Update time.
de_venetia, as you know it, is dead. Layout issues combined with mapping issues prevented me from wanting to actually finish the stupid thing. As such, the source code for it is currently in the capable hands of TheGrimReafer and he is currently making some strong efforts in finishing that version off.
However. From the ashes of de_venetia_v1 arose a new map: de_venetia_v2. As of yesterday, this version is also dead: a poor beta test brought upon by a very crappy layout forced an early death.
However! From the now regugitated ashes of V1 and V2 arrises a new map: de_venetia_v3! I have read a few design articles (mostly from Dave Johnston's excellent site, the creator of Dust, Dust 2 and Sienna) as well as sketched out various areas which'll hopefully ensure that this time the layout works. I'm attempting to implement a "figure 8" layout, similar to Dust and Dust 2 as well as multi-tiered gameplay (i.e. multiple levels).
Thanks to Daubster's excellent reference material, I'm creating something that more closely resembles Venice. Time will tell if the layout works, but in the meantime, you might want to check out this
early, undetailed screenshot. I'm holding back on the detail until I run a successful layout test, which'll be soon I hope.