Banned!? Created 18 years ago2006-11-30 13:16:55 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 18 years ago2006-11-30 13:16:55 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 13:16:55 UTC Post #204589
I'm not ranting about getting banned and I'm not enquiring why another member has been banned. In fact I am prying into your personnal lives again. :badass:

Which forums and communities have you been banned from in the past? Give your reasons as well. Or perhaps you never have been banned?

I imagine that this thread could come up with some amusing stories.

I myself have only been banned once and that was about 3 years ago.

Forum: PlanetHalfLife forums.
Ban time: Permanent :P
Reasons: Got a little out of hand with a rant regarding HL2s constant delays and was warned by the admins and given a few days downtime to calm down. Logged in using another IP (College) and got another warning banned for a week with that one, and then another IP (Laptop) which got me a permanent ban and a rather nasty E-mail from the admins. Never bothered going back after I found TWHL.

Link: (All my posts have been deleted) :(
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 13:20:03 UTC Post #204590
Forum: Garry's
Ban time: Permanent
Reason: Told a guy to shut up (lamest reason to ban someone permanent ever)
I shall never visit his site again.

Forum: My own (not really)
Ban time: Permanent
Reason: Someone haxxed the site and banned all administrators and moderators, and then he started to post porn. :P
It wasn't really my site, it was a friends site but I was co-admin
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 13:43:38 UTC Post #204591
Lol, madcow got pwnt. :D

Never been banned from anything ^^
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 14:08:23 UTC Post #204592
Forums: TWHL.
Ban Time: Permanent
Reason: Lets not go there.

Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 14:12:40 UTC Post #204593
Forums: TWHL.
Ban Time: Permanent
Reason: Bah..too complicated

thats all.Never got banned before.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 14:22:12 UTC Post #204595
I've been banned from a Halo server for throwing grenades in a hallway right next to our spawn, pernament.
I don't think i've been banned somewhere else other than that.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 14:23:28 UTC Post #204596
Forums: Fatal Punishers clansite.
Ban time: 2 days.
Reason: Got banned from their ET server and complained about it on there forums leading to an argument with their staff. One of their admins banned me from their forums without permission from the head admin, who unbanned me. Everything is fine with them now but I don't play on their server anymore even though I'm unbanned from it though =P
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 14:33:05 UTC Post #204598
Forums: TWHL.
Ban Time: Permanent
Reason: Lets not go there.
Jimmi. Fag.

Never bannt.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 15:25:01 UTC Post #204603

Bantime: Unknow, i actauly never got confirmed i got banned
Reason: Told the owner i didnt like the new website, and gone i was.

His name is Jordan Moore, so if you ever run into him.....
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 15:58:25 UTC Post #204612
...slap him with a dead mongoose?
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 16:09:13 UTC Post #204617
Snarkpit...Jahzel knows the full story and he made a lovely picture explaining it...The spammer of Snarkpit anyone? :D
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 16:18:23 UTC Post #204620
I thought that was my honour.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 16:27:51 UTC Post #204628
Forum: TWHL
Ban time: Permanent
Reason: One of my other user-names (jimmi) attracted some negativity..

Seriously though, never been banned.. I've been suspended from palces, but never banned.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 16:57:46 UTC Post #204636
Just from various game servers for intentional TKing, or bitching too much about stacked teams and/or relentless spawn rape on DoD :)

(Only kicked or banned for a short while, never teh perma-banned :))
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 17:38:49 UTC Post #204638
Only time Ive been banned at all was on a DoD server where I killed the admin 15 times without dieing so I got told I was cheating and was banned lol. (Mayby if the admin didn't go past the same door 15 times without looking he wouldn't die 15 times)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 17:54:43 UTC Post #204640
I think I got banned from some CS server one time, but I still have no idea why. Those cockfags, I liked their server! :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 17:55:26 UTC Post #204641

Why: Called the admin a abusive fagot.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:35:13 UTC Post #204645
Never been banned from anything. I got moderated on HIT, which I actually find miraculous, but that's the full extent of my forum punishment.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:36:35 UTC Post #204647
STEAM - 3 months

My friend decided to get hacks on my computer and play cs 1.6 with em.

on a valve protected server.

wasnt me i swear
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:37:21 UTC Post #204648
Time: Permanent (user so I can visit as guest)
Reason: This may be long...after getting the forums going (I being one of the original, sorta) the owner of the site SOLD us all to some new loser. A few of us got mad and said some stuff, then they banned a guy, so I went to tell them that if you banning us then take our tutorials off it, cause we dont want them on it. So he banned me too...I dont go back there, we started our own forums at

Place: BF2 Server/Css Server (ALOT OF THEM)
Time: Perm
Reason: Going in with fellow clan buddies to cause havock, tking like mad, pissing admins off etc...
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:38:35 UTC Post #204650
Server: Some Halo one (Woop-de-doo)
Ban-Time: Permanent
Reason: I killed the admin a few too many times. Seriously.

Otherwise, I tend to not get banned a lot. Mostly because I tend to not talk a whole bunch.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:40:06 UTC Post #204651
Now that I think about it:
Banned from (The people who stole Sm0k3y's map.This is the thread)
Time: No idea, probably permanent.
Reason: Spamming their forums with goatse and other crap because of what they did :P
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:41:03 UTC Post #204652
99% of "it was my friend" excuses are garbage. Unless you have a video of your "friend" downloading the hacks onto your computer, holding you at gunpoint and then playing CS, I don't believe you. If you really didn't cheat personally, then you need to manage your steam account better, i.e. not allowing people to cheat in your name. If I try to play on any 32 player server, there's always at a few cheaters. People can't just play the fucking game.
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:47:20 UTC Post #204654
I got banned from our SGS (SAIX Gaming Service, main game server hoster in South Africa, Saix also being our only ISP :furious: ) servers for quoting from out local gaming magazine "STALINIST Games Service,SGS, and Admin Abuse Dictate the Gaming world of south africa."
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 18:49:26 UTC Post #204657
Oh god, if you guys are going to start listing servers you've been banned from I don't even want to start counting mine. Hacking can be fun, just leave it at that :lol:
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 19:00:42 UTC Post #204658
wow dave calm down. it was a huge party i had. everyone crashed for the night and when i woke up i was banned from cs 1.6 servers. my buddy tom downloaded them (he plays as `exile and i play as Tetsu0, naturally) thats actually when i started to map for cs. because i couldnt play
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 19:34:45 UTC Post #204666
I got banned from Cybernations because i attacked the admins nation when he left peaceful mode. Me and several others.

It was either that, or because my cousin decided to fuck with my account as revenge (long story) by spamming the admins inbox with hatemail or something.
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 18 years ago2006-11-30 20:02:57 UTC Post #204669
time: several day bans and several permanent bans

reasons: There was a suggestions board where the scrubs always posted their suggestions for updates for runescape. naturally 60% of them were identical and had to do with horses and houses etc.etc. Someone actually wanted to abolish the rune system and get the mana system (RUNEscape anyone?).
So i ripped apart every single idea and shot them down. apparently my responses were very humorous to some. But obviously whoeveres idea got shredded took it personally and whined around. After a while teh mods couldn't take it and banned me.

i created a couple new accounts but i think i became a legend similar to jimmi on their boards. I didnt spam though! always constructive/ destructive critism
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 02:03:13 UTC Post #204710
Never banned.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 03:55:20 UTC Post #204714
I've never been banned, but I've been kicked out of some communities for being a dick.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 08:32:16 UTC Post #204715
Never banned.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-01 17:25:56 UTC Post #204740
Never banned froma Forum, but been banned from countless CS servers for Hacking, Insulting the Admins, Doing so well people think Im hacking, TKing, Hostage Killing, umm, basically anything.

Got banned from the HIT IRC channel for challenging Wolf-Kain's authority :o
Been banned from #jesus (tempban) I dunno.. they have a swear-filter thing I guess
Been banned from #twhl but thats just because Zombieloffe is an ass :P

Never been banned from a forum or a website.. I dont generally act up in places like that.

I think thats my ban history.. I think
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 06:28:15 UTC Post #204889
Never been banned from a forum, Don't know why though. A lot of people hate me.

Been banned from a lot of CSS servers, Friend did that though. He likes to use my mic. Which he broke.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 11:15:02 UTC Post #204912
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 12:30:13 UTC Post #204918
Never internet banned.

Once got banned from local pub, manager was not happy, all I did was get very drunk and pulled out my cock and urinated whilst standing at the front bar, seemed normal to me at the time.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 12:39:06 UTC Post #204922
Got banned from a CSS server one time for getting off a very lucky glancing shot right into the temple of an Admin T. Killing him in 2 shots from my SG. I was instantly kick banned with the message "I dont like you."

Sour bastard.

Other than that I have never been banned. I used to be a Moderator at HIT forums but I left there (and was sort of banned, but I wasnt actually banned). If you want to know why read here:

Its a long story, but that pretty much explains it all in one post.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 15:22:42 UTC Post #204939
I was about to say, that I was never banned, but Arcan reminded me of my ole' runescape days.. :lol:

I've played it for bout 6 months, or so.. Got banned a bit later for using a stolen card to purchase a membership.

My stats, if anyone's interested..
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 15:55:27 UTC Post #204950
kacknoob. RS lvl 102 ftw ^^
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-03 16:58:50 UTC Post #204958
Nothing fancy.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-10 10:03:03 UTC Post #205681
Banned from: #jesus channel on Gamesurge
Temporary :P
For: Mistakenly posting either Furry pr0n or some Little Mermaid Rule34 meant for #twhl

Posted 18 years ago2006-12-10 11:09:25 UTC Post #205688

1st one... #American- Politics - actually I gotta tell ya a very large portion of users got banned because the owner decided to ban a lot of ISP's... aol, verizon, netzero, the works. It's funny cuz after that I never saw the user count go above 6 at any given moment AFTER that

2nd one... OFF THE SERVER! I was an IRCop there for a small amount of time till one time the server I had linked decided to take a dump... I tried to explain some things to the admin, and man she didn't like THAT LOL!!!

Permanent Ban
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-19 01:58:07 UTC Post #206880
Lol i play runescape! i WAS a member then died and got sick of losing expensive shiot. Im lvl 81 as of right now.


Got banned from the local laser tag arena for running.



Obviously i was a hazard to the other 7 people who were playing.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-19 04:27:29 UTC Post #206885
ns forums, for being so goddamn cool, cooler than they could take
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-19 18:32:56 UTC Post #206968
Ive never been banned but i was almost banned so ill post that :P

Forum: Dark Lords of the Sith (DLS) Clan Forums.
Ban Time: Would've been permanent probably.
Reason:Supported an attempt to overthrow the leaders of the clan, which turned into a big clan war and by the end there was only like 6 people still in the clan, me included because i realised that i'd been wrong and mended my ways at the end of it ;) .
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-19 21:55:59 UTC Post #207002
overthrow a leader. Wdf is up with that. He tries to help you or atleast create symbiosis and you take over his shit. You probably support the fucking Texans for robbing the Mexicans of their Land, just like they robbed the Indians before them.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-20 18:18:45 UTC Post #207079
One time I got banned from a strip bar for masturbating.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-20 18:20:54 UTC Post #207081
You lie.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-20 18:24:39 UTC Post #207082
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 01:03:03 UTC Post #207170
overthrow a leader. Wdf is up with that. He tries to help you or atleast create symbiosis and you take over his shit. You probably support the fucking Texans for robbing the Mexicans of their Land, just like they robbed the Indians before them.
well jedi academy is a much more social game than counter strike so things like that happen, also the clan im in is extremely dramatic :P lol
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-22 10:39:36 UTC Post #207201
Im banned from Cybernations now. :( I had multiple accounts because that game gets kinda boring, and they consider that cheating. damn.
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