Over 512 entitys Created 16 years ago2008-06-10 17:08:44 UTC by raver raver

Created 16 years ago2008-06-10 17:08:44 UTC by raver raver

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-10 17:08:44 UTC Post #251104
Hello, I got a map with more then 512 entitys. But it runs perfectly, and nobody got problems with it. And no errors when im compiling.

Could you guys give me as much as possible information about more then 512 entitys? I dont want to delete some stuff.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-10 17:10:33 UTC Post #251105
I don't get it.

If you have over 512 entities, and it works fine, then what is the problem?
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-10 17:11:06 UTC Post #251106
Why? Is there a limit?

(If so, I dunno.. never have run into it.)

If there's not a limit.. then by all means, add more :>

Source handles mass amounts of entities well.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-10 17:15:21 UTC Post #251107
As I know 512 is the limit, or its a old think and im not aware it changed in the engine. But some other maps got problems but they also got 512+ entitys.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-10 17:55:35 UTC Post #251108
There are definitely limits to the engine, considering entities:

HL engine limits for ALL entitys: 2048
HL in-game temporary entity engine limit (part of the 2048?). Used for breakables, sparks, gibs, ect.: 500
data memory limit for entitys: 0.5M
MAX_MAP_ENTITIES Compiling tools limit for ALL editor placed entitys in a level, incuding brush, models, sprites & point entitys like lights (mod limits may vary a bit lower): 2048
MAX_ENGINE_ENTITIES (light, light_spot and light_environment entities that have either a targetname or a style attached to them (ie. all switchable lighting in the map).: 1024
compiling tools sub-limit of brush based entitys (part of the 2048): 400
possible model & sprite entitys sub-limit (part of the 2048?): 400
specialty entity limits: various

From http://www.slackiller.com/tommy14/errors.htm
The Mad Carrot The Mad CarrotMad Carrot
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-10 20:18:25 UTC Post #251109
I always like how everything in HL is a factor of 8 :P
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-10 21:20:45 UTC Post #251111
That's the 'nature' of games and computer hardware.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-13 09:52:11 UTC Post #251206
yeah...most of the time powers of 2.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-13 10:12:49 UTC Post #251207
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary code and those who don't.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-13 13:57:57 UTC Post #251211
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary code and those who don't.
I lol'd, does that mean I have no life? D:
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-13 14:53:10 UTC Post #251214
yea, I was going to try to make a tiny coloured sprite for ever pixel in a photo, then have it fly around, never did it though.. it would get incredible boring! I'll try it with a small thumbnail sized pic eventually. if I can ever get half-life up and going on my pc.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
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