As some of you know I'm getting a new PC soon. Well actually ordering tommorow now and I want this one to last even longer than the one I'm using now. Basically I know the basics now on how to look after a PC such as scanning weekly and defragging etc and just keeping things tidy.
But Madcow gave me a small list of things to do every week such as:
System Mechanic, Free Ram, Reg cleaner, Advanced Windows Care and the typical Ad-Aware and Spybot etc...
I just wondering what other things I should do to make my PC last longer. Because after 3 years with this one I have some issues with flash, removing SP2 didn't help it either and just the odd glitches that only a reformat could fix now. But I've only ever had 2 PC's so I still don't fully know how to look after it...Advice?