Well it depends on whats in your price range. For a graphics card, I'd go with nVidia (ATI is also good) Geforce PCIx16 512mb 7950 GT (roughly $200-250) or for a little cheaper, 7900 GS PCIx16 256mb (roughly $100) (I'm a cheap bastard). For proccessor go with AMD, Dell and all those other companies DO make good proccessors, but there generally not the best for gaming. For model I'd probably pick the Athlon 64/ Athlon 64 FX/ or Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core. Any of those will give you a generally good computer. Stuff like hard-drive, sound, vga, I'm not very smart about but you can probably pick out which ones you feel are good. Check out ATI, nVidia, and AMD's websites and look around and get a feel for what you can afford and what you think will work best for you.