UCLA Student Tazered By Police Created 17 years ago2006-11-21 18:27:34 UTC by Caboose Caboose

Created 17 years ago2006-11-21 18:27:34 UTC by Caboose Caboose

Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 18:27:34 UTC Post #203568
This was going to be a journal entry, but I figured it would lead to some interesting forum discussion.

The abuse of power in this country never ceases to amaze me.

Alright, that kid was being a dick, and he should've just left when the cops asked him to, but being tazed over 5 times? Are these highly trained LAPD officers, or just some bullshit student campus rent-a-cops?

I mean for fucks sake, he was lying on the floor, in handcuffs, and not struggling in any way. MPs in the military can detain a soldier, but 4-5 police officers can't throw a handcuffed college student out of a library?



Leave it to /b/ to deal with the important issues.

I also like how all the white kids were like "umm...sir...SIR!...we need your badge number!"

More oppressed nationalities would have started something right there.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 18:46:50 UTC Post #203574
i'm only half-way through the video, as it's loading horribly slowly, but my god..

that is unbelievable.. I hope they got more than fired for that.
I cant even begin to imagine what this world is coming to if they got away with it..
keeps watching
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 18:48:40 UTC Post #203575
A bit wrong, America right? I'd be pretty annoyed if I saw that happening in the UK.

Thing is though the video is frustrating, the camera angles make it hard to make out things and the fact that it is one view, one camera doesn't give enough evidence, why did they tazer him so much, he seemed rather annoying, if he co-operated instead of shouting and explained he couldn't get up I'd understand but I feel they share the blame although that doesn't excuse the abuse.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 18:51:51 UTC Post #203576
Yes, it's in the US.
explained he couldn't get up
It doesn't take that much brain power to realize, "Hey! We just electrified him pretty powerfully numerous times...maybe he can't get up?"
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 18:59:13 UTC Post #203578
if he co-operated instead of shouting
He shouted, because he had been the target of what he believed to have been a racial attack. He figured that making noise would attract attention, which it did, and that this attention would stop the brutality, which it sadly didn't.

Honestly, if this had hapened in my school, most of us would have gone up and thumped the police officers about the head.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 19:06:49 UTC Post #203579

I also like how all the white kids were like "umm...sir...SIR!...we need your badge number!"

More oppressed nationalities would have started something right there.

WTF is that? Do you really think anyone of any race would start a fight with the police just because of their oppression? There were blacks, latinos, etc there too. One of the cops holding him was black for gods sake! None of them did anything. They were afraid to take them on (DONT BLAME THEM, THEY ARE POLICE) just like anyone else would be.

As for what they did:

If you ask me the victim was abit overdramatic. It seemed he wanted trouble to be some kind of "anti-bush marter". He didnt listen to them when they directed orders to him. He kept ranting about "THIS IS YOUR PATRIOT ACT, etc etc. Screaming over and over instead of actually listening to the police.

BTW, I dont really think the police are to blame. Dont forget they need to take careful precautions with people. If someone was screaming and not listening to you, what would you do? Espically with all the cop killings going on, shooting, etc.

As I said, he seemed overdramatic, asking for trouble, and wanting alot of attention. Its also weird someone had a camera on in a computer lab just as the incident happened.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 19:09:08 UTC Post #203580
Its also weird someone had a camera on in a computer lab
It's a mobile phone, and if you watch the news report, it started recording several minutes in to the incident
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 19:13:17 UTC Post #203581
You can't see dick from the camera--the video footage is useless.

The Audio is more telling, but it doesn't tell much. This dude is obviously seriously disturbed and he keeps saying he wants to cooperate--yet hey continuously ignores their orders.

The cops aren't even cops, there gay campus safety police--hardly professionals imo. Real cops would have used billy clubs... much more humane imo :)
It doesn't take that much brain power to realize, "Hey! We just electrified him pretty powerfully numerous times...maybe he can't get up?"
Um he was lucid enough to yell at the cops at the top of his lungs in completey intelligible sentences--I doubt he was "unable" to get up.
He shouted, because he had been the target of what he believed to have been a racial attack.
Um... right. This guy was wrong, period. If you don't cooperate with police, you are literally "crusin' for a brusin", and you can hardly blame them, because it's their job to do their job, whilst taking all necessary precautions to protect themselves and the public.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 19:14:11 UTC Post #203582
@ hunter: Irrelevant. That last sentence by me was just a theroy. I still hold true to my opinion.

Some side notes:

Ive seen people get shot on the news who screamed less than he did. As I said, overdramatic, looking to make an incident.

Also, put yourself in the head of a cop. Everyday your dealing with killers, thugs, etc. Putting your life on the line. Caution must be taken with anyone acting out of the ordinary.

Espically a college like UCLA, liberals galore. Seems like the perfect setting for something staged like this.

This is my opinion. If you want to debate me thats fine. Ive changed my mind many times here about topics because of thoughtful insightful responses by others. Just dont say, "Thats stupid" like that. Debate, and try to change my mind. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 19:23:18 UTC Post #203583
looking to make an incident.
I got that impression myself :) He sounded like a real douche--I wanted to taze him myself--, and probably deservered a worse beating than he got. (kidding but really)
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 19:25:50 UTC Post #203584
This reminds me why I hate cops.

How the hell can you stand up after being tazed 5 times? Fucking assholes, they deserve to get fired and gangraped by a pack of rabid monkeys.

That was unnecessary use of violence, they could have easily carried (or dragged) him out of the building.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 19:33:06 UTC Post #203585
How the hell can you stand up after being tazed 5 times?
It only paralyzes you for a few seconds afaik. It hurts like a bitch--my friend has one--, but it doesn't make you an invalid. They were using pretty short bursts too, which certaily could never paralyze you.

I love people that say they hate cops. The protect YOU, they work for YOU. It's probably one of the hardest jobs you can do--I would never be a cop--, and you cop-hating people should be glad somebodey is willing to do it for they make--it's not much at all.

Of course there are bad cops like in any profession. Maybe a bit more in police because it's there job to deal with the scum of the earth day-in and day-out.

Seriousy, wake up.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 19:37:46 UTC Post #203587
I agree with rowleybob. Have any of you woke up and thought "I could die today" Imagine that feeling everyday. THats the shit cops have to put up with. I have a very high respect for them, and their courage in the field.

I think they handeled the situation well. They nicely asked him to obey, about 20 times! Just because they are an authority figure does not mean they are the bad guys.....Theres barely ANYTHING at all here to see clearly. Just audio. I still hold true to my opinion.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 19:49:28 UTC Post #203590
This is why everybody should carry a handgun. If I were him and had such a weapon on me, I would've pulled it out and put a bullet through the face of both officers the second they threatened me.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 20:02:28 UTC Post #203591
Go akimbo M9A1s :)

But seriously, please...

You brag how intelligent you are, and then say something so stupid and emotionally charged like that... It makes me wonder.

You sound like a scared rabbit, honestly.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 20:29:52 UTC Post #203593
Like I really think everybody should carry around offensive weapons :roll: If everybody did carry around handguns, crime would shoot up (nasty pun :(). However, there is nothing wrong with wanting to be protected. Hell, if I were an American I'd actually be more worried about being attacked by police than criminals to be fully honest. If you were being threatened to be shocked and arrested just for simply not carrying around your ID, would you not feel like pulling out a gun and shooting out? What if the student had epilepsy, a heart disease, or some other condition that can be agitated, or even fatal when an electrical charge is administered? They could've potentially killed an innocent person if that had been the case. It's better than holding them at gunpoint by far, as the shocks aren't usually dangerous, but it's still wrong, unconstitutional, and violates basic human rights.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-21 20:34:00 UTC Post #203594
If five cops can't overpower an unarmed student without tazing him five times they should go back to the academy. This is an obvious case of excess force and malpractice. Sure, they may have been stressed and cautious, but it's not like he was waving a gun.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 07:04:32 UTC Post #203623
This is pretty awful. We've had cops here beating up innocent guys before, but this is South Africa - AND the cops got arrested themselves.
These cops were brutes trying to milk their power, obviously.
I hope they get in big trouble. :

I just looked this up:
"The Advanced Tasers have almost 100% effectiveness rating. The M-18 and M18L combines the injury reducing benefits of traditional stun technology with a quantum leap in stopping power via new Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) technology. In police studies, the Advanced Taser Guns have a higher instant incapacitation rate than a 9mm hand gun. It over-rides the central nervous system, providing more reliable takedown power."

So these tasers over-rides the nerves? So how do they expect a stunned target to stand up?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 07:23:15 UTC Post #203626
Leave it to /b/ to deal with the important issues.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 08:34:08 UTC Post #203629
Holy shit. If anyone thinks that torturing an unarmed person lying down is justified, then I'm going to ban them. That is absolutely insane. I'm still shaking.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 09:00:03 UTC Post #203634
Far from torture imo.

He was obviously trying really hard not to get up, but trying really hard to make a scene... seriously wtf.

They repeated tell him to get up and he repeatedly screams at them--quite lucidly--at the top of his lungs.

And I don't buy it that he couldn't get up--bullshit alert.

<waiting for ban>
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 09:03:54 UTC Post #203635
Why didn't they just drag him out of there? Come on - just because someone's screaming doesn't mean they're impossible to move. Tasering someone who's lying down is torture.
1 a : anguish of body or mind : AGONY b : something that causes agony or pain
2 : the infliction of intense pain (as from burning, crushing, or wounding) to punish, coerce, or afford sadistic pleasure
3 : distortion or overrefinement of a meaning or an argument : STRAINING
I'd say that pretty much falls into each of the 3 definitions. I damn well hope they got fired and more for that.

I doubt someone'd willingly take 5 tazer hits to "prove a point", rowleybob. I mean, those things hurt.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 09:11:28 UTC Post #203636
I agree. The first thing they should have done when he refused to leave and started screaming at the top of his lungs--"DON'T. TOUCH. ME.!!1"--they should have taken him down on the floor, put a billyclub into his neck, handcuffed him, and dragged him out.

Still, whatever course of action they chose to take you out, If anybody thinks there above the law, they are as I said earlier, crusin' for a brusin.

I mean who honestly says DONT. TOUCH. ME.!!1 to a cop!? If I said that to a cop where I live they, would laugh at me first, and proceed to beat my butt a little; which is exactly what I would expect.

Hardly torture imo, but the dumb campus cops could have handled it better, certainly. Maybe thier chief expressley told them to use a tazer in certain situations?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 09:13:59 UTC Post #203637
One time, perhaps. But 5 times? That's torture, by all means.
And rowleybob, believe it or not, but citizens, including criminals, all have rights that need to be respected by everyone, most of all law enforcement. Cops should never be allowed to stand above the law themselves.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 09:27:10 UTC Post #203640
Yeah, maybe.

No one can deny it could have be handled better. I still don't understand why they didn't cuff him and drag him out.
And rowleybob, believe it or not, but citizens, including criminals, all have rights that need to be respected by everyone, most of all law enforcement. Cops should never be allowed to stand above the law themselves.
Touch?, but you have to admit it's a fine line for them... I mean, they have to restrain you, and they have to deal with crazy/psychotic people all the time. I don't fault them for doing what they do if they believe it's the best way to bring the situation to a good conclusion.

Again, they could of handled it more professionally.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 11:12:13 UTC Post #203647
This kid was actually tasered multiple times for simply refusing to show his ID card when entering the computer lab.

Police ought to know themselves how immobilising a taser attack is, as they run through such proceedures in training.

It is absolutely dispicable to see someone in obvious trauma begging for the moronic officers to stop tasering him.

Then again, if officers can now taser children, disabled individuals, and elderly people (which they have done on multiple occasions), I guess that makes it alright...

Oh, and lets just forget the increasing amount of taser-related fatalities. I guess we should basically refer to our police officers as 'God' and lick their boots.

They're fighting al-CIA-duh, after all... :


Report: UCLA officer had previous violent encounters

UCLA Tasering officer: history of violence

Officer in Taser case identified

Cal students protest use of Taser at UCLA

Tasers Under Fire Over Deaths

167 cases of death following stun-gun use

Police review policy after Tasers used on kids

Death of Disabled Woman in Wheelchair Following Taser Shock Prompts Renewed Calls for Tighter Restrictions On Stun Gun?s Use

Pregnant woman 'Tasered' by police is convicted

Ohio Police Use Taser On 82-Year-Old Man

This is the new America.
User posted image
"Yeah, but things have changed after 9/11, buddy." - Average Moron Police Officer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 11:20:56 UTC Post #203648
This kid was actually tasered multiple times for simply refusing to show his ID card when entering the computer lab.
Um... right.
It is absolutely dispicable to see someone in obvious trauma begging for the moronic officers to stop tasering him.
He should have done what the officer's told him to do the goddamned FIRST time!!1 He was not interested in respecting authority and straightening out the situation later, he was only interested in making a big scene--which he did.

Fuck you Jahzel, and welcome back! :P
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 11:26:30 UTC Post #203649
...Woow, shit

Hows it goin?
He was not interested in respecting authority
...Ah come on. It's uncool to respect authority :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 12:22:38 UTC Post #203653
I comletely agree that the situation could of been handled alot better, but lets not forget that everyone does not think clearly in a stressful situation. College security or not, they still have pressure. Everyone is very jumpy and careful here since 9/11, and its justified BTW. That pressure makes people do some weird things, in this case use a Tazer instead of taking him down. The guy obviously was over-reacting with the screaming, "HERES YOUR PATRIOT ACT", etc. As I said, Ive seen people get shot on Cops, and not scream as much as he did.

It was non-lethal force, and its not like they ganged up on him and started beating him.......

I guess IM banned too :(
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 12:40:37 UTC Post #203654
I love people that say they hate cops. The protect YOU, they work for YOU. It's probably one of the hardest jobs you can do--I would never be a cop--, and you cop-hating people should be glad somebodey is willing to do it for they make--it's not much at all.
I have no respect for anyone trying to enforce laws they can't follow themselves. Oh, I can't be violent? But it's okay for them to use excessive amounts of it when they outnumber a guy three to one?

The worst part is, they'll probably get away with it too, that's how the "justice" system works.

And HAI JAHZEL!!1one :heart:
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 13:06:53 UTC Post #203658

They use violence against criminals to stop violence against innocents.

How do you think a police man would stop a criminal with a gun? Ask him nicely?
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 13:52:09 UTC Post #203660
Everyone is very jumpy and careful here since 9/11
Terrorists - 10.
America - 0.

We're not complaining about the concept of law enforcement, Xyos - no one would. What saribous means is that there're far too many incompetent dickwads that become cops who do whatever they want without facing any consequences for it. Think, man.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 14:17:08 UTC Post #203668
I know a lad who simply voiced his opinion about a certain police officer to his face. He received several kicks to the head and a night in a station. The copper got off scott free.

If the next generation of police officers are going to abuse their power like this then its obvious how the general public will react.

Somthing like 'They don't give a toss? Why should I?'
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 14:32:50 UTC Post #203670
We're not complaining about the concept of law
Well actually, you are.

People are imperfect, in any profession, yes cops are imperfect and make mistakes!!1 NO WAI!!!!111

Made worse by the nature of the profession, were again, there dealing day after day with the lowest echelon of society.

Made worse still that everyone hates cops, because they're the ones who enforce the rules, give you tickets, and yes they guys who have to beat people occasionally in order to restrain them.

Why do you bastards find this so difficult to comprehend?! Until we get robots to handle law enforcement, your gonna have to deal with imperfect cops, period.

If you think their doing such a bad fucking job, go join up and show them how it's done then. :|
But it's okay for them to use excessive amounts of it when they outnumber a guy three to one?
It's the in the nature of there profession, seriously, could you be any more obtuse?!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 14:47:18 UTC Post #203673
It's not in the nature of their(note: their, not there) profession to abuse civil rights and it's certainly not in the nature of their profession to torture unarmed, lying down persons.
Yes, people are imperfect, and so are cops - but we must still make sure that they follow the rules and laws that they're(note, again) there to protect, or get fired. Seriously. Law enforcement is one of those professions in which all rules must be upheld for democracy to even work.
Well actually, you are.
I'm not.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 14:55:44 UTC Post #203675
make sure that they follow the rules
No shit. Most of them do.

Oh and you don't think I understand the proper use of their, there, and they're?! It's called typing too fast and my brane can't keep up... seriously, go grab a warm towel and fuck yourself ;)
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 14:58:33 UTC Post #203678

English motherfucker, do you speak it?!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:03:04 UTC Post #203679
Clear intentionality, you blunt fuck. :unsure:
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:05:52 UTC Post #203680
I HIGHLY doubt that guy could not physically get up. I've seen demonstrations of tazers on tv, all police officers have to be tazered. You go limp while the volts go through you but you regain muscle control rather quickly.

Also, someone said he was tazered for not having his ID in a library, but really he was refusing to leave. When you refuse to go with police, they can use force. It's obvious that guy was not cooperating and in the end it looks like he finally did.

I know there is much police brutality in the world, but I don't think this is a prime example. They could have handled the situation more professionally but I don't think it classifies as brutallity.

Torture? Wake up, 'will I see my family tonight, or will some crazy drug addict shoot me today?'. That seems more like torture to me. That's just my two cents anyways.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:06:59 UTC Post #203681
Yeah and it was obvious he spelled it 'brane' on purpose. It made me laugh.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:10:29 UTC Post #203684
I HIGHLY doubt that guy could not physically get up.
I doubt you're correct, but I've never taserd myself repeatedly, so who knows... I seriously doubt he couldn't get up though.
someone said he was tazered for not having his ID
You don't actually believe that... do you?!
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:19:27 UTC Post #203686
It hurts, especially after multiple times

...and yes it is torturous, it's inflicting ustoppable pain and the guy is begging for mercy
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:27:12 UTC Post #203687
Rowley I think you read it too fast lol. I said he WAS able to get up, and that he WASN'T tazered for not having the ID. Maybe I could have worded it better, I'll admit.

And it's not unstoppable pain, he could have stopped it at anytime by standing the fuck up instead of screaming at them.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:28:47 UTC Post #203688
I know it hurts, I've just never felt it for more that a fraction of a second.

So is it less tortuous to beat him to the ground with billy clubs, hogtie him with handcuffs, and carry him out?

He could have got up anytime to leave as he was instructed... basically begging for a confrontation.

edit: @Blitz: I see. Yeah, I tend to read too fast sometimes, sorry. :)
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:37:29 UTC Post #203689
standing the fuck up instead of screaming at them.
The guy couldn't move, he was in agony - they kept tasering him.

That's why he was screaming at them to stop so he could regain control and leave like a normal human.

For not having ID, a slap on the wrists is acceptable. Tasering isn't.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:40:35 UTC Post #203690
Yeah but for disobeying an officer, and resisting arest, it is.

Rowley's right. It's not perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than immobilizing someone with a gunshot to the leg.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:46:57 UTC Post #203691
That's why he was screaming at them to stop so he could regain control and leave like a normal human.
He had every opportunity to leave, he chose not to; He is ultimately responsible for the consequences.

The cops fucked up, but not by tazing him. They fucked up when they didn't restrain/remove the instant it was clear he wasn't going to leave. They asked him multiple times to leave. I would have phsically removed him after asking 3 times--I think that's fair.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:50:56 UTC Post #203693
How it actually works- not how they did it, I don't know- is when an officer removes someone they confirm that the person shouldn't be there, or that someone wants them to leave and then they ask. If the person won't leave, they ask if the person is refusing to leave. Again if its a yes then they take the person into custody.

Clearly this guy was resisting arrest, out of fear or stupidity I'm not sure. Point is a tazer is an acceptable way to subdue someone who refuses to cooperate.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:55:19 UTC Post #203699
Yes - the student should've gone when they asked him. But what the officers did was a classic example of overuse of force. Tazering someone five times is just idiotic. They could've just as easily dragged him off - he was one person for christs sake. And yes, it is tortorous to physically harm a defenseless person who's lying down.
Posted 17 years ago2006-11-22 15:57:06 UTC Post #203703


How do you like it, bitch?! :P
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