shb.wad Created 18 years ago2006-03-07 10:56:22 UTC by Pythorn Pythorn

Created 18 years ago2006-03-07 10:56:22 UTC by Pythorn Pythorn

Posted 18 years ago2006-03-07 10:56:22 UTC Post #166806
I have maked a map to Counter-Strike, but when I try to play it, it says: "Cannot find shb.wad" or something like it. So what do I need to do?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-07 11:14:36 UTC Post #166810
Seek the shb.wad file perhaps? ;)

Nah, there's a texture file that's missing. Make sure that shb.wad file is in the counter-strikecstrike folder.

If you don't use any textures from this .wad file, remove it from the texture list in Hammer before compiling (it's best to do so for any .wad you don't use, as the map will deem any .wads loaded into Hammer as necessary files even if they aren't used).

If you did use this .wad, there's two possibilities: either distribute the .wad file with the map, or include the used textures in the .bsp itself. The latter is obviously the best way (less space used, less files to worry about). This is done by adding a compile parameter to the csg process:
-wadinclude wadname

So in your situation, that would be something like this (in the Hammer Run Map dialog, Expert mode):
Command: $csg_exe
Parameters: $path$file -wadinclude shb
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