A few questions in one... Created 17 years ago2008-02-03 21:25:48 UTC by odin odin

Created 17 years ago2008-02-03 21:25:48 UTC by odin odin

Posted 17 years ago2008-02-03 21:25:48 UTC Post #244941
ok, im mapping for CS: Source first off. I have a few questions, and as not to spam the forum, I will list them in this one thread. First, why is there no night sky for CS: Source? i understand that some find it tacky to have a dark map for CS, but I dont :) Second, how do I go about getting a night sky for my map? Third, anyone have any ideas on how to make a moon, like some sort of sprite or something? Fourth, these damn trees...lol... Im using the tree_deciduous_01a-lod.mdl model from the props_foliage folder. My map is obviously a night map, and because of it, the tree lights funny. The trunk is dark, but the branches are like a tan color.... really odd. Any ideas?
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-04 14:02:09 UTC Post #244963
heres another one...lol So if you have a trap door in the floor, and its supposed to drop the player when he stands on it. But it doesnt, why is that? I have a keypad, and when the wrong numbers are pushed, it drops the player through the floor. but if your standing on it, and push the wrong numbers, it doesnt open. If your standing beside it and push the wrong numbers, it opens.... any ideas?
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-04 16:48:20 UTC Post #244969
When you map for Counter-Strike you can use Half-Life skies, maybe you can do the same thing with Counter-Strike Source and Half-Life2.?
Oskar Potatis Oskar Potatis🦔
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-04 18:05:45 UTC Post #244978
1. Potatis is right. go in your texture browse type "sky" and you will see all the aviable skys, including the hl2 ones...

2. The trees will look that way if you have no light in your map, or atleast in the radius of them. simply make a spotlight near em or something.

3. a moon um... you dont really need to brush that, it can already be in some sky's. but if you have to, maybe find some model.

4. your trap door might be made incorrectly. check that your outputs and names are correct and linked to the right ones. If it still goes wrong, find a tutorial on this.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-04 19:10:12 UTC Post #244985
The best way to do a moon is a model in the 3d skybox. There's a good example of one from the mod Age of Chivalry on Dewdles map, hehe. (The name of it escapes me.)
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-04 23:33:48 UTC Post #244996
as far as the HL2 Skybox textures.. I tried. the one called night, wont load. it has a moon already in it, but it wont come up. Its labled sky_day01_o9 in the textures. And its called night from what Ive seen on the net, but it wont load when i put it in the map properties.....
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-04 23:43:40 UTC Post #244997

09, not o9.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2008-02-04 23:47:33 UTC Post #244998
yeah, it was a typo, but either way, the sky wont load. Or do I need to put sky_day01_09 in the map properties? In place of "night"?
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