Weird Goggle Probs on custom grunts Created 17 years ago2006-09-22 13:27:39 UTC by VortigauntSlave VortigauntSlave

Created 17 years ago2006-09-22 13:27:39 UTC by VortigauntSlave VortigauntSlave

Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 13:27:39 UTC Post #197199
Its stange, the custom models in the MDLViewer show the goggles on most custom skinned grunts (usually Super Def Grunts) as being see through (so you can see the grunt's eyes/face on the other side) however when played ingame the grunts goggles look like coloured chrome, depending on what colour the goggles are supposed to be, is there anyway i can sort this out so they're see through like in the MDLViewer?
Thanks! :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 13:32:36 UTC Post #197201
Probably due to the fact that you're using WON HL, which doesn't support transparency in models.

Either switch to Steam, or find the extra DLLs needed to make it work for non-Steam installation (they're hard to find, mind you).
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 13:36:20 UTC Post #197202
Ok, Thanks. It wasnt a huge problem it was just out of curiosity, Thanks again.

Just another question: At the beginning of a map how would i keep the screen faded out/black until all the stuff i would like has appeared on the screen (Mission/mod info/story) then fade in like it does with the mission fade in thing enabled?
Thanks in advance. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 14:01:59 UTC Post #197205
Use the "Hold time" setting on the env_fade. If that's too short, you can make the player start in a completely black room, then teleport him to the map, then fade from there.
Posted 17 years ago2006-09-22 14:32:12 UTC Post #197207
Thank You.
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