Error occoured *kicked out of hammer* Created 19 years ago2005-11-28 12:18:13 UTC by Madcow Madcow

Created 19 years ago2005-11-28 12:18:13 UTC by Madcow Madcow

Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 12:18:13 UTC Post #149604
Sorry about that I made a new thread.
I don't think they got a connection though.
When I start hammer, everything works OK, I can even start a new map.
But when I load a map, hammer kicks me out and then I get two errors.
One saying something about my memory.
And the other one is the windows error, wich you always get in XP when an error occours.

Now, here's what I think causes the problem (I don't know why though)
When I make a new map, I can creat brushes, and I can add an info_player start, but, when I add an NPC the same thing happens as when I load a map.
I can add other entities though.

Oh, and I have refreshed the SDK content.

Please help me, I got to enter the competition! :(
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 13:44:49 UTC Post #149608
Well first no rush, you have 7 weeks, it'll take you 4 weeks at the most i reckon...

Hm right so you've removed the sdk beta command and refreshed SDK content...

Well have you and I know this is gonna piss you off, but have you tried uninstalling Steam?
If so then hmmm

I just realised! I have this exact same error! But I had it ages ago, like when HL2 first came out, Ant said it was my GFC files and told me how to fix but I said i'm not too bothered because it only does this crashing thing on HL2 editing, try HL2DM and it'll hopefully work like me, HL2DM is no different to HL2 except a few textures...You'll see a few pink squares...

Try it ok ;)
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-28 13:52:30 UTC Post #149610
Do not refresh it. Just completely uninstall the SDK, then redownload.
Posted 19 years ago2005-11-29 11:35:03 UTC Post #149740
Nope,, didn't work.
I tried everything you guys said (exept removing steam)
I guess the new SDK just doesn't work with my 512 memory.. :(
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
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