Respawn after kill Created 16 years ago2008-06-20 13:38:26 UTC by raver raver

Created 16 years ago2008-06-20 13:38:26 UTC by raver raver

Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 13:38:26 UTC Post #251635
Mod: Counter-Strike

Is it possible to auto-respawn after a player fall to death, without restarting the game ofcourse, and with 100hp.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 13:54:36 UTC Post #251636
Just make it teleport him.

They'll fall, think they're gonna die, but then they get teleported to a certain location.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 14:08:55 UTC Post #251638
Well its not that way. I dont know if you are fimiliar with a jumpbug in counterstrike. A JB is a duck+jump combination, when you fall down from a high distance, and you make a JB the HL1 engine dont register you hitted the ground. So you wont lose any damage.

You need to jump down and hold duck, when you are 4 units above the ground you need to release duck and at the SAME moment you need to press jump. At this time the engine wont register you hitted the ground. So you dont lose any damage.

Im making a jump bug map. Now, its easy to finish it. I made a killer to 1 hp. But when you have 1 hp you only have 1 try to make a jumbbug. And thats really hard. With 100hp, you got allot change because you just cant fall and do nothing. You only lose some hp. So the effect of a JB is gone.

When I place a teleport trigger, and you do a jump bug. The teleporter dont work, same as on the ground. The engine dont register the player hitting the trigger. Now one problem solved, but when you are done with the jumb bug. The engine begins to register the player again and you will get teleported.

Now, I need to find a way to disable the teleported after the jump bug. You are 2 units above the ground when you make a jb. But I cant find a right way. Maby a challenge for somebody?
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 14:16:53 UTC Post #251639
I think I understand.

So you basically want it so if they don't make it successfully to the floor below (which means they die), then they will get teleported, or spawn, to where they were at.

But if they DO make it, you don't want them moved, which a teleporter will do regardless if they make it or not, meaning a regular tele setup will not work.

That's a tough one.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 14:30:11 UTC Post #251640
  • I cant edit my first post, why not *
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 15:06:37 UTC Post #251641
I kind of have something in mind, but its a bit sloppy and annoying.
If you make each jump do a maximum of 99 damage, setting the jump so it can't do more than that, then make the teleporter, teleport you to a box on that same level, with a teleporter that leads back up, and a door-frame with a trigger_hurt in front of it that does like, say 50 damage, and another outside the door to restore the health, the players that didn't make it would be forced to commit suicide or teleport back up and heal to try that one again...

if that makes sense?
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 17:27:43 UTC Post #251644
That makes sense.

Hurt them enough to where they won't want to continue without the risk of being killed the next jump. However, the only way to gain health would be to start over at the jump they just failed.

I kinda like that idea.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 18:45:52 UTC Post #251647
I want a way that the player has unlimited attemps. And when he made it the teleporter gets disabled. So he can go to the next stage.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 18:52:50 UTC Post #251648
And thus that idea would work. Why would you want to kill yourself? Unless you could somehow check to see player's health is below 50, don't let them move.

Even more simple, you wouldn't need to teleport them, just make them have to jump into that room, with the teleporter back up, and the trigger hurt and such...
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 18:57:23 UTC Post #251649
saw, I think you dont understand it. Read some posts after my first post. Sadly I cant edit my first post. So its a little bit weird. And I belive I dont need to make a second thread. so read my first reply on this topic
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 19:05:16 UTC Post #251651
Im just saying an alternative to teleportation or die would be to let them have 100, but the fall be far enough that it would damage them too much to continue on if they didnt do it right. Then they would have to teleport back up using a close by teleporter, or if they made it correctly, go through a door-way with a 50+ damage trigger hurt and then go to a trigger-hurt with a negative value to heal themselves and continue on their way.

Because in my eyes, there is no possibly way to make a teleporter teleport someone before they die, without teleporting everyone else.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-20 19:21:29 UTC Post #251653
Saw is right, the way you want is impossible in the Counter Strike engine.

The only way I can see it being done is the way he describes.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 03:26:05 UTC Post #251682
There's tons of plugins that do this for AMXX. Look for any plugins designed for climbing map servers. That's the best you'll have.
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-21 10:38:00 UTC Post #251687
@ World Crafter , sorry but on lan it isnt allowed to use such kind of plugins. Only on public servers. Im well known in the kz scene, I know that kind of stuff :P

thnx all!
Posted 16 years ago2008-06-22 00:09:32 UTC Post #251724
I don't know why you would think that a LAN runs any differently from a non LAN server, because they don't. Install AMXX and use a respawn plugin.
If you're as popular as you say, then you should have enough experience in mapping to know that AMXX is the only solution.
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