CPR Industries: Shadow's Spear Created 18 years ago2006-10-25 11:25:29 UTC by a a

Created 18 years ago2006-10-25 11:25:29 UTC by a a

Posted 18 years ago2007-01-24 14:32:35 UTC Post #210435
Rofl - I should be finished by sunday; lots of work at the moment

Im a good portion into the map just now, but its the final details, and the custom models which are taking their toll.

PS - Dont tell what ;)
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-25 21:42:06 UTC Post #210576
Err... Sorry to anyone who downloaded that if it doesn't work. Seems some other people are having problems with it, too. I'll upload it somewhere else, and see if that works.

Alternatively, you could just BUY THE DAMN THING.
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 14:34:15 UTC Post #210915
Er, I might have slight problem with hosting this map: My wad files are tremendously large...

Anyhoo: ive hosted it outside of TWHL - Ill provide a link...

The main question: http://twhl.co.za/forums.php?pgt=1&action=viewthread&id=11942&pg=13

is this where I post the link to my map?
Posted 18 years ago2007-01-28 14:36:10 UTC Post #210916
Eh? No.

Never heard of wad include?
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-01 06:04:55 UTC Post #211335
As I promised way too long ago, here's the link to download Fraps from. I suggest you get it while it's hot, because it's only going to be there for the next five days or so. And if it still doesn't work for people, too bad, there's nothing I can do.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-02 01:37:02 UTC Post #211394
kewl... :badass:

*twirls mustachio
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-02 11:38:03 UTC Post #211413
Extremely sexy brushwork.
Very nice work, looking forward to more media. :)
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-08 19:41:10 UTC Post #211942

still to finish putting everything into it, just now ive only got a few pics of my latest project: one hellova lot more comming soon ;)
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-08 19:45:52 UTC Post #211944
That is some damn sexy brushwork there.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-24 20:54:40 UTC Post #213740

Just click "open" and have a look at the slideshow contained withing - a lovely made Su-37 (in an ugly hanger) with all 12 hardpoints utilised :D - do enjoy
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 08:12:42 UTC Post #219757

My latest project, the Tu-144 (nate codename "Charger" - also known as "Concordski" - tis practically a Russian Concorde - in fact, it is...)

PS - 6978 faces, 1000 solids and 4.48 MB of texture memory
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 08:14:54 UTC Post #219759

i mean, really.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 08:51:00 UTC Post #219760
Oh dear God. Very nice. What do you plan to do with it?
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 09:16:20 UTC Post #219762
Basically, its purpose in my mod is to take off from the airport (on a rail - a lovely wee technique, using moving sprites for clouds (and a transparent cloud layer composed from a brush or two with a generic texture) which all move creating the illusion of motion)

Plane takes off, mid flight, you fall asleep - you wake up when the afterburners turn on, the pilot then comes on 15 mintues later, saying that they just lost an engine, you hear him restarting the engine, it fails twice, on his third attempt at restarting it it blows up, plane crashes and you wake up in a valley (you are in the flight engineer's section, near the nose at this point) and then the mod continues :P

you get rescued by a lovely VTOL jet (which is pitiful compared to this Behemoth - its just pity I had to wrestle with texdata and max map miptex and entity overflow errors when I was making it :P

LOl - ive never used so many ":P" in a single post I dont think :P

Thanks for the praise - its nice to see 56 and a half hours turn out fine :D lol
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 09:55:19 UTC Post #219765
Amazing work a!

I'm stunned by the quality of your work!

Don't know why, but the first screenie in this thread reminds me of the Goldeneye game, that James Bond game for Nintendo.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 09:58:44 UTC Post #219767
by "that James Bond game," I think you mean the best bond game ever, and possibly the best FPS game ever released for a console.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-22 10:06:03 UTC Post #219769
ah, so you've heard of it!
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 14:28:10 UTC Post #219983
Er, ive got a problem - If i am far away, I can see func_walls and light emmiting brushes (texlights) that are inside the plane

I can see them trhough teh outside of the plane when Im far away, its fine when im close up to it though - is there any way I can sort that out:|
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 14:38:35 UTC Post #219985
You could have some trigger_multiples and env_renders set up so it doesn't render stuff inside the plane unless you're in it. Check out this tutorial for more info on that method.
Posted 17 years ago2007-04-24 16:07:26 UTC Post #219999
Also is it really far away that causes it? If I recall HL has a sucky view distance...Perhaps tweak it or do what Srry said which seems plausible since it'll save some speed and it'll remove the from appearing.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-06 14:53:08 UTC Post #221151
The render trick works, but the problem is I also needed to turn off al the lights on the inside of teh aircraft, because you could see the far away wall throughteh nearest one ^o) - oh dear

Anyhoo - this is a screenshot from the opening movie of my mod right after a nuclear strike :D
User posted image
Featuring an Su-37 (right) and the fictional "Rapier Class" VTOL attack fighter

PS - there is also a nuclear bomber, which is right behind these two planes, but you cant see it just now

PPS - the nuclear bomber is down one munition - I wonder where it went MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!!! oh dear im hyper :|
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-06 14:56:35 UTC Post #221152
Use sprites for the engine flames >.<
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-06 14:58:39 UTC Post #221153
Er, thats a moving texture with the name +0{afterburner.
+1{afterburner and so on - it keeps it all in one entity which means I can have just one single func_train which saves time and makes manuevering the jets easier - still a cheap effect though
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-06 15:30:56 UTC Post #221156
You know what you could do? Use Spirit. Or, you could just make another func_train follow the same path_corners as the plane, and use some neat effects with the additive property. Check out the beginning of Heart of Evil for an example of this, where they had the propeller of a helicopter in a separate entity.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-06 15:41:31 UTC Post #221158
Agreed. Spirit caters for far more attractive effects.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 06:10:49 UTC Post #221212
FFS - do you think somebody of my intelligance is unaware of the fifty odd alternatives?

Im allready using that one because I was getting errors associated with there being too many entities in the one map - and I cant be bothered downplayingthe blast effects of the nuke, lol - oh dear

I went though at least ten different methods before I finally decided upon the one im currently using, it does me fine, and it looks great when you see it in person - still images arent very inspiring im afraid - agreeably using env_beams or sprite trains could give better looking effects, but I want to keep things as simple as possible - simple is best, as it leaves little room for errors like the sprite train not moving correctly or hte env beams shortening and lenthening when I dont want it to - when you see what those four (im aware you can only see two btw lol) jet aircraft are doing in that level you can understand my concern and desire for simplicity - ps - I cant use spirit because my mod is for OP4 and Ive allready modded its dll file and I cant be bothered modding the spirit of HL engine to include the effects I added in (such as the ability to use "transparent" textures on models) and also the OP4 stuff, ps - ill send some pics of my pixel distortion effects I added in today at some point - one of these days Ill stop editing the program and finish the mod lool oh dear
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 06:27:10 UTC Post #221213
This is a "Sceptre Class Ground Attack" fighter - and served as an admirable demosntration of pixel distortion effects, which do occasionally suffer from glitches (such as occasionally everything behind the distortion layer turns bright green or orange) but the good most certainly outdoes the bad :D
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 06:49:20 UTC Post #221214
Gee, sorry for insulting your profoundly high level of intelligence. I'll be sure never to suggest any mapping techniques to you again, my all-knowing friend.

Besides that, I wasn't talking about sprite trains, or anything complex. Just two trains following the same path, which as I guess you must know, is ridiculously easy.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 07:41:30 UTC Post #221217
Oh, I meant it as a joke mate - sorry - lol

My wording is terrible at times, oh dear

Aye, I tried that a while ago but it didnt run out very well, as a result I resorted to the afterburner moving texture - Ill apply distortion effects to it as well to make it look like its incredibly hot as well, so you wont be able to tell each afterburner effect is only made of two brushes (plus the brush with the distortion texture added)

Oh, btw, once I iron out the thousands of bugs I have with my distortion effects Ill host the edited dll file on google and you may download it.

Special effects include -
  • Movign thrust distortion (seen above, distortion moves in direction of arrows incicated on texture - Effect activated by texture named "dir_distort")
  • Ripple effects - great for water - activated by "stat_distort" texture
  • lens effects - causes bulging or denting - activated by either "exp_distort" or "shk_distort" textures,
  • Bent Light effects - terrific effect that is activated by using specific sprite - if used in conjunciton with a func_tank_laser or env_beam/laser creates a wonderful effect, light bends around sprite - makes laser look extremely high powered, great efffect for inside of Electromagnetic things too
  • glare effects - look at the uppermost face of the "sky box" - the one with the xyzup.tga on it - screen gets glare effect - magnitude is cotnrolled by entity "env_glare"
lots more, instructions on how to use everything will come with the downlaod if I ever fix all the bugs - for instance, occasionally the screen goes all black and white and blocky when a distortion effect is used, otehrtimes, you get this big green and pink and orange and blue distortion field, which looks fucking awesome but I dont want it to do it unless I specify, it doesnt look too good with a jet emitting a technicolour afterburner glow.......
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 09:02:23 UTC Post #221221
What the!

How do you that pixel distortion effect? I could use that in my yet unfinished Space Shuttle map. W00t!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 10:23:03 UTC Post #221223
Callum P Robertson, how the hell did you do that pixel shading? You still havent told me how. (Except that you told me you programmed it yourself, something I find highly unlikely from a 16 year old boy with no coding knowledge ;) )

Anyway, looking great, Im actualy quite jealous.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 16:40:32 UTC Post #221312
Sorry for not getting your humor. Lewlz. :lol:

Athlete: Who's Callum P. Robertson? a? But he's not 16...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-07 16:56:36 UTC Post #221316
ROFL - oh dear

Thats me :P

and er :$

Well, I suppose the cats out of the bag now - I am 16 - the Sergei Gerlukovich you have heard of is in fact my father who I dont see very much of but admire substantially

If you really want - http://www.myspace.com/cpr_industries is my myspace profile if you really want to find out who I am...

PS - CPR Indutstries is Fictional, the pictures in my profile are of the place where my Father works, which is indeed a Russian Robotics Company that handles both military and civilian contracts - I dont get told much, and father only let me photograph the southern, less populated part of his work complex at turinsk, we hardly see him - occasionally he gets one of the companies planes to give me a lift to see him - usually antanov 74s, the company has three of them at the Turinsk' Branch where my father works.

I am actually very sorry for the deception - I had assumed, that since I had used my own name before - that you were aware of my guise, I do appologise - ps - that picture of my fathers work team - that is me sitting where I labeled :|

PS - Jimmi, I have quite an extensive coding knowledge - father tought me how to add effects into three dimensional schematic programs, all ive done is reiterate them in a different programming language and through a lengthy course of trial and error I have came up with the modded HL engine...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-08 17:45:21 UTC Post #221444
Oh... wow. :o I don't remember you using your own name before, though.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-09 00:07:07 UTC Post #221464
thats awesome
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-09 15:34:15 UTC Post #221512
do you think somebody of my intelligance is unaware
Oh yes... It takes loads of intelligence to make a model plane...


Its spelled intelligence
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-11 02:28:55 UTC Post #221632
I?m aware of that, taking neither into account that this is not a mandatory, nor for that matter a particularly serious forum, I don?t dedicate much supplementary time to check my spelling.

PS ? the fact that it doesn?t require much intelligence suggest that somebody of my intelligence has a rather superfluous awareness of the alternatives so you are in fact supporting my statement, so thank you.

PPS - Im having a Mini competition (hosted externally) - ill give more details when Ive got the site up (oh wow, googlepages - a massive achievement on my part - aye, massive lol)
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-11 02:43:51 UTC Post #221634
i can use the thesaurus too.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-11 02:56:50 UTC Post #221635
Hah, comment of the day.

I can't say i really like the look of this mod.. sure the planes are nice, but that's all there is. The few world screens we've seen are far less impressive. It gives the impression you're just using some well-built prefabs - I know you aren't, but it feels that way.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-11 02:58:42 UTC Post #221636
Word, Penguinboy.

And I know what Strider is talking about, too. Are you really just making this mod as an excuse to show off your (quite excellent, really) prefabs? Because that's really all you've shown so far. No environments, no gameplay, no cool architecture - Just a bunch of planes and vehicles sitting around. Is there going to be anything else to it? How many models of aircraft can you really use in a first-person shooter?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 04:12:06 UTC Post #221714
User posted image
A conferance room with the tables removed (which are blockingthe door from a bunch of aliens incidentally)
User posted image
Air Traffic Control Tower at Zebrynsk Military complex
User posted image
Random Foyer room at a military center in Zebrynsk
User posted image
A picture of the TU-144 that you fly to the crater in still on the runway, you leave the building behind it to get to it, I appologsie for the lighting, it wasnt finished when Itook that picture, hence the cockpit's lights werent yet installed.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 04:17:44 UTC Post #221715
Kickass stuff. :o
Looking forward to this a lot.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 04:23:28 UTC Post #221716
Thanks mate ;D
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 09:09:36 UTC Post #221718
PS - Jimmi, I have quite an extensive coding knowledge - father tought me how to add effects into three dimensional schematic programs, all ive done is reiterate them in a different programming language and through a lengthy course of trial and error I have came up with the modded HL engine...
Ah, ok. Pixel shading though is very advanced, University level stuff. But of course it appears you can do it, so well done. :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-12 10:52:30 UTC Post #221724
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-15 19:31:25 UTC Post #229050
User posted image
My latest prop-prefab, the "Titan-Class" medium assault mech, 3/4 of the way through a .mdl version of it that will serve the basic purpose of walking in a few cutscenes, and firing (at you) later on :P

Ps, I cant remember why I put GMan in, but he is there :S
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-15 19:37:11 UTC Post #229053
Hey, welcome back.

Looks good but whats up with that Gman? Looks like he has emo hair. :
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-15 20:34:19 UTC Post #229061
yes, it does.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-15 20:35:45 UTC Post #229062

I absolutely love that robot. O M F G. A winnar is yuo. Man, it's THAT great.
Posted 17 years ago2007-07-15 21:09:18 UTC Post #229066
That's kickass man.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
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