Major Problem Created 17 years ago2007-04-10 09:11:25 UTC by S.O.T.E. S.O.T.E.

Created 17 years ago2007-04-10 09:11:25 UTC by S.O.T.E. S.O.T.E.

Posted 17 years ago2007-04-10 09:11:25 UTC Post #218588
Hmm, it seems I have a new major problem.
All my other rmf files work fine in Hammer, but everytime I open the map I'm working on right now, SHIT!
First of all, all the 4 views are in full screen.
Second, all the textures in the 3d view are GRAINY.
Thirdly, when i aim up, it goes down and vice versa.
LASTLY, I can edit the options by when I press OK, An error message pops up and says that Hammer has encountered a problem and needs to close... You know the rest.
What is wrong?
All my other stuff works fine.
I'm not sure how it happened but the last thing I did was to make two 30 face cylinders, texture them and place 2 decals on a prefectly FLAT floor. Any ideas? I tried with 3.5 and 3.4, both don't work.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-10 09:18:07 UTC Post #218590
A cylinder with 30 faces! :o Why would you want that, the max is 32 but for Hl1 16 is the max I'd use, not that it's high poly by it's self but with other detail it's just a waste of wpolies. 16 sided cylinders look fine as well. Anyway, you can't have completely round objects with world brushes, only with models, face it! Use cylinders with 8 and 16 faces instead.

About the windows in full screen it happens if you press the button at the top bar with a small pictures of a window in it and a capital L next to it. It loads the full screen window position, the one with S saves the current screen position. I don't know how I always manage to fix this, but check in the window menu, you might find something in there.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-10 21:02:37 UTC Post #218648
No no no, its none of those.
Never mind, I just copied and pasted everything to a new map and it works now.
Thanx anyway.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-10 23:50:45 UTC Post #218665
Oh ok now I've got a new problem.

Warning: Wad file 'valvecondition zerovalvehalflife.wad' not found
Warning: Wad file 'valvecondition zeroczerode_spyware_cz.wad' not found
Error: Could not open wad file valvecondition zerovalvehalflife.wad
Error: Could not find WAD file
Description: The compile tools could not locate a wad file that the map was referencing.
Howto Fix: Make sure the wad's listed in the level editor actually all exist

Error: Could not open wad file valvecondition zeroczerode_spyware_cz.wad

What's the problem? I've seen some people with this problem before.
All the wads are in their proper location. The textures list is correct.

PLease help... :cry:
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 02:08:44 UTC Post #218672
valvecondition zeroczero
Err... are you sure thats the right directory? As far as I know CZ is a CS mod, but I'm probebly wrong. Anyway the mod folder is in the valve folder? Kinda weird, don't you think, usally mods have their own folders in the half-life/CS one.

If this is the right folder then I have two questions to ask you:
How many wads are listed in your texture list? 8 is the maximum, more then that can cause strange errors like this one.
Also, overall how many individual textures are listed in hammer, the max is 100, can also cause nasty problems.

Did you move/delete that wad since you set hammer up?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 02:45:52 UTC Post #218674
Seperate game, entirely.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 02:54:04 UTC Post #218675
Then why the heck is it in the valve folder?
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 03:33:10 UTC Post #218677
Maybe a Steam thing. I have no idea, but nobody ever said it C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/*username*/Half-Life/valve/condition zero/czero, did they? It could be that the previous folder that isn't shown is Condition Zero or something, not Half-Life.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 05:16:09 UTC Post #218681
No, its non-steam.
Its actually C:Valve (the main folder)Condition Zero (the game) czero (the sub-folder cuz CZ comes with 1.6 and CZ)de_spyware_cz.wad

I only used 2 wads: halflife.wad and de_spyware_cz.wad
halflife.wad has 3116 textures.
de_spyware_cz.wad has appox. 230 textures.

I'm not sure how many textures I'm actually USING cuz I can't compile.
I'll estimate I'm using around 100+- textures.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 13:32:49 UTC Post #218709
100 is the max, count them, then see if it exeeds the limit try to use less textures, try to replace some.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 13:35:41 UTC Post #218710
Since when is there a maximum for textures in a map? Its about texture memory, max patches and the like.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 14:00:09 UTC Post #218712
Donno, I recently read about it in tommy's site, it was mentioned in some error. :
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 21:17:23 UTC Post #218748
Oh ok I'll try.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 21:32:55 UTC Post #218751
Its doesn't work. I replaces all my textures with aaatrigger and it still doesn't work!!!
What the Hell???
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-11 21:58:01 UTC Post #218753
Well I'm beat! I don't know what the problem is, and it doesn't apear on tommy's. Guess he thought it was trivial so there is no need to write about it. But he did say alot about odd errors that might cause problems. You should check the followings:

[quote]- Another odd problem that shows up elsewhere is the bad sky enviornment name. For most of us a bad sky enviornment name leaves us with the default enviornment. But for some mappers, this can cause odd error warnings: like a bad brush that does not exist, or brush outside of map, or bad lighting in the map. Make sure you get that name RIGHT! If the six sides are sky_lf, sky_rt, sky_up, etc. you use "sky_" in the cl_skyname field.
  • A third odd problem is too small textures. If one over stretches the texture more than 10x, then zoner's compile tools usually give a warning. But there is little or no warning if you shrank the texture too far. When you get a frustating error that doesn't make sense, this one is something to keep in mind.
  • A rare fourth problem is a single HUGE .wad that is too big for memory.
  • If you have the a problem like malformed face and you do a check but do not get that error, but "Solid entity is empty", you may be a victim of the editor mixup.[/quote]
It is possible one of these things cause this problem.
Halflife.wad has 3116 textures? Weird, and I still feel confined if I only use it's textures? I still need costum textures?

Well what do you know, it does have 3116 textures.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-12 06:01:03 UTC Post #218772
Yeah but they are all very metallic, not very good for my type of maps. de_nuke was made entirely out of halflife.wad (except for 1 texture. The credits)
I'm gonna try copy pasting the whole damned thing to a new map and see if it works.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-12 23:32:45 UTC Post #218857
Ok I fixed the damned problem. I simply changed the directory to a new one in my D drive.
Hammer is seriously screwed up... :nuts:
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-13 07:12:21 UTC Post #218878
Arghh!! I knew there was something wrong with that directory! :roll:
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