Hi Guys,
If I create a primitive and then enter the vertex tool I can move all vertices and edges and create faces with no problem in all viewports,
if I change vertex mode (ie from edges+vetices to just edges) Or exit vertex mode and re-enter it I can no longer select or move ANYTHING in the 2D viewports ??? The 3D viewport still allows me to select things and move them, but obviously trying to position veritces in the 3D port is very tricky!! Everytime I try to select any of the vertices or edges in the 2D ports I just get the selection marquee (that always stays on the screen!!) and am unable to select or move anything. The only solution is to then re-start hammer and continue!!
Has anybody else run into this problem ? I am using Hammer 3.4 (Build 1983)
Huge thanks to anybody that can help.