I have been using Crafty for about a year now, and it never has crashed on me. Now, I don't have Half-Life, Counter Strike or any other source or non source PC game installed on my computer. I do all of my gaming on the Xbox360. It is true when I load up a .bsp file with Crafty, that most of the time, none of the textures are there. Now, there are a few times where I come across a map where, when I load it up on Crafty, it does have most, if not, all the textures!
Why is this? Simple, the person who did said map, used his own, custom textures on the map, therefore, the compiled .bsp map comes with it's own set of textures. I figure about 1 in 20 or so maps are like this. As an example of one of these custom textured maps, download one of, let's say....Rimrook's maps, then open it with Crafty, and you will see that a fully textured, real time 3D rendering will show up on Crafty.
Of course, the main reason I use Crafty in the first place, is it's ability to convert and save the .bsp map as a Wavefront Object model (.obj). Once converted to the .obj format, I will then import it in to my copy of Deep Exploration, where I will then save it as a VRML2 world file (.wrl), which I of course, will be using on my special little Half-Life/VRML website: www.virtualhl.info I have seen other people save the map to the Direct X format (.x), and then use it in other non-Valve 3D game engines.