how do you make models breakable in CS? Created 18 years ago2006-08-25 21:32:55 UTC by eightballrota eightballrota

Created 18 years ago2006-08-25 21:32:55 UTC by eightballrota eightballrota

Posted 18 years ago2006-08-25 21:32:55 UTC Post #194573
Okay, so I have a bar shootout map I'm making for CS 1.6 (half-life 1), and so far I have alot of brush baased bottles tied to func_breakable, so people can shoot them. However, They are killing my w_poly count (over 3500 at the moment), I would use a model of a wine bottle (cs_italy) but it wouldn't look right to have people shooting bottles that don't break. So how do I make the model break when shot? I assume I would use the cycler_sprite to put it in. I know this is possible becuase 3d_mike has one in de_vine. I've tried to de-compile using winBSP (to see how he did it), but it just crashes on my PC, without decompiling into MAP. any ideas?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-25 23:05:16 UTC Post #194584
The eightball was done the same way as the wine bottle. Take a closer look and you'll see that it renders away when shot, and the invisible func_breakable shoots rock gibs!

If you make the "material type" for the func_breakable glass, it should look pretty good imo.

There is also a field in the func_breakable for "gib model" which you could make a nice custom gib model--see milkshape--matching the bottle. I've never used that field, so I'm not sure if it works... so if it doesn't, use an env_shooter to "fire" the custom gib.

If you don't know how to model, Lots of people here will make them for you, like Rimrook and others.

Rim knows how to animate too, so maybe he could make an animated breaking bottle, but I'm not sure about that :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-25 23:29:20 UTC Post #194585
maybe this is just my utter noobness, but I don't quite understand how to do it. Could you give me step by step insturctions after I make the entity as a cycler_sprite?

I don't need anything fancy, just make it do some glass gibs when shot. Oh, and while we're at it, anybody know any good sites to get prop models from?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-25 23:30:20 UTC Post #194586
maybe this is just my utter noobness, but I don't quite understand how to do it. Could you give me step by step insturctions after I make the entity as a cycler_sprite?

I don't need anything fancy, just make it do some glass gibs when shot. Oh, and while we're at it, anybody know any good sites to get prop models from?
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 04:49:48 UTC Post #194595
not got time to try this but this is how I would try.
Place your bottle as whatever.
Make a func_breakeble around it and set target to an env_render
place an env_render set render mode to texture and render ammount to 0. make it target the bottle
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 04:59:04 UTC Post #194597
Don't make the breakable target an env_render. Make it killtarget the bottle and target a few blood decals that will make it look like the wine was spilled. Check my ruled by insanity map.(go to my profile ;) )
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 11:22:32 UTC Post #194635
I got it to work, although i set the render amount of my func_breakable to 0 but it still showed up. I'll try setting it to one and see what happens. I didn't understand about the killtarget though, I didn't see any entities that matched that name.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 11:32:11 UTC Post #194638
Texture the func_breakable with null, that way it doesn't adds onto the w_polycount.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 12:18:55 UTC Post #194639
Killtarget is a value, check if the func_breakable has a killtarget attribute and in it write the name of the bottle entity. You don't need env_render if you do so, the bottle will be removed untill the next time you will load the map.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-26 13:56:26 UTC Post #194651
okay, i'll try the null thing as that should be simpler. i may not use it, as I was going to add quite alot of bottles and I don't want to have to name all of them and assign them the entities, I'll probably just leave them out. I have another question though, the cafe.mdl (table) I am using has animations that when you shoot it, it flips over, knocks off the bottles, and lies on the floor, however, I am unable to stop the animation. If you shoot it again, it pops back up. how do you stop that? Do i need a trigger or something? here is the model if anyone wnats to see it in jed's viewer.
this will make this map over the top if I can figure out how to stop the animation. Thank you all for the help. I also tried setting it as a cycler_sprite, but even when set to solid or normal render mode, I could walk right through it in game.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 07:30:32 UTC Post #194731
Render modes don't make a difference with its being solid or not.
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 09:57:10 UTC Post #194762
So i guess the only way to make a cycler_sprite solid, is to put an invisible brush around it with a NULL face? I still need to figure out how to trigger the animation properly for the tables. It seems that a cycler cycles through the animation modes in game when shot, but how do you stop that? All i need to do is figure out how to have the tables flip when shot once, then stay on the ground (idle 2 animation)
Posted 18 years ago2006-08-27 11:03:32 UTC Post #194773
Cyclers are ment to cycle trough animations all the time, nothing can change that.
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