Env_message Created 18 years ago2006-06-20 07:02:10 UTC by G_KID G_KID

Created 18 years ago2006-06-20 07:02:10 UTC by G_KID G_KID

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-20 07:02:10 UTC Post #186006
Hmm, I am making a map, and in it I want text to appear, similar to Zombieloffes latest compo map.
I want it to appear in the top left corner.
I looked at how Zombieloffe has done it, and I have read the tutorial on env_messages, but I still can't see how it works.

Zombieloffes titles.txt that he included with his map didn't have all the other text that is inside the normal titles.txt which I thought it would need anyway for hte actual game?, and I thought if I just edited his titles.txt I'd have what I need since I wanted pretty much what he had done anyway.

I made my changes, and was gonna put the file in C:SierraHalf-Lifevalve where the titles.txt originally is, becuase it needs to be there for the game to find it doesn't it?, but then I realised it would replace the older titles.txt which surely the game needs?

So anyway, point is I am really in need of how to make my env_message work if anyone can help. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-20 07:06:11 UTC Post #186007
I believe your only choice for having a custom titles.txt is to distribute the map in mini-mod format. That's how I did it.

You could, alternatively, use game_text's, which can't handle nearly as much text, but don't need any external files.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-20 07:18:59 UTC Post #186008
So, that means I just put the titles.txt inside the mod folder instead of C:/sierra/half-life/valve?
And if my map is in the mod folder as well, it'll just pick that up? Or do I have to do something else?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-20 08:33:23 UTC Post #186012
Lets say your map's name is hello.
You make a mini-mod out of this hello map, by making a hello directory in sierrahalf-life. In sierrahalf-lifehello you place titles.txt, and a folder named maps, containing your bsp files.
You also need to set up a liblist.gam file. Read the "Setting up a mod"-tutorial.

Then just place env_messages linking to paragraphs within titles.txt.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-20 08:37:40 UTC Post #186013
Thanks, compiling now. Been 15 or so minutes now.
Tum te tum...
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-20 08:51:47 UTC Post #186017
Woo it works.
Gotta recompile the entire 20 minutes though, because there was one little error in the text I wanted displayed :/
Ohwell, it works.

Cheers Zombie.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-20 10:25:50 UTC Post #186033
Compile with -onlyents, y'silly boy.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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