mean the train's movment sound then did you make two trains move in the same time with the same sound for I think I read in tommy's page that if you will do it you won't be able to hear the sounds! :tired:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-13 05:48:06 UTC Post #127371
erm....Elon i think he was talking about the trains that went onto a track platform and rose up. Or at least part of his question was that.

There's an entity that does this. I proposed doing this ages ago before official proposing came into effect but i never ended up doing it. It jst slip by...

You'll need to use a func_trackchange and set it up so that it moves upwards. Its works kinda like a rotating platform entitys but works with trains instead of players. And has a number of differences.

EDIT: I guess you should take a look at the entity guide for more imformation on this
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-13 05:51:40 UTC Post #127373
Yup, and to mamke it rotate you can make it spin around a certain axis, check the flags for the axis.
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-13 06:37:43 UTC Post #127379
Ohhh...I get it! :glad:
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-13 07:11:04 UTC Post #127381
Dude, I said func_platrot, or if your classy, look up the VERC tut :D

And stop announcing yourself you shit! jk

[edit: With reference to]
Posted 19 years ago2005-08-13 14:51:28 UTC Post #127480
Oh hey mephs!

I know you hate me announcing myself, I just do it couse I love ya lol JK.

Thanks 38_98 I'll look up func_trackchange.
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