Need to do a changelevel in DOD Created 17 years ago2007-08-08 12:27:04 UTC by Kill_the_Bug Kill_the_Bug

Created 17 years ago2007-08-08 12:27:04 UTC by Kill_the_Bug Kill_the_Bug

Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 12:27:04 UTC Post #231605
Hi All,

I'm working on a big DOD fight - Axis defend - Allies Attack.

If the Allies blow up or cap the area I want the map to change to a new one - but it looks like DOD doesn't have the changelevel entity.

Map Idea -

map one - Allies have to take the V2 tunnel defenses - when capped

map two - Allies have to take the Tunnel - when capped

map three - allies have to take the V2 Factory - when capped map goes back to map one.

Ant Ideas? :)
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-08 17:44:10 UTC Post #231647
I think I found the answer - has anyone used it?

dod_score_entPoint entity:
Awards mission completion points and restarts round

Name - Targetname

Target - Usually left blank

for team - Choose a team:

Points - For mission completion

Reset items time - Time in seconds

Reset players time - Time in seconds

Reset group - Leave blank to reset all objective groups

End game? - DO NOT SET THIS TO "YES"

Message - Text message

Move to next map - Change to another map. This allows a campaign map structure to be built

Change level delay - Time in seconds

None -

A dod_score_ent is triggered to end a round and reset everything for the next round, it can also award points for mission completion.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 06:41:11 UTC Post #231678
Have you tested if it works because I can't think of any dod maps that work in a campaign structure other than a few servers which seem to have the map cycle in that sort of order.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 10:45:22 UTC Post #231687
I tested this last night and it caused my game to crash.

Move to next map - Change to another map. This allows a campaign map structure to be built. - I think this is where you do the change level thing.

Move to next map - this is what might be causing the crash but I have no idea how this entity works at all. I have my map names as map1, map2, map3. For this option I first tried move to next map - map2, then map2.bsp, then maps/map2, then maps/map2.bsp.

I'm using a capture area to cap the flag when the flag caps it triggers this entity. The delay I have is set to 2 secs and at 2 secs dod crashes.

Anyone want to give it a try and see if they can get it to work? :heart:
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-09 14:28:22 UTC Post #231702
I'd test, but I haven't had DoD installed for a long time.. Glad to see someone's still mapping for it. :>
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-10 16:58:57 UTC Post #231801
can ayone else give it a try and see what you come up with? thanks.
Posted 17 years ago2007-08-20 17:06:35 UTC Post #232500
has anyone tried this yet? I could use the help.
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