Hammer 3.x => Hammer 3.5 Created 16 years ago2008-09-01 16:23:21 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Created 16 years ago2008-09-01 16:23:21 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 16:54:25 UTC Post #254835
I just started source mapping and right off the bat i'm becoming a bit agitated. (a bad day to run out of cigarettes) I searched the forum but didn't find these items addressed. (is it me or the god-awful search function?) List of questions so far:

-the back clipping plane distance is soooo short. Even turned all the way up, i can barely see an eighth of my map and {it is not a big map). Is there some way to make the clipping distance larger? Seemed like in hammer 3.x you could view the whole editing space if you wanted.

-No shift rotate for 15 degree rotations?

-you have to be logged on to steam to edit your maps... how fucking stupid, and my offline mode fails almost every fucking time i try it.

-Stupidly long Compile times for a stupidly small map. wtf? i could compile the most absurdly complicated map on my old machine in under 10 minutes and this is taking 5 minutes to compile an almost empty box of nothing? What the goddamn fuck? :rawr:

-Hide selected/hide unselected/show-all: there is no fucking show-all button!?

I don't want to go backward, and retreat to the comfort/familiarity of goldsource mapping, but PLEASE tell me there are some fixes for some of the above mentioned!?


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:04:13 UTC Post #254836
  • the clipping distance is fine to me. remember that hammer 4 editing space is 8 times larger than hammer 3.5's.
  • the only way around this is to set "default to 15 degrees" in 'options > 2d views', and hold alt when you don't want 15 degree rotation. you can also use the 'right-click > transform' option to rotate it on the xyz axes any number of degrees you want.
  • delete clientregistry.blob. offline mode steam is terribly buggy so it might not do anything.
  • i can compile an empty box of nothing (with no rad) in about 2 seconds. but remember that source is more complicated than goldsource, so compile times will be longer. take advantage of the fast vis and rad options.
  • i don't know what this is. if you're talking about visgroups, hammer 4 visgroups are much better than 3.5 and you should be using them.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:15:52 UTC Post #254837
1. I dunno.. Mine's always been just fine so that's a bit wierd.

2. Tools>Options>2D Views>Options>Default to 15 degree rotations

It works sort of opposite from what you're saying but I prefer it over your way. It does 15 degree rotations normally, and you hold shift to get the in between stuff.

3. It is a bit annoying, yeh; Even the SDK takes a bit to load for not really any reason.

4. Long compile times are part of the 'better lighting'. Punch intentional leaks into the map and turn it on fast, and it helps.. Even with leaks you can have good non-fullbright lighting now. Just make sure sv_cheats 1 and mat_fullbright 0 is on.

5. The Show-all button is now User posted image

Edit: Aww.. PB got it first :(
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:20:22 UTC Post #254838
Grimreafer, purposefully preventing VIS from compiling properly by leaking your map is a stupid idea.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:24:27 UTC Post #254839
-wow it doesn't seem 8-times larger but I'll take your word for it. (maybe also it's a video card driver issue?) And when i said empty box i didn't mean literally, but maybe only 35 brushes and light takes almost 10 minutes. I shudder to think how long a real map will take...

The hide/unhide/show all is using visgroups but not naming them. I always disabled the filter control window (and the other stuff on the right side of the window) to give me more viewable space. I always felt it was also much simpler than using named visgroups anyway, but whatevs.

If this annoying bullshit continues i just might have to stick with goldsource for eternity and start cutting myself again...


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:26:03 UTC Post #254840
I guess I should've mentioned I only do that if i'm feeling impatient. Usually I dont mind the compile time though.

Its fine for small things though.. checking out little changes that dont matter that much in the long run.
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:28:07 UTC Post #254841
Post your pc specs
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:29:17 UTC Post #254842
well actually it's 64 times larger but it's 8 times larger on each side.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:31:50 UTC Post #254843
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:36:23 UTC Post #254844
Try increasing the lightmap grid of large surface area's.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:43:35 UTC Post #254845
No idea what that means but i'll check it out.

And the list of complaints continues:

-There is no shortcut to "Center 3D views on selection" and i need to use this all the time to orient myself in the the 3D window, plus unfalingly every goddamn time i open a new map, because it ALWAYS centers on empty black space for me.

I'd almost prefer using 3dsmax to this...I guess i'll have to get used to it if i want to map for source, yet i don't have to like it...


Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:47:36 UTC Post #254846
that doesn't happen if you use the orange box hammer. besides, all you have to do is choose it from the view menu so it's not that hard :/

seriously, if these little things make you want to give up source, then you're just looking for an excuse. stop fussing over the trivial matters and make some fucking displacements!
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:57:40 UTC Post #254847
I don't think i'm looking for an excuse... i've been waiting to map for source ever since it came out. I'm just highly pissed when a new version of a an application doesn't provide at least the same functionality of the previous version, much less take away whole fucking features. :\

what is orange box hammer?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 17:57:44 UTC Post #254848
select orange box from the engine drop down menu and then pick ep2. now you can use orange box hammer.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 18:00:51 UTC Post #254849
I have the same problem with the long compile time ( maybe muzzeh knows what I'm talkingabout ... ) . Even switched on fast , it takes more than 30 minutes ( well , the map is huge but extremely simple and with 10-15 lights , but I have a dual core 3.20 ghz wtf .... )
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-01 18:15:16 UTC Post #254850
Up the lightmap scale of large surface area's.

Simply select one or more faces with the texture application tool (In Hammer 4 this is called the Face Edit Sheet) and look for the lightmap setting.

The default value is 16. Increasing this number should reduce compile times, but you'll get less smooth shadows, so do this only on large faces where shadows are less important to your map.

More info here: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Lightmap
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 14:32:55 UTC Post #254873
Wow now that i've found all my goldsource editing tools work on my x64 vista machine--I totally thought they wouldn't--, i guess i'm not pigeon-holed into mapping for source, but i would really don't want to waste my time mapping for a dying engine. I hope i have the patience, and Hammer 4 does not push me over the bullshit threshold too soon. :/

(preface: i want to thank everyone for being helpful and putting up with my rants so far. I hope i get used to the new quirks sooner than later. thanks for allowing me to vent. = ) )

And the list continues...

-Fun with window states!

I remove the texture bar from the right toolbar from the "View" menu using the "Screen Elements" thingie, and every fucking time i open texture properties, fucking presto! Hammer restores the texture bar right back for no reason.

I mean why even have screen elemtents toggle if Hammer just magically restores them at will? What. The. Goddamn. Fuck?! (turning hammer off/on does the same thing as some kind of sweet bonus, which is pretty cool i'm not guna lie)
-They carried Carving over from 3.x to 4!!

Wow what a crucical function that i used all the time in 3.x... I mean, wtf would i do without the goddamn carving utility!!!

I mean, they remove crucial functions and optionality i took advantage of on a constant basis, but they keep the fucking carving. Carving: the worst, most stupidest, most useless piece of flaming dogshit to ever grace an editor on twenty habitated worlds. I mean, why woudln't they?
I have to ask now, is hammer 4 open source or is there any way i can edit the functions!? I'll totally learn to code just to add some functions like the show-all button, and some other things. Totally serious.

Is there a bitch list that valve pays attention too tha they might actually update it? I really fucking doubt they'll listen to anything i have to say, but whatevs i'll try.

<turns off hammer 4 again, disgusted, and contimplates going to the doctor for anti-pissed-turn-happy pills. :raving rant rawr: >
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 14:53:13 UTC Post #254881
The only Hammer function im never gonna use again is the Carve Tool. Manual ftw.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 15:33:23 UTC Post #254886
hey muzz do you know if there is something registry-based i could do in vista to maybe fix some of this stuff?! (or any other ideas to customize the interface for that matter)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 16:01:22 UTC Post #254891
you're doing it again - all because there's carving in it? big deal, just don't use it.
i admit that hammer 4 stinks in a big way and that's unavoidable. hammer 3 stinks too - you just have to get used to the different stink.
during the christmas break i'm going to attempt to make my own hammer alternative (i've been thinking about doing this for a while). there's a 99% chance nothing will come out of it, but you never know.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 16:16:05 UTC Post #254892
Holy shit-awsomeness i hope you do. you could really do that?

and i don't give a fuck if carving is there or not, i was simply demonstrating the gayness of the designers removing useful functions and leaving hot garbage like said carving.

I thought hammer 3.x was quite perfect btw. Maybe i just got super-used to it, but i had no problem with it or all the errors and leaks most people complain about, though i'll admit it is a bit buggy.

Anyway i've been using hammer 4 for about an hour now and haven't found any new things shitty (yet). That grouping thing and the texture properties is really pissing me off still, but i'm trying really hard to adjust myself.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 16:24:49 UTC Post #254894
during the christmas break i'm going to attempt to make my own hammer alternative
Holy shit, this means 3D preview window?!
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 16:31:59 UTC Post #254896
lol like "render" for 3ds max or are you making a twister reference lol?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 16:34:09 UTC Post #254897
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 16:36:44 UTC Post #254898
Twister, i'm guessing. Why would that mean a 3D preview window?
edit: Twister discussion should really go in the Twister thread >_>
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 17:30:20 UTC Post #254900
If i'm using the SDK and put my system on standby, when i come back my native resolution (1600x1000) is changed to 1024x768. Is this my computer/gfx drivers or is this another Hammer 4 quirk?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 17:32:46 UTC Post #254901
I have tons of nitpicks with Source Hammer as well...

1) In Goldsrc Hammer you hold down shift to rotate in 15 degree increments. In Source they already go in those increments and shift (or is it alt, I don't remember much about the horrible program) is for "free" rotation. Just an inversion of my preference but still.

2) ESC in the 3D view doesn't orient you north anymore.

3) Ugly compile logs. Valve's to blame, then again the original HL compilers weren't that tidy either.

4) Is there a way to turn off tenths-of-units? At least so that I can clip and drag brushes easily without having to resort to the grid?

5) Ugly new logo. Good job Valve.

6) SOURCE SDK TAKES FOREVER TO LOAD! "Hi, I'm going to assume you're an idiot so instead of letting you make your own game configs I'm going to spend 3 minutes trying to detect your crap. PPPPRRROOOOOOCCCCEEEEESSSSSIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG."

All that aside, 3D preview window for Twister would be neat, but I wouldn't ever kill you over one.
Posted 16 years ago2008-09-02 19:57:27 UTC Post #254905
Found a fix in a fpsbanana tutorial for the camera reorienting into nothingness land when you open your map, mentioned earlier, by using a camera.

Hit the camera button and place/move a camera to the center of your map. then aim it straight down and above the center of your level, or where ever you want it to point.

From now on when you open the map it should remember the last spot your camera was looking at (as long as you saved) and not to the edge of the grid and emptly space land! This saves you a step by not having to drop the view menu and click "center on 3d selection" every time you open your map.

I think you can reorient back to that camera view at any time, but i don't know how to do that yet! (if somebody knows more about cameras, please post!)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
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