PLEASE HELP! THIS IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND Created 19 years ago2005-12-28 22:12:53 UTC by Xyos212 Xyos212

Created 19 years ago2005-12-28 22:12:53 UTC by Xyos212 Xyos212

Posted 19 years ago2005-12-28 22:12:53 UTC Post #155046
Ive read all posts, and tutorials similar to my problem, and nothing is close. I need models from cs to use in worldcraft. I use GCFscape to export the .mdl files to worldcraft. I tried getting .map files on worldcraft from existing maps (militia, assault) .map files are not displayed, so how do I get models to use in worldcraft? Worldcrafts model holding files are .ol. WALLY, or GCFscape cannot open them. How do I get to use these files on Worldcraft??

P.S. THis is my last post for awhile. Its the last thing I need for my map. Also I dont want to get banned for spamming. Please someone help me!

Is this a problem caused by Steam?
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-29 01:07:24 UTC Post #155072
Why not use Hammer, get the latest FGD and use cycler_sprite to display the models (.mdl) .

You might want to refer to this site.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-29 01:37:55 UTC Post #155078
Models (.mdl) are default stored at [mod]/models folder.
I guess you'll need hammer 3.5 to see models (.mdl). You'll also need to make some modifications in fgd file.
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-29 01:59:14 UTC Post #155080
The modified expert FGD can be downloaded here
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-29 02:27:40 UTC Post #155084
<rowleybob sighs>

Actually yes, the information you require is here.

<rowleybob moans>

To your upper left under Site Stuff, you will find a link to tons of stuff, aptly called: Links.

If you were to click on that, you'd find--among many other things--The latest CS FGD needed for model support.

You would also find the link for Hammer 3.5, but I think you have that already.

The model support is buggy, but it works quite well.


@inventrex: v.8 is the latest ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-29 05:51:38 UTC Post #155104
.ol files are archives full of prefabs not models! Prefabs are object that you made once and want to save them so you can load them each time you want to use them again. Prefabs can contnein brushes and entities.To add something to an archive press the object/s and press ctrl+R. A window will popup, write the name of the prefab and choose which library(archive) you want to place the prefab in. In the new objects bar(the place that you choose which primitive to use(block/arch/cylinder...ect)) choose a diffrent category, the archive with the prefab you want to use, and choose the object(prefab) you want to use. You can place it like you place any simple primitive or you can press the 'insert original prefab' button in the new objects bar, this will insert the original prefab. You better use the 'isert original prefab' for if you'll use the other way you might creat invilde solids from what that wasn't nesserly inviled.
To manage prefabs/archives enter option menu->prefab library. :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-12-29 13:01:07 UTC Post #155152
Thank you! Finally I can finish my map! :)
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