Lower Compile Times? Created 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:46:00 UTC by TheTikiTony TheTikiTony

Created 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:46:00 UTC by TheTikiTony TheTikiTony

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:46:00 UTC Post #183399
I've been looking for some tips on this for a while, but never really complained. However, it's really bugging me. Is there any ways to reduce compile times. I have zhlt, is there any parameters you can input to help?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 20:59:05 UTC Post #183406
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 21:04:29 UTC Post #183410
Ok, thanks a lot. Um, look to my other post and you'll see the problem with it's compile time then haha.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-02 22:56:10 UTC Post #183426
If you're willing to spend a few bucks then a RAM upgrade will help compile times, but if you are looking for increased performance for the map then do what Orpheus said to do.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 01:58:31 UTC Post #183440
Run fast VIS: ('till the final seqence of compiles.) DRASTICALLY reduces compile times in most cases. Another thing I like about fast VIS, is that it will give you compile errors that Full VIS will not. In This way, you can eliminate/fix problem areas earlier.

"Func_wall" crazy shapes: Tying weird, non-square, rotated, overly VM'd brushes to func_wall will give VIS a big break, and again, DRASTICALLY reduce compile times. Doing this too much is not a good idea, because of the fact that brush-based entities are rendered pretty much all the time, so doing this too much will also raise r_speeds.

Because brush-based entiteds are rendered consantly, NULLing unused faces means a lot more, since normally, ZHLT isn't supposed to render unseen faces--though it isn't perfect. As a rule--and many people will disagree with this--, I NULL everything, except what is going to show.

Orpheus' comments are correct, and you should always do a "Full" compile in the final stages, and visblocking/avoiding large open areas are very important.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 19:57:14 UTC Post #183617
I already do everything u said rowleybob, especially nulling, my small bits of hl2 experiments on my brother's computer got me into doing that. Thanks anyway guys. :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 20:23:11 UTC Post #183620
You could post your map, and maybe we'll find something your doing that's unecessarily "raping" your compile time.

Certain maps though, are just VIS nightmares. DarkPhoenix68 said his "Necropolis: Mausoleum" took over 8 hours to compile, where my most busy map so far, compiles in under 8 minutes. Are you running some weird RAD options that are possibly the culprit?(I am unfamiliar with most RAD paramaters, so I dunno if this is even possible)

A wise man once told me that using ZHLT light flags to make your brush-based entites block light can also severly increase your compile times--see Captain P. I've also found that using NULL brushes to achieve the same effect with models is a big compile dragger as well.

Invalid brushes, and even seemingly innocuous errors like "Solid Entity[ ]is empty" errors can add eons to you compile time as well. Scrutinize your compile log and Alt-P to make sure there isn't some tiny error needlessly bloating your compile.

Btw, what are we talking about for your VIS and RAD times anyway? (That is of course, if you still want to work on this :P)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 20:27:20 UTC Post #183621
Well, I know what's "raping it" man lol. I took 1 unit high bars for the parking lines and cut the ground with them.. stupid idea I know, noob mistake but no more! lol. Anyway, now i'm trying to find a way to do this without getting "Texture axis is perpendicular to face" errors. If there is any way to do multiple textures on a brush other than 1 on each side.. like multiple faces on 1 side with vertex manipulation, PLS TELL ME. I don't think there is, otherwise someone would have posted about it I'm sure. So um, what do u think, just make a brush for each line and a few brushes for all the stuff for in between or a single brush... is there any way to do this quicker. I posted a screenie on the "black lines" topic that shows u the map i'm doing, you'll see parking lines, i'm trying to do those with as FEW brushes as possible, b/c it's quite obvious that is what was KILLING my compile times.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 20:34:39 UTC Post #183623
ike multiple faces on 1 side with vertex manipulation, PLS TELL ME
Use a custom texture on 1 face, or you could clip the main showing face in to multiple ones...
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 20:41:08 UTC Post #183626
.... custom texture.. u'd think since I've incorporated soo many of my own into already.. i would have thought of that.. haha, thanks for the rude awakening rowleybob, big help as always.. case solved.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 20:41:32 UTC Post #183627
I'd say your parking lines are good candidates for being turned into func_wall
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-03 20:44:21 UTC Post #183628
either way, they have to be level with the ground, so i'd have to cut out a portion of the ground to do it, I think i'll just stick with the custom texture. Oh, and rowleybob, it's a 2 1/2 hour compile for that map so far.... kind of ridiculous, despite the fact that it's open. Then again my computer isn't the best anyway haha.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 03:51:30 UTC Post #183655
Download batch compiler from slackiller's programs(link page), it works hevenly.

If you never run with a expert compile mode then don't bother yourself with batch compiling. Just use regular compiling(through hammer) until you are ready.
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