Changing Models of NPCs Created 17 years ago2006-07-13 14:32:39 UTC by VortigauntSlave VortigauntSlave

Created 17 years ago2006-07-13 14:32:39 UTC by VortigauntSlave VortigauntSlave

Posted 17 years ago2006-07-13 14:32:39 UTC Post #189963
hi, i was just curious, is there any to change the models of npcs, like it lost coast there is a helicopter which is just a gunship with a helicopter model, so i was wondering is there anyway to change a model like that in hammer?
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-13 14:59:24 UTC Post #189965
Uhm, no, that heli isn't just a different model, there's also some different AI under the hood there.

However, you can change models, provided you don't change anything the code needs, like attachment points and the like. Not something you can do with Hammer only though. Well, since the citizens for example have a variety of models they can use, you could give it a try of course, but I can't guarantee the game won't crash or something... ;)
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-13 15:37:16 UTC Post #189967
Its got to have the same bones in the same area of the NPC. I would say its kind of advanced to do something like that. Something to be done in a .qc file and in XSI or something. (Like put the model over the one you want to replace and drag its bones over or something)

Keep in mind Im only speculating. Ive never done it, but I do know it cannot be done by simply changing something in hammer....
Posted 17 years ago2006-07-13 17:03:12 UTC Post #189977
Ok thanks. :|
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