model issue Created 18 years ago2006-03-19 18:11:20 UTC by VOX VOX

Created 18 years ago2006-03-19 18:11:20 UTC by VOX VOX

Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 18:11:20 UTC Post #169566
I resized a model (garg.mdl) and when I load it into the game there are yellow dots around it. It's not stuck in anything because it starts in the air and falls for about 2 seconds.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 18:19:43 UTC Post #169571
I don't know anything about modeling, but this has only happenend to me when a model (or some brush based entitys) starts on top of another entity.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 18:35:43 UTC Post #169575
How did you resize it then?
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-19 19:40:27 UTC Post #169585
I used hlmv. The room is huge, and there is nothing in the room except a light, me and the garg. huuuge room, the model isn't touching anything.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-20 00:03:14 UTC Post #169620
Well, there is one solution to this I know of except it's more of a shortcut than an actual fix. It will make the yellow blobs go away. The only thing I ask is does the model function properly? Do all the animations work properly? If so, here is the "fix." If you are willing to use Spirit of Half-Life, there is a Monster Flag that makes the yellow blobs go away. That's pretty much all I can give you, sorry. I myself do not use Spirit.
Posted 18 years ago2006-03-20 03:52:04 UTC Post #169640
The size of the model doesn't matter, if you still use the monster_gargantua entity. The size of the boundary box is defined by the entity itself.
However, VHE with model-rendering-support won't display the actual boundingbox anymore, so you'll have to either check the .fgd or find an old .fgd and replace the current one with it. Then if you got the real size, just put the latest .fgd back into the folder.
If the original sized gargantua will fit into your room, the resized one should ,too.

If that does not, you should upload the map to the propblems vault.
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