Making a custom spray for maps.. Created 17 years ago2006-10-12 17:35:18 UTC by szymas szymas

Created 17 years ago2006-10-12 17:35:18 UTC by szymas szymas

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-12 17:35:18 UTC Post #199441
Is there a good tutorial that walks thru from the beginning on how to take a "spray" or "decal" and make it ready for insertion into a map?

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-12 18:04:25 UTC Post #199443
Is this for Hl1 or source?

I have a tutorial site, but its on my computer at home, and right now Im at my college campus. If nobody responds in like 4 hours (cuz thats when I get home) Ill post it 4 you :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-12 18:08:53 UTC Post #199444
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-12 18:19:26 UTC Post #199448
sorry, for CS:CZ or HL1 engine I assume, but it is not a custom spray that I'm after.. I want to add custom decals to some walls on the map i am building.. and thanks Michael.
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