Spirit 1.2? Created 18 years ago2006-06-04 10:47:25 UTC by Rednik Rednik

Created 18 years ago2006-06-04 10:47:25 UTC by Rednik Rednik

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 10:47:25 UTC Post #183710
What is that Spirit program that everyone's talking about? :zonked:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 11:31:17 UTC Post #183714
It is "Spirit Of Half Life"...which is basically a MOD for HL1 that allows for new entitys when mapping for HL1.

Things like....Fog(openGL only)...Rain....MoveWith (attach any entity (like buttons or glass) to a func_train!)..Locus(ie. you could shoot a pipe and water would pour out of the bullet hole!!!) and tons of other cool stuff.

Latest version is now at 1.5a3 I think...but main stable version is 1.4. However, I personally use 1.2 because I find 1.4 and up crashes certain features of SOHL when launching maps on my computer.

Def worth looking into if you want more power/customisation in your entity list
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 11:33:38 UTC Post #183715
So where do you get this tool? And is there any good tutorials?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-04 11:46:30 UTC Post #183718
You can d/l 1.4 and updates Hammer3.5 FGD here

Or Version 1.2 from further down the page (also has a 3.5 FGD d/l link in the next post up).

The Very latest version..which is BETA (although reported to be more stable than the full 1.4 release and requires to be updated via another version is here. http://www.whiteplasma.com/sohl/wiki/index.php/Development_sohl_1.5

Tutorials....none of any use I could find.

If you need to work out how to use it...either search the forums for answers (community is not very active...average reply time to a post 2-3 days) Also look at the entity list under features on the main page, this will give you an idea what is avaliable and what parameters you can control. The rest is really down to you...there is not much support and the website links to any further info on using SOHL are mostly down.

Good luck...its a great little MOD to map with...but you have to search and find stuff if you want to use it properly.
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