Help with ladders and doors Created 17 years ago2006-10-19 02:55:54 UTC by Weiska Weiska

Created 17 years ago2006-10-19 02:55:54 UTC by Weiska Weiska

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-19 02:55:54 UTC Post #200077
Well actually, ladders that are doors.

Is this possible?

I am working on a collab RP map for HL1, and it is my first mapping job ever. I have been tasked with creating the bank, and I was wondering if it is possible to make a ladder (well, a rope) which will be able to be moved via a button? My plan was to make it so the bank robbers could push an external button, and ropes would drop down, allowing the robbers to escape. But after experimentation, I dont think its possible to have something as a func_ladder AND a func_door (but if im wrong, please help me =))

Is it possible to 'deactivate' the ladder throught the use of a button, for example, could my button 'deactivate' the func_ladder, and make the visible brush assiciated with it ascend into the air?

Which brings me to my next problem. Would there be any way to hide the rope once it gets above a certain point, so that there isnt a gigantic rope sticking out of the ceiling all the time?

Posted 17 years ago2006-10-19 12:19:26 UTC Post #200102
Its impossbile to do, because you can't tie a brush to 2 entities, but you can't deactivate ladders in half-life either, unless you're mapping for sven co-op.
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-20 02:57:18 UTC Post #200199
you can deactivate them but it's one way, you can't make them active after.
See the "kill target" in some entitys (eg trigger_relay)
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-20 08:14:38 UTC Post #200224
erm... Just surround the func_ladder with an invisible func_wall_toggle.

When the rope descends, toggle the func_wall_toggle and the ladder will become accessable.

The only problem with this is, if it's in a wide open area, there will be an invisible brush blocking the player walking through the space where the ladder will be.

Also, why are you using a func_door for the descending rope?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2006-10-20 22:39:47 UTC Post #200259
because im a noob =P

i only started mapping in hammer about a week ago, and i dont know all the ins and outs of it yet. the func_wall_toggle idea sounds good, but yeah.. theres the whole invible barrier thing. would i be able to achieve a similar effect using func_train? as in, theres a platform that could descend from the roof with the press of a button, then go back up once the button is pressed again?, and maybe make the platform invisible, but make it move along a rope or something? so you arnt actually climbing the ladder, but you are moving up it?

eh. iono, im a bit of a noob >_<
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