Yet another mapping query... Created 18 years ago2006-06-21 15:38:38 UTC by a a

Created 18 years ago2006-06-21 15:38:38 UTC by a a

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-21 15:38:38 UTC Post #186273
Im curious as to if it is possible to have a turret that moves along a horizontal plane, while simultaneously have a barrel that can move up and down without moving the rest of the turret? any help would be appreciated.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-21 16:35:41 UTC Post #186276
You meant like a turrent on a rail? You'd need Spirit of Half-Life.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 03:10:38 UTC Post #186308
No - i simply mean like a common tank.

I tried what doctor cheese suggested - but nommater what i set the roation speeds to, the never move in sinc with each other. I decompiled the map "Surface Tension" and looked at the tank there and replicatd its settings - but they didnt move in sinc with each other...
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 03:35:21 UTC Post #186314
Just out of curiosity - how would i control such a group of entities - as far as i know - a func_tankcontrols can only control one tank at a time - how ould i configure it to control the turret and the barrel simlultaneously?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 13:23:12 UTC Post #186378
give them both the same name?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 15:45:56 UTC Post #186421
you tie them both to func tanks, but give the rotating part no vertical movement, and no damage or muzzleflash or anything. which you give to the barrel of the tank.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 17:08:36 UTC Post #186435
Thankyou for the help - i have just tried what Zeeba-G said - but it only controls one of the turrets - the first one that i placed- Jimmi's idea seemed to work though.

However, to change the subject away from the Func_tank, i have yet another question (So much knowledge required, so little time...)

I am trying to get Func_tracktrain in my map.

When i put a func_tracktrain in the level (along with path_tracks, and func_traincontrols), the train appears apparently randomly far away from where the path is. What is going on?

It moves along a non-existant path that is approximately twice the diameter of the original path. How do i fix this?

PS, a miniature tutorial could be useful eg. "add one of these, place one here, name it that" and so on - just a thought... :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-22 19:10:03 UTC Post #186452
You need to place an origin brush around the spot the tracktrain will rotate around. Origin brush= Brush textured with the origin texture tied together with the other brushes of the train.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 03:16:53 UTC Post #186481
Thankyou, thats fixed the problem. Its just my luck to have something as simple as a missing origin brush...

I still have problems with the two turrets moving in sync with each other though... - one seems to move before/after the other.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 10:46:35 UTC Post #186524
make sure both have the same controles, and then you have to play with there speeds a bit.

remember, they both have to have the same origin (by which I mean different origin brushs for each but in the same spot)
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-23 11:29:17 UTC Post #186540
I have decided to post the next problem in this thread as well, just for convenience: When using scripted_sentances, the scripted_sentace fails to activate.

I have named it "Talk", and it is targetted by a func_button (in this case anyway). It then have its "listener type" set to player, and the "sentance name, set to a simple "Scientist ok" group that was on the sentances txt. file when i started. The speaker type is set to "monster1" (which is a scientist incidentally)

Why isnt it working? what am i missing?

I followed the tutorial unneringly three times each with similar results...
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 17:35:59 UTC Post #186748
any suggestions? :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-24 19:33:51 UTC Post #186753
Whats the name of the sentence again? (the capital words exmp: SCI_NO(just an example, didn't check the sentence text)) You need to write that down in the sentence name.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-25 06:05:43 UTC Post #186794
ive sorted the problem - the scripted sentance's volume was set to '0'. so it was playing, i just couldnt hear it. "Lol" says my work colleage

This morning i got a warning coming up while a map was loading saying that "Bad Surface Extentes 9440/0" what does this mean and how do i fix it? :|
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-26 10:55:14 UTC Post #187000
That was a rather stupid thing to do - im sorry i may have wasterd your time... :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-26 23:03:29 UTC Post #187060
is possible to have a turret that moves along a horizontal plane, while simultaneously have a barrel that can move up and down without moving the rest of the turret?
As Seventh-Monkey alluded to early in this thread...THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE IN HALF-LIFE ENGINE! (or at least not without spirt.)

Jimmi/Gargy: Seriously, you two should know better than this after all this time. If either of you are so convinced you can do this in Half-Life, I challenge you upload a working example.

Posted 18 years ago2006-06-26 23:44:31 UTC Post #187063
harsh :aghast:
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-27 10:55:23 UTC Post #187122
If it's so impossible how did they do it in half-life eh?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-27 11:40:26 UTC Post #187136
you could modle your turret so it works like the monster_turret, monster_miniturret and er... the millertry one
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-27 23:28:55 UTC Post #187220
If it's so impossible how did they do it in half-life eh?
Um, really?! What level precisely are you talking about that illustrates this?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 04:35:28 UTC Post #187264
hes got a point, they done it in "surface tension" - however that one was autonoumous, and didnt run off a user-controlls...

This was probably how they managed it...

PS - i am aware how irrelivant what i just said is, i appolagise
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 08:34:27 UTC Post #187297
If your talking about the APC that drives out and starts shooting at you from c2a5e, the "moving tank" is simply a func_train.

After it moves into place it's rendered invisible, while simultaneously the invisible--not to mention quite stationary--func_tank is rendered visible/activated.

Is this what you were talking about?
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 16:19:30 UTC Post #187349
No, I was talking about the M4/A1 Abrams Main Battle tank model in the level immediatly after the cliff face (ill get the actual level name when i get back from the my business trip).

PS - Have you seen the pictures i posted of my workplace? if so, what do you think of them, i may have overexposed some of the intenal pictures, but thats what comes of using an analogue camera...
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-28 18:46:56 UTC Post #187376
That battle tank never moves.

Rowley, the HL engine has nothing to do with this. It's gamecode we're talking about, and the ability to set it to your hand using entities. ;)
a, the Half-Life gamecode simply doesn't give you such options. Go with Spirit of Half-Life.
Posted 18 years ago2006-06-29 00:28:02 UTC Post #187403
Yeah, I didn't realize I wrote that until hours later. Notice it wouldn't really make sense for me to say "(or at least not without spirt.)" if it was something the engine couldn't handle ;)

Too much coffee, typing too fast, thinking too little :P
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