brush bug Created 16 years ago2008-03-14 09:35:04 UTC by Skals Skals

Created 16 years ago2008-03-14 09:35:04 UTC by Skals Skals

Posted 16 years ago2008-03-14 09:35:04 UTC Post #247663
Theres a strange bug in my map :(

For some reason a little bit of this brush for some reason has been cut out, and you can see a bit of the sky there.
User posted image
when i shoot at it, i can feel the brush is still there coz i cant shoot trough it, but why has a bit of it disapeared? and its not like carved either coz u cant see the sides of it. help :(
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-14 10:00:34 UTC Post #247665
First of all, make sure you're not playing in Software mode.

Second, check if the brush in question has been vertex manipulated. If so, make sure that the brush is valid.

Third, check your log file for anything suspicious.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-14 11:28:45 UTC Post #247666
First: Im playing on open gl :)

Second: Ive got no errors, and the brushes are healthy 6 faced cubes :P

Third: I didnt really get any errors but light_glow errors... cant really fix those, its the fgd's fault i think, or the zhlt.

Im also running this map on no vis. might that be the problem?

Its rly strange cuz nothing like this happened before, it just popped up unexpectedly :(
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-14 11:52:53 UTC Post #247667
Im also running this map on no vis. might that be the problem?
Im pretty sure that is the problem. Its never a good idea to skip Vis, instead, compile with -fast vis. If you just need to look at architecture or entity setups, you can turn of Rad to speed up the compile process, but never should you skip Vis.

So compile with -fast or normal vis to see if that does anything.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-14 12:01:34 UTC Post #247668
Edit: Ah dam ive got two of these:

Warning: Leaf portals saw into leaf
Problem at portal between leaves 1775 and 1765:
   (200.000 588.000 400.000)
(200.000 588.000 0.000)
(268.000 600.000 0.000)
(268.000 600.000 461.000)
(264.474 599.378 463.644)
(263.379 599.184 463.379)
Should i just replace those two brushes?
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-14 12:11:54 UTC Post #247669
No, you can generally ignore those as they won't affect overall performance of your map.

Note that the numbers you see (1775 and 1765) are not brush numbers, but leafs. Its hard to explain what they are.

Take a look at this tutorial to see what its all about: Leafs, what are they? Im doing the same.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-14 12:30:18 UTC Post #247670
so basically, leafs are only the parts of a brush that you can see ingame?

i compoled with rad and i think theyre still there. so these leaf errors arent the problem?
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-15 17:27:09 UTC Post #247699
Ok, i avoided that error and it seems to work fine... but now i get this:

Error: Exceeded MAX_PATCHES
Description: The map has a problem which must be fixed
Howto Fix: Check the file ZHLTProblems.html for a detailed explanation of this problem

:( :(
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-15 20:53:37 UTC Post #247703
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-15 21:00:36 UTC Post #247705
Use -sparse and you should never run into a MAX_PATCHES error again.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-15 21:08:57 UTC Post #247706
Have you been using func_wall to optimise your map btw?
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-15 23:47:33 UTC Post #247709
have you tried to rebuild that portion of the map? Are you using NULL textures?

And only use -sparse if you get that error. Don't use it all the time as it lowers quality and increases compile times.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-16 05:13:09 UTC Post #247712
Ummm... i have alot of func walls but most of the brushes in my map are normal... i think i know the cause. i made a box around my map... ill try to remove that without leeks
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-17 01:39:59 UTC Post #247742
And only use -sparse if you get that error. Don't use it all the time as it lowers quality
It does?
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-18 00:50:29 UTC Post #247760
It does. The compile tools has this limit of something around 30000 patches (don't quote me on that). -sparse will allow the compiler to break this limit which gives the compiler much more work to do (add around 25% extra time) and also means the map has much more to load and will increase the r_speeds a bit. How much depends. It also means that because there are more patches then it has to work out which patch has what light and which overlap. This may or may not mean shadows look strange in some places. I have had this from using -sparse. I didn't have it when I cut out that portion and compiled it separately. (Note that mapping design can influence the outcome of any event in HL)
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-22 11:13:18 UTC Post #247874
so how exactly do i turn -sparse on?
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-22 11:42:12 UTC Post #247875
you can add "-sparse" (no quotes) under RAD compile paramaters in the expert compile, or in Batch Compiler under the RAD tab, check the VIS Matrix box and choose "Sparse" on the drop-down menu.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-22 14:02:50 UTC Post #247877
is there any tutorial on how to do it... because im fken confused. theres no rad in expert, and the light one doesnt have any sparse shit thing
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-22 14:08:52 UTC Post #247878
Use my Compilator. Activating sparse is as easy as pie.
Simply goto to the Rad tab and check the sparse box, as seen here:
User posted image
Its an old screenshot, but the sparse checkbox is still there.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-22 14:11:53 UTC Post #247879
heh. and where can i get ur compilator?... i didnt not find it in ur web
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-22 14:20:08 UTC Post #247880

And it is on my website under "Projects".
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-22 15:17:53 UTC Post #247881
Muzz, ur tool Rocks :) i love the way the seconds remaining and the procent is shown. you can tell if its froze or not, or if you have to wait long or not :)) love you!! :P
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-22 15:25:30 UTC Post #247882
i love the way the seconds remaining and the procent is shown.
Its just a parameter thats doing that: Estimate, which i enabled by default.
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-22 16:12:20 UTC Post #247883
its smiple but cool. well it still takes alot of time, but i can atleast tell if its working.

edit: lol ive been waiting an hour now for hlvis to load :P at 70%
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-22 22:55:07 UTC Post #247885
I use batch compiler for the same thing :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-22 23:58:13 UTC Post #247892
Did you try a cordon compile?
Omg and i live by the compilator. :)

AND muzz,
Take a look at this tutorial to see what its all about: Leafs, what are they? Im doing the same.
that tutorial is b0rked. I tried to email the dude but i guess his email doesnt exist anymore.. here's what i was GOING to say to him

in one part quoted here ::

BSP separates this map into 3 leafs (cells) and 2 portals which the next diagram(the PLAN view) demonstrates,


Says there are 3 leafs and 2 portals
YET the text below the gray box says otherwise:


The red boxes are the leafs while the blue boxes are the portals.The generated *.prt file looks like,
4 0 1 (352 -240 -448 ) (352 -384 -448 ) (352 -384 -384 ) (352 -240 -384 )
4 1 2 (288 -240 -448 ) (288 -384 -448 ) (288 -384 -384 ) (288 -240 -384 )

The following information can be extracted from the *.prt,
* On the second line 3 indicates the number of portals in the level.
* On the next line 2 indicates the number of leafs in the level.

So up top it says there's 3 leafs and 2 portals
But down bottom it says there's 2 leafs and 3 portals.

I'm confused.

so.. yeah
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 16 years ago2008-03-23 06:49:29 UTC Post #247909
lol my map was goan compile for 5 hours... i canceled it rofl. ill try again now
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
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