I am almost ready to release my latest HLDM map, and I'm wondering what the consensus is: is it better to release it as a standalone BSP file + the graphics for the environment map, or as a Custom game minimod?
Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages.
If I take the minimod approach, I can separate the graphics out into its own WAD file (this level uses a LOT of custom graphics) and I can set it up so my sand sounds like sand. And I can keep the extra files required all neatly bundled together. It would be a further saving if I ever do another map in this "series", since I can then make use of the same WAD file...
But on the downside, if somebody has their own set of player models (and possibly other customisations), they lose them when playing a custom game -- unless they copy them across to the custom game directory.
What do you guys think?