Wii's first bad move? Created 18 years ago2006-10-12 11:25:46 UTC by Archie Archie

Created 18 years ago2006-10-12 11:25:46 UTC by Archie Archie

Posted 18 years ago2006-10-12 11:25:46 UTC Post #199395
This is most definetely potentially NSFW, click at your own discretion and consider yourself warned.

SNK are making a game in which you will undress anime girls to discover if they are witches or humans, as seems to be kind of standard with such games the girls look quite...young. >_<

This game will make FULL use of the Wii-mote for undressing, apparently, on the DS you will use the stencil instead.

As I understand it there are other games similar in nature available in Japan, usually quite specialist, but I think this might well be the first under development for the Wii and using the Wii-mote in this fashion.

Thought it deserved a topic for discussion.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-12 11:43:57 UTC Post #199398
I doubt such a game will reach stores in the western world.

By the way, it's puzzling how in a country like Japan, with all the hentai and perverted nature of their manga, anime and videogames, the rate of rapes committed is about 20 times less than in countries like the U.S

The weirdest part of all is that they consider some of these things to be normal and mainstream.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-12 13:38:52 UTC Post #199402
If that game reach the western world it would probably be catecorized as a "erotic" game, so it wont matter...

And if this kind of thing is a part of japanese culture I thing they have their right to have it that way, Im not in to manga and all that stuff so I can't really take a stand in this discussion sence I don't have the knowledge about it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-12 14:40:41 UTC Post #199415
Wow, what a shit way to launch a console with its first games.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-12 16:39:16 UTC Post #199434
Haha, Japan. Famous home of our beloved lolicon and guro. Honestly, anything those people do won't amaze me.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-12 16:46:38 UTC Post #199436
That looks exactly like a game I played on newgrounds.com rofl...

As to why their rape rate is lower it could be because their more open about porn (basically), it gives people a way to vent their sexual urges. Or punishments could be stricter, I'm just throwing things out there.

I don't think that games like that can reach the western world either... I remember seeing a game just like this before from Japan - the US banned imports or something like that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-12 16:49:42 UTC Post #199438
More open towards porn?
Pornographic photographs are illegal in japan :P. Apparently anything that shows pubic hair (source?).

I'd just say it's a cultural difference. Who knows what it depends on. I'll tell you one thing, japanese tourists in stockholm are annoying as shit. They move in flocks and photograph people on the street (or in their homes).
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-12 21:58:14 UTC Post #199474
Olde. :P

But yeah, this is somewhat risky, especially for SNK. I'm not surprised that a game like this is coming out in Japan, I'm surprised that such a major company is doing it. Usually they're done by some proxy, unheard-of team and then released at the markets...
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-13 11:23:50 UTC Post #199560
Interesting thread. As everyone said, this thing is normal to them in Japan. It obviously wont be coming oversea's so why worry? has there ever been a japanese porn game distributed overseas? (maybe, but not alot) Plus there has to be games like this released for gamecube only in Japan that we are not aware about. To them its like the next mario game XD

Plus I dont see how relating it to molesting children qualifies. They are just drawings! How could that be considered a form of molesting children?

All I have to say is: (nods head as I say it) Those crazy japanese..... :)

I wonder if there are any japanese TWHL'ers here :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-13 11:37:46 UTC Post #199562
Plus I dont see how relating it to molesting children qualifies. They are just drawings! How could that be considered a form of molesting children?
Lolicon (look it up) is illegal in some countries, iirc britain and sweden. The law isn't really upheld though.

"Bishōjo games" are pretty common in japan. I don't see why this is such a shocker.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-13 12:09:55 UTC Post #199564
I guess because nobody thought Nintendo would get into it? (But I still think there must be some out there for its older consoles that we are not aware of)
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-13 20:59:37 UTC Post #199607
Like I said, it's shocking because SNK are doing it! SNK aren't some pissy little company working in Japan, they're a pretty large company. They created Metal Slug!!

If it were some poxy team, I wouldn't blink twice at this.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-13 22:07:31 UTC Post #199610
Yeah, the name is messed up, so they screwed it up enough. Wii? And it's pronounced we.... "Hey, let's play with my Wii!" "OMFG someone just stole my Wii!" "I think my Wii is broken, can you fix it?" "My parents grounded me, but when they are asleep, let's play with my Wii, just keep the lights off." "Haha, my Wii is bigger than yours!" "My Wii is deformed." "My Wii is bright red! And yours is yellow! Haha!" Ok, made my point.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 07:59:32 UTC Post #199632
What was the point?
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 08:01:26 UTC Post #199633
That your name is fu*ked up.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 16:28:53 UTC Post #199674
The pictures on the site doesn't work :( I wanna see it.. :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 16:40:14 UTC Post #199675
To be honest I could care less about the remote and the QUOTE (with the fingers)innovative (ENDQUOTE WITH FINGERS) controller. The idea sounds good at first, but think of the replay value. I like to sit down and relax at my console. I dont want to be swinging a tv remote around. Its the kind of thing thats only fun in arcades for a brief period of time. Im much more excited about downloading every game they made from the past and having it on the console :) Emulators just dont cut it...

On a side note, PS3 sucks!
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 17:17:20 UTC Post #199679
I actually agree with Xyos there (SHOCK HORROR!!!) - the Wiimote might be fun at first, but seriously, flinging your arms around like a tard for an hour will be tiring and annoying. According to the many teaser videos, you need to have your arm fully straightened out and the Wiimote pointing toward the TV for it to work - which will just become annoying.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 18:08:22 UTC Post #199682
For shame on the new Wii, for shame.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 18:22:24 UTC Post #199683
PS3 will pwn Wii and 360, just seeing as it already pwns 360 with that fact it can play PS1 and 2 games. =) Only thing is.... too expensive sorta and wireless controlers that eventually.... run out of battery which would suck if your in an important spot. =/ Although I spose you can get non wire-less controllers.. w/e.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 18:25:09 UTC Post #199684
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 18:29:48 UTC Post #199685
is that for the one with the big or small hd space?
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 19:10:03 UTC Post #199687
I'm 'onna kill someone!! I want to see the pics!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 19:11:32 UTC Post #199688
saw's long list of lame Wii jokes...
I'm assuming that you're relating the word Wii to wee as in urine, which is related to the word penis.
"OMFG someone just stole my urine!"
...yeah. My point is, grow up. Wii has now become a regular gaming word. So all of those 'quotes' as you say are completely valid.
I like to sit down and relax at my console. I dont want to be swinging a tv remote around.
flinging your arms around like a tard for an hour will be tiring and annoying. According to the many teaser videos, you need to have your arm fully straightened out and the Wiimote pointing toward the TV for it to work
Game creators and people who have gotten to test the console for themselves have repeatedly said that only small, subtle movements are needed. your arm doesnt need to be straightened out etc etc. one of the devs of CoD3 for Wii has said that the best way to play it is sitting down, with your elbow resting on your leg. even zelda can be played sitting down. also, the actual remote is lighter than the x360's controller, so your arms should gess less tired :P . the recieving range is 10 metres so you can sit back anywhere and you can actually read the text if you dont have a HDTV.
PS3 will pwn Wii and 360
reasons why this is false:
1. too expensive. a gamer can pick up a Wii and a 360 for the same price.
2. nothing new. except a stolen controller idea.
3. the price doesnt attract non-gamers.
4. overpriced games, crappy launch games.
5. lack of consoles at launch.
6. the majority of gamers who want 2 consoles are going for the Wii and the 360. (they call themselves Wii60)
7. the PS3 looks like a George Forman grill.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 19:18:57 UTC Post #199689
I think this generation of consoles got pwned when Crytek said none of these machines could handle Crysis.
Two years from now, PC GFX cards will be cheaper and much better than the current console hardware.
(Games are a different matter, I know)
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-14 19:33:33 UTC Post #199691
360 has some nice hardware. I mean, it ran PDZ which had almost EVERY material Parallax'ed, normal mapped, with reflections In wide open areas with NO slowdowns EVEN WITH SPLITSCREEN! Now most of it looked bad (reflective sand???) and the game sucked, BUT it still is a good example of the power of the 360. Parallax is a very expensive technique in games, so that says something if you ask me.


Has anyone seen the current ACTUAL gameplay from games compared to its so called actual gameplay a year ago? Go to ign.com. Look at the Gundam gameplay trailer from last year and compare it to the REAL in-game play released this year. The difference is amazing. It looks horrible!
I use this as an example, there are other games like this too.

Plus, 360's hardware is simply better than the PS3. Plus their controller is just so damn good. (wireless, and ergonomic wise) PLus, their online is just the best console wise.

I plan for a 360 and a Wii. PS3, well I say lets all pretend it does not exist, shall we? :)

Tis the end of another Rant :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 03:37:25 UTC Post #199734
yeh, PS3 is pretty much a screw up compared to the 360 and Wii.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 04:13:01 UTC Post #199735
I seriously hope the PS3 loses the next-gen race.

As for the Wii, well...everyone criticised the DS when it's concept of "dual screen with touch" was annoucned: it's been one of the most popular consoles in history. While the idea of the Wii may be somewhat sketchy, no one knows what the execution of it will be like, considering that the last time people had a go of it was this year's E3.

Xyos: While PD0 looked great, there was something odd about its graphics. Secondly, the game sucked. A console/game can throw around as many effects as it likes, but if the gameplay isn't up to scratch, then there's no point.

I'll be getting a Wii mainly because I have a PC. PC will always lead in terms of graphical quality, so why would I bother purchasing a console that pretends it's on top of next-gen graphics? I'd rather get something that tries something different.
If I had the cash, I'd probably get a Wii and a 360, mainly because the PS3 fails on all accounts.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 04:21:53 UTC Post #199736
Cryos, i define a rig(PC or Console) horrible when it still needs to run a resolution of 640X480, i mean come on! Your eyes bleed when you look at the screen, let alone speaking of the horrible cheaply quality lacking controllers. They make you hit every possible wall, even if you dont want too, you couldnt even set sensivity, dead zone, calibration etc. I bet there made with cheap pods.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 04:46:18 UTC Post #199738
/me agrees with Ant entriely EXCEPT that people HAVE played the Wii since E3. There have been numerous exhibitions, developer conferences and the like.

/me wonders what pepper is going on about
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 05:12:53 UTC Post #199739
Most TVs today can't handle resolutions above 640x480, is what he means. Which sucks lots dicks. And the PS3 will suck even. God, PS3 fanboys are the worst kind, why don't you all just go and die?

Edit, and more on topic: loli is kinda hot...
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 05:43:37 UTC Post #199741
Heh :P

A certain IRC member linked me to it last night as I had no idea what it was. :P
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 05:49:55 UTC Post #199742
Trust this thread to turn into a fanboy battle...

Back on the topic, I think that it shouldnt boil down to the console making a bad move but rather the game developers and whoever would actually buy a game like this.

Edit: Wii ftw.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 09:34:16 UTC Post #199751
I'll be getting a Wii mainly because I have a PC. PC will always lead in terms of graphical quality, so why would I bother purchasing a console that pretends it's on top of next-gen graphics? I'd rather get something that tries something different.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 12:36:22 UTC Post #199759
I think Sony is stupid, and I have been a fan of the Playstation since the first Crash Bandicoot! Charging that much for the PS3 will even make the Playstation fans incapable of buying it (Since I'd guess the majority are kids). I would have bought it if it were 200-300$ but they crossed the line of console gaming by doing that.

I just don't like the idea of the Wii in general, won't be buying it.

Out of the 3 gaming companies I think Xbox is the smartest and will turn out on top. They released their 360 early and for a much much cheaper price. And by the time the PS3 comes out, they will probably release another, better, gaming system (And for cheaper).

Not to mention Sony is already in trouble because of the problems they've had with their laptop batterys, I think that the PS3 might come close to breaking them. (News: It was discovered that sony laptop batteries blow up (or just create fire w/e)! GG! Apple, Dell, Toshiba, and a couple other major manufactures demanded a recall and Sony had to foot the bill for all of these expensive laptop batteries.)
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 12:44:53 UTC Post #199761
I'll be getting a Wii, for the simple reason that it seems a lot more fun than the other next-gen alternatives.

Still, I really want Dead Rising... :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 13:51:20 UTC Post #199766
instead of a PS3 im getting a 7950 Gx2

instead of a 360 im getting a Core 2 duo

instead of a Wii im getting Supreme commander and crysis

problem solved
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 14:43:03 UTC Post #199772
Lost images:
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image

Looks hot to me!!!
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 15:03:55 UTC Post #199773
@ Ant: I already said the game sucked. It REALLY sucked. THe graphical effects such as parallax and normal mapping was ASTOUNDING as you can see from this pic I took (off-screen) (This is and old pic btw, I didnt take it just for this topic :))


Thats all parallax/normalmap/reflections people! ON A FLAT BRUSH SURFACE!

But it was not all perfect. Lighting was really bad in certain areas, and just in case someone forgot, THE GAME SUCKED!

Point being: 360 is capable of some serious shit here!


What was that term someone used? Wiibox360? Thats me. :) I dont like the controller, but I am interested in the downloadable content. Wii Remote might be fun, you never know. (I have no question it will be fun, but I just cant see long term replay value)

Oh and a random quote from a certain cartoon show (Can you guess which one???)

Do you have Sea lions on your surface world?...... Ya, we call 'em Land Sea Lions.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 15:20:30 UTC Post #199776
Point being: 360 is capable of some serious shit here!
The effect looks very nice, but:
Is it capable of real time lighting and the latest DirectX 10 effects, while producing a high resolution image with full-scene anti-aliasing? :(
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 15:48:19 UTC Post #199777
By effects, you mean dynamic shadows/lights, volumetric clouds, stuff like that? I honestly dont know about that :( Could be possible....
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 16:03:56 UTC Post #199779
It CANT be DirectX 10 capable, since Microsoft hasnt even released it. Neither could one update it nor is the technique in it suited to run DX10 effectively, thus rulling it out as a capable machine for modern software.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 16:14:25 UTC Post #199780
Rofl thats a great point pepper :glad:

Speaking of DX10 does anyone know what new features its going to offer? Anything that's going to change the face of gaming?
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 16:24:35 UTC Post #199784
I think real-time lighting (and eventually real time reflections) will change the face of gaming, at least visually. No lightmap grids, no fake cardboard-cutout-style shadows. Just plain real lighting, where every object affects and is affected by lighting accurately. No hard shadows like the ones we see in Doom3 or FEAR.
When that day arrives, game makers will be on even grounds on what concerns technology, so the real challenge will be creating unique and imaginative game content, as well as better AI. No dumb fights over whose water reflects better or what type of lighting looks the best.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 17:06:01 UTC Post #199785
Oh well, there is still time before the Wii, that game, and the PS3 come out. We may experience price raise/drop in either console. Although I might not care as much since I haven't played my PS2 much, just because PC games are alot more fun (I mean, FPS on consoles are bullshit hard. :aggrieved: ) Unless, they can get me a keyboard and mouse I can use for a console when I need it....
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 22:34:38 UTC Post #199793
Oh and a random quote from a certain cartoon show (Can you guess which one???)

Do you have Sea lions on your surface world?...... Ya, we call 'em Land Sea Lions.
Futurama, although I don't know why you would just randomly quote that.

and While I think DX10 is going to bring some awesome things with it, I consider the hardware needed for it, Vista, and DRM(both of audio, and that shitty HD video thing where you have to have compliance all the way through), all things that will stain the future of gaming
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 22:54:08 UTC Post #199794
the future of gaming will be in 3D holographic environments as seen in Star Trek's HoloDeck
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 22:57:50 UTC Post #199795
Yeah, but we were talking about the affordable near future of gaming ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-15 23:25:24 UTC Post #199797
DX 10 will do nothing more than GL 2.0 will be capable of.
Posted 18 years ago2006-10-16 04:32:41 UTC Post #199799
And how can you support that statement Dark Kilua Mind explaining me how it causes such a great differance in a FSX DX9 or a DX10 Set-up?
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