Sorry, it is about CS.
Thanks a lot anyway!
I'll download that Goldwave thing and try.
And thanks WorldCraft Dude, forgot to mention that the grenade is the "pickupable" sort...
********Edit************Hey, thanks for the Goldwave thing!
Anyway, tried the wall_toggle, but it didn't work.
The trigger_once I put worked (cos i didn't see it, so I ASSUME it worked), but the grenade was already in the floor when I started the round. And my wall_toggle was 100% visible, even though i checked "start invisible". Maybe i should explain.
I want my grenade to be Hovering in mid-air, and for that, the "wall" needs to be invisible but not pass-through-able. So when it is activated, it will become pass-through-able and the grenade will fall!
Is that possible?
Thanks a dozen!