Project: Mobius - MiniMod for The Specia Created 16 years ago2008-08-15 15:54:45 UTC by Don Punch Don Punch

Created 16 years ago2008-08-15 15:54:45 UTC by Don Punch Don Punch

Posted 16 years ago2008-08-15 16:01:39 UTC Post #253819
Project: Mobius
User posted image
Project is currently at apx 70% completion.

This is a Role-Playing project for The Specialist. My last Goldsource project. :(

I have come up with a map idea and new project all in one. There was an old plugin by Hawk552 called linkmod, Smokes also made a progeam that was similar.

Linkmod was a plugin that made a hardcoded NPC that would send you to another server, smokes version was the same thing, except no npc, you just entered a chat command (/travel or something). The 2 or more servers where then connected to the same sql database ( open the ports for that server to share sql ).

The result was 2+ maps/servers with the same playerbase and economy. This is where Project: Mobius comes into play. I was thinking of hosting a US server linked with the AussieRP server.

...But that is only the begining.........

The new map(s)

The main thing that will make Project: Mobius unique will be the map(s)

This is what I have in mind so far.

Space Station in Deep Space orbiting a planet with a moon

4 Seperate Area's
-Space Station
-2 planet surface areas connected: 1 high tech, high class. the other "mole-people"/natives, poorer

2 Maps
-1 map containing Space Station and moon
-1 map containing The Planet

2 Servers
  • 1 hosting the Space Station/Moon Map
  • 1 hosting the Planet Map

Map Spawning points

Each section will have a spawn area, it will be an OOC room of sorts.

There will be doors with transporters in them, with key access either being jobid releated, or if possible make an item that can act as a key for certain doors.

This is how I have imagined the layout.

Space Station

Transporter Room - teleports you to the moon teleportation room
Shuttle Bay - Can fly you to the moon, or link you to the other server in mid flight to send you to the planet


Transporter Room - Teleports you to the Space Stations teleportation room
Shuttle Bay - Can fly you to the Space Station, or link you to the other server in mid flight to send you to the planet

Planet area A

Transporter Room - Teleports you to the other side of the planet ( Planet Area B )
Shuttle Bay - Flys you up into the sky and then links you to the other server ( spawn point is the moon )
Tram - Underground train connecting the 2 factions of the planet

Planet area B

Transporter Room - Teleports you to the other side of the planet ( Planet Area A )
Shuttle Bay - Flys you up into the sky and then links you to the other server ( spawn point is the moon )
Tram - Underground train connecting the 2 factions of the planet

Spawning point on Planet Surface
I had planned on making an OOC room to spawn in with 2 doors and a job NPC
-1 door leading to 1 side of planet, 1 door to the other
-NPC would give the job of native, or worker ( this would allow them to get a job/door access on arrival to server )

Spawn point on Space Station/ Moon Base
I have planned on making the spawn area here in the Moon Base
-The teleporter Room will be ajoined to the Shuttle Bay
-Teleporter will be behind clear "Energey Door"
-NPC offering jobs of Worker, Native, and Miner
-Moon Base will be an open area with the mining area prohibited to job access

Space Station:
-Living Quarters
-Galley (food hall)
-Security HQ
-Medical Bay

-Mid range Living quarters
-Food Area
-Hi tech Facility
-Underground mining facility

Planet Area A (Hi-Tech District, Rich Area)
-Hi End Everything
-Scientist Facility
-Hi End Living Quarters
-No Food store ( they have to travel or have a runner get food for the rich area )

Planet Area B ( Natives Land, Poor Area )
-Shanties / hobbels
-Diner ( part of farms )


RP overview

There will be some interesting aspects to the RP also.

For 1 there will be seperate goverments for each area, with the Space Station being the 'Supream Goverening Entitiy'.

There will be local governements for the moon, and each district on the planet. They will have to rely heavly on trade, as only certain area's have medical and technology, and others have the food.

The mines on the moon will have a mineral that is needed for the factorys and hi tech facilitys, that without them their respective NPC's will shut down and they will be out of business until they have more.

It will provide more RP in the since of a global economy, and ensuring that all area's on both servers are heavly used.

There will also be the ability for each of the planet area's to raid each others Supply depot and steal their minerals, food, or weapons. If the planet can get a force stronge enough, either through alling themself with the other side, or just gaining numbers, they will be able to raid the moon, or even take over control of a differnt district on the planet.

The Space Staion will act as a Police Force globaly, but will not be concerned with the simple affairs of the planet ( robberies and simple things ). They will however patrol the factories and hi tech area's to protect their profits, and ensure the <insert sci-fi name here> will survive in the galexy.

I have recruited many people to help work on this.
-Custom modelers ( make a whole set of models, from natives to space station crew )
-Custom modelers ( map models )
-Custom Textures
-Custom skybox
-Custom Sounds and Music
-Help with RP Plot and Cannon
-Mapping help -General Ideas and support
-Testing Crew, bug finders


Some teasers of the work completed.(not all pictures are final product, some changes will still occure)

Engineering Deck on the Space Station
User posted image
Top of the military base on the planet map
User posted image
Some new models, and some reskins
User posted image
Links to Project: Mobius

Website -

Forums -
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-15 19:06:55 UTC Post #253828
This sounds interesting and ambitious. The main issue being the servers. Your going to need some powerful machines to run them 24/7 not to mention the cost of running them as well.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-15 19:36:08 UTC Post #253833
I already have a couple offers for hosting. 1 of the servers, AussieRP will most likely be one of the host, and either myself, or one of the other people offering will be the host for another map.

Also, just another peice of info about this project...

Every single piece of this will become open source as soon as it is completed. That includes:

all scripts
all sql tables
and the development section of my forums will all be open to the public after we are done.

The team I have has been working great, and the effort of the last couple months should pay off when released.

I would invite all of you who are interested in this kind of gaming (RP) to follow this minimod and nake it by the servers. It should prove to be quite fun. There are already 50+ people that are waiting for release, so there will be an instant community on the servers.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-15 21:41:57 UTC Post #253840
I might give this a look when its complete. Keep us posted.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-28 13:38:30 UTC Post #254642
Project is at apx 85% now. I am striving to have it opened by this weekend.

In the meantime, we have opened up the RP forums, so if you would like to know the plot and history of the senario we will be playing in, come on over to the forums and check it out. We are also now accepting apps for admins, job apps, and org apps (if you are new to RP, there will be a guide also).

If you are interested in checking it out, here is the link.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-28 14:06:58 UTC Post #254643
This idea for setting up this minimod, and having it in a world where you can travel between servers, is original, and sounds very complicated.

Ill be excited to see the turnout! :D
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-28 14:53:37 UTC Post #254646
But it is NOT it has been done before.

Just what is new are the maps.

Good luck! I had some fun rping back in the day!

But im not sure about the "release it afterwards"
You know there will come several replica server and "look alike maps" and stuff...

Btw where do you live and where will the server be hosted ?
I hope not in America :P

edit: so we can use funny robo models ? I would love to be grey fox =)
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-28 15:51:15 UTC Post #254648
Yes, I am in America, but that doesn't mean that is where it will be hosted.

One of the main features is the linking of 2 servers in different locations, so it is relativly low ping on one of the servers for anyone.

As for the funny models, yes, as long as it is relative to the senario, you can use anything you want.

We have posted a joblist on the forums now too, so you can start planing out your character now if you wanted to.

As for releasing it, the reason I will be doing this, is to give the TS(RP) community a parting gift so to speak. I will really only be playing on these maps for about 2 weeks, making sure there are enough admins and everything is running smoothly (also making any updates to the maps as needed). The reason I will only be playing it for a short time, is because I have a SIngle Player Source Mod that I will be starting on ( more on that later).
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-28 15:57:41 UTC Post #254649
Well, I live in europe - germany ... ^^
As soon as the server is up and the ping "okay", will apply as an admin I think :P

I think i see Natural selection Textures...
they are copyrighted and are not allowed to be used in other mods.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-28 17:33:19 UTC Post #254653
copyrighted textures for free mods? thats unheard of.

Anyways, copyright laws only are applicable if you are trying to sell something. This map is not for sell, and is not being used to make a profit in any way at all. The forums associated with them do not even have ad banners, or membership fee/services.

I do make sure to give proper credit for anyones textures I do use though in 2 ways:

1) a nice long txt file
2) a custom texture in the map with credits listed on it.

You can make a huge texture with credits and put it on a 1x1 face so it can be imbeded with the bsp file. You don't even have to scale it to fit, just use a part of it, and the whole texture is saved.
Posted 16 years ago2008-08-29 09:24:20 UTC Post #254698
well, just wanted to let you know they don't want the wads used in other mods :P

so dont kill me ^^
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-22 06:51:41 UTC Post #255920
Well, after more compiling errors and retrys than ever befor ( surprized I still have any hair left ), Project: Mobius / MobiusRP has been completed.

As of yesterday the 2 servers have been purchased, and the plug-ins installed. There was a slight delay on Grande Opening because of some SQL error's, but that is all fixed now.

The servers will be opening up tomorrow/today mid to late afternoon (noon - 4pm C.S.T. GMT -6). It will be a lot of fun duiring the "intro senario" we have planed.

With over 100 people already in the community, it should prove to be a very busy and interesting experience. For those of you hwo have not heard of us yet, or visited our forums, now is the time to register and get an idea of what we are doing.

I will be posting the map and related files here at a later date ( when a final version is ready, including rmf files ), but for now, I will release the model pack we have made for this mini mod here.

Pack includes weapon models and sounds, and player models that players will be using on the servers.;11859080;/fileinfo.html - file is a self extracting rar file, you can open with winrar also if you dont like exe files.

The MobiusRP forums
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