Hammer gone wild Created 18 years ago2006-09-03 12:31:51 UTC by Tosse Tosse

Created 18 years ago2006-09-03 12:31:51 UTC by Tosse Tosse

Posted 18 years ago2006-09-03 12:31:51 UTC Post #195484
Ok, strange things happening.

Why does my hammer want to rename all my maps to Mr?

And why can't i compile because hammer can't find the folder Halflife/vavle/maps/Mr.map? that Mr.map folder has never existed!

And yeah, it tells me to look in Mr.log for the error! There is NO Mr.log!

It has worked fine untill today, and i haven't changed anything, it's out of control!
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-03 12:44:46 UTC Post #195486
Maybe there's an instance of Mr.map in your Hammer settings.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-03 13:40:41 UTC Post #195491
No no, the settings are fine... Man, im getting crazy!
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-03 14:39:50 UTC Post #195497
Btw, is this correct:
Its Half-Life/valve, not Halflife/vavle. :nuts:
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-03 15:18:23 UTC Post #195498
I ain't got the same version as you do... And everything that hammer uses comes from the C: ..ex C:Halflife/vavle/maps/. So it can't be a mix-up there... Oh god...

EDIT: I can't even use "save as" to save what ever im working on, it tryes to save the file as "Mr", and if i change the name and save it in my rmf folder (or any other) it does nothing, no files have been saved, nothing.

EDIT#2: I can save the .rmf in my documents and settings folder, only there, but i still can't compile.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-04 02:29:19 UTC Post #195531
Reinstall Hammer
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-04 06:06:57 UTC Post #195544
Done that, didn't help... Maybe if i install it in D: ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-05 09:00:52 UTC Post #195685
**Doublepost to make thread seem as new**

Has anyone had a similar problem?

btw, my user name on the computer is "Mr.Bacon".. I was thinking, could that period in Mr.bacon have a foot in the game here? I mean, hammer is going nuts with the word "Mr" so it seems logical. And if so, what can i do about it?
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-05 23:32:51 UTC Post #195744
Um... change the name of your computer?
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-06 02:13:07 UTC Post #195747
Yeah i did that, to "MrBacon" without the period, but documents and settings didn't want to change the same so i guess im fucked.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-06 03:51:25 UTC Post #195749
whats your logon username?
are you using a folder in documents and settings as a map folder?
I've had a similar probelm where i had my map directory as my WON installation, labelled as 'Half-Life 1.5', i renamed to Half-Life 1-5 and it worked fine, but in the end i switched to C:Half-LifeMaps (Half-Life isn't the game, its my modding folder)
try switching to a folder like C:Maps .
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-06 05:38:05 UTC Post #195755
Im not sure about the folder names, im on my laptop at the moment. But i have nothing in documents and settings that has anything to do with hammer, everything is either in the hammer folder or the halflife folder, and my logon user name is "MrBacon", previusly "Mr.Bacon"... And i just thought about it, after all it renames everything to somthing with "Mr" in it, and it complains that it can't find "Mr.map"... And it's windows that gives me this error, not hammer.

Did that clear things up? =/
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-06 06:54:33 UTC Post #195757
Sounds like your hard drive is about to go, go buy a new one and rebuild your computer...or you probably picked some wierd virus up from IE, that happens all the time, use firefox.
Posted 18 years ago2006-09-06 08:06:55 UTC Post #195758
I use firefox, and the godlike AVG anivirus... I think it's just one of those wierd ol' windows things, i'll see if i might find a sulotion when i get back home from school... Other people might get this error so it's for the best that i get to the bottom of it insted of buy'n a new hd. :heart:
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