Changing loading screen Created 17 years ago2007-05-23 04:07:35 UTC by hlife_hotdog hlife_hotdog

Created 17 years ago2007-05-23 04:07:35 UTC by hlife_hotdog hlife_hotdog

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-23 04:07:35 UTC Post #223086
How do you change the HL loading screen? I have seen others do it and I'm sure it's in the cached.wad file but how to I replace it with my own?
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-23 04:36:58 UTC Post #223091
You need the gfx.wad compiler SDK, which is very hard to find... I believe it is in the full installation of the HL SDK.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-23 05:16:04 UTC Post #223096
i has it, i think - i'll check

EDIT: sorry, I haven't copied it over from my old PC yet :<
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-23 20:28:49 UTC Post #223254
I just figured out how to do it a day ago! Here's how it works.

(Copypaste from tutorial i saved)

6) Adding your own console background for the console menu

This is also a little different as far as the method goes, though I don't think it's nearly as hard as creating a custom logo. Again, this step is purely optional, but if you're interested, here's how you do it:

The console is noting but a regular old bitmap file. However, this bitmap file will have to be compiled into a file called cached.wad. As far as I understand it, the reason for this is, that because this is rendered as 3D, rather than a 2D splash (remember, that the console background is often accessed in-game), then the image is treated like a texture. Although I still can't exactly figure out why images can't be opened up in wad editors like Wally. So on that note, we'll have to compile that stupid wad file manually. Don't worry, it's straightforward. Make your bitmap image at 320x200. This file has to be saved as an 8-bit 256 color BMP (qlumpy won't accept 16-bit). It doesn't really matter what you name it when you save it. I'd just name it console.bmp. Now you'll need a file called qlumpy.exe to compile it. This file is included in the Full SDK (not sure about the light SDK). If you don't have the SDK, I suggest you download it.

Now we'll make a new empty directory. For the example, just follow along with me. Once you've done it, you can go ahead and make changes or do it in different directories. Make a directory on you C: drive called console. So now you have C:console (obviously). Now copy your console.bmp file and qlumpy.exe file into c:console. Now for the fun part; we have to make scripting instructions, kind of like a liblist file. Don't panic though, it's simple enough. Open Wordpad (Yes, just Wordpad. That's all you need). Copy and paste this in there:

$DEST "cached.WAD"

$loadbmp "c:consoleconsole.BMP"
conback qpic 0 0 320 200

$loadbmp "c:consoleloading.BMP"
loading qpic 0 0 320 200

Of course, if you named your console bitmap anything other than console.bmp, you'll need to change that up there. Same thing if you're using a different directory (were you following instructions??). Now, save this document as in the console directory with console.bmp and qlumpy.exe. Now run the DOS prompt (click start>run and type cmd), make sure you are in the console directory and type in "qlumpy.exe". You can also type this in the run command box or you can also create a batch file to run this. Any way works fine. Whatever floats your boat. So now, the result should be a magic cached.wad file in your directory. So copy that file into the Aliendance (or other MOD) root folder. You're all done with this now. You can go ahead and delete that console directory when you're sure everything is working okay with the cached file.

(end of text)

at first i couldn't get mine to compile because my DOS prompt was directed at 'my documents'. so if the DOS promt has anything other than [ C:/ ] just move youe project to the destination listed and it works, or somehow change the directory. Im not DOS savvy.

IF for some random weird reason things aren't working, pass me the images and I'll make your cached.wad for you.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-24 04:43:57 UTC Post #223273
I made a mistake, the gfx.wad actually holds the font data, like the concole font, ingame text font and the Loading... text. With this file, you make your own font for HL.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-30 03:08:36 UTC Post #223779
Thanks for that Rimrook! I need to get rid of it for Santa's Revenge 2. Can't have Gordon on the loading screen mow can I? He doesn't look like that anymore anyway. Fortunatley I have the full SDK so, again, Thanks! :biggrin:
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-30 11:40:45 UTC Post #223818
I just noticed that the GFX Wad Compiler SDK is NOT included in the full SDK (v2.3).
But i've managed to get a copy from the old Wavelength site, and im now hosting it on my site.

The exact pupose of the GFX Wad Compiler is to allow people to modify Half-Life's fonts, and edit the LOADING/PAUZED text.
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-30 14:18:20 UTC Post #223825

As for changing the current directory in a DOS prompt, type "cd C:", or whatever directory you want to go to. Without quotes of course.
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