Trigger_cammera Created 18 years ago2005-10-02 16:49:43 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Created 18 years ago2005-10-02 16:49:43 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 16:49:43 UTC Post #138846

I'm having some problems with my cameras.

now, heres what I want:

The camera to start on a path_corner (Doesn't work)

It to move along path_corners

the whole time, its looking at a info_target

Now, Every time I try this, the camera does not start on the path_corner, but where I put the trigger_camera. Then, it has the nerve to just sit there, looking at the info_target.

This is a nooby question, yes, I know, and I have done this before, but Im probably doing something wrong this time... making me pull my hair out...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 17:07:50 UTC Post #138848
I didnt know you could actually make a camera move in old HL
Are you sure you've done this before?
The camera behaviour you describe is the only one I know of... :(
I guess it could work if you use Spirt, and of course this isnt an issue in source, thanks to parenting...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 17:24:21 UTC Post #138851
Try triggering the trigger_camera with a little delay, like 0.5 seconds.

Kasperg, you didn't knew that? Ghe! :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-02 18:22:43 UTC Post #138860
Hmm.. I haven't got it to work, but I found an alternative.

Thanks for the help...

now.. to finish my super cool movie sequence :quizzical:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 08:50:22 UTC Post #138942
i got the same problem... the dam camera won't budge, either stares at the " info camera" or it stares at a random place....... :zonked: the path corners are made just like in the tutorial map :confused:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-03 09:23:26 UTC Post #138943
Have you entered the trigger_camera's initial speed? Its set to 0 by default...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-04 19:04:44 UTC Post #139395
Doesn't work.

I had to rig it a special way to get the damn thing to budge.

The cameras are pretty buggy.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-04 22:38:35 UTC Post #139418
not really, you just have to get it right. then they work. you should try making a test map where you generally follow the camera tut and see if you can get it to move
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-05 03:42:12 UTC Post #139448
Add the '-onlyents' compiling parameter to the CSG program so zhlt will only update the entities and not all the solids,leafs,portals,faces,lights.(the stuff that take most of the compiling time) ;)
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