The only way to force an env_steam entity to use a different material, is to actually replace that material (particle_smokegrenade) with your own. Thats how i got a different exhaust flame for my SRB's (Thread).
The problem is that many more things in Source use that same material, like:
- the smoke plume from RPG rockets
- the smoke that appears when you shoot at walls
- the smoke that appears when you launch an SMG grenade
- and of course other env_steam entities for normal smoke
Now i would like to duplicate the env_steam entity, and rename it env_exhaustflame or something, just for the exhaust flame, while the original env_steam entity code stays unchanged, and i can use that for just normal smoke or jet streams.
However, creating a duplicate of this entitie is very hard for me. I lack C++, the project doesn't open in Visual C++ and compiling in Visual Studio 2005 always results in errors, even with no changes to the code.
So is there anyone out there, capable of creating a new entity (env_srb_exhaust) based off the original env_steam entity, with only one change: a different hard coded material (sts_121/exhaust_flame)?
I know this sounds tough, yet its very simple:
- A duplicate of the env_steam entity.
- Different entity name for use in the fgd (env_exhaust_flame)
- Different hard coded material (sts_121/exhaust_flame)
becomes this:
Bah. If only Valve could add the option for the env_steam properties to specify a custom material, rather than just stick with its hard coded material, things would be so much easier. But noo...... :/
My whole Space Shuttle launch in Source mod depends on it!