another script problem Created 18 years ago2005-10-12 04:53:41 UTC by Weeman Weeman

Created 18 years ago2005-10-12 04:53:41 UTC by Weeman Weeman

Posted 18 years ago2005-10-12 04:53:41 UTC Post #141005
Here's the problem, i whant to make a smal movie to integrate in my mod ->here's what's my idea i whant 4 grunts to come busting through a door(but i can't make it func_breakeble because it's already a func_door, also health is not allot of help because it won't open when damaged) next the grunts come in a room and start shooting at scientists (does not work either, they execute the script and then they just stay) and the barney must shoot at the grunts(also does not work)Finaly the camera F***'s all up, sometimes,almost ALL the times it starts moving around randomly (like you move the mouse in a circular motion really fast ) and all moves as is i'm looking at pictiures :furious:
any ideas?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-12 05:10:47 UTC Post #141006
Doors have a health (shoot open) option..
Or you could do it in Opposing Force and have a blowtorch grunt torch the door and kick it through?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-12 05:12:38 UTC Post #141007
First of all kill the door with a trigger_relay(killtarget value) and spawn some gibs to make it look better.(env_shooter) Please post your script entity attributes also explain what the scripts do!(kill the scientists,make the grunts enter the room...ect)

I'll post an example map on making a door fly out because of an explosion! :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-12 05:21:03 UTC Post #141009
i used the shoop open value, i set it at 1 but it doesn't do anithing when a grunt drops a grenade :nervous:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-12 05:26:45 UTC Post #141011
Don't use the shoot open value!
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-12 05:30:12 UTC Post #141012
so how do i get rid of the door?I got the par with spwanig gibs, but i must get rid of the door
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-12 05:49:09 UTC Post #141017
Kill it with the trigger_relay's killtarget value! First target the trigger_relay, in the killtarger value write the name of that door and make it trigger(target value) the env_shooter!! ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 03:43:40 UTC Post #141415
Ok here are the bugs->the grunts don't move to theyr scripts
->the camera won't move
->the grunts should win the fight
Here is the map->
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-18 09:15:11 UTC Post #142127
I'll check it! :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-18 09:19:27 UTC Post #142129
thanks :glad:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-20 11:42:22 UTC Post #142543
As Elon suggests, a trigger_relay with something like an env_shooter will get rid of the door. If you want it to explode place a func_breakble version of your door in the exact same place rendered invisible (additive, 1) and when the scene starts reneder it to solid 255. That along with getting rid of the door should help there.

For the grunts and barneys to start fighting you could just leave it up to their A.I if you wanted. Or you can, on the last script the grunts execute (running into the room) place a script entity just to run to. You could then, from there, make the entity target the barney. And make the barney target the grunts. That should work.

As for the camera, put the camera moving (if you want) by placing path entitys to follow (not path_track, the other one which i can't remember) and put another invisible train following the grunts on its own seperate path from the grunts, make the camaera target the train and that should work. Then'll you'll just need to mould it so that the path that the entity(s) take fits perfectly with the scene.

There, that may help you
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-20 11:48:17 UTC Post #142545
The door problem has been resolved(exept the func_breakble ill try that) but the grunts and the camera still don't work , please try to run the map in hammer so you'll understand what i mean :quizzical:
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